The Ling Tian alliance will be defeated.

Although Longxuan Monkey and Athena have been fighting desperately, they still can't resist defeat.



The chaotic bell rang, all over the Great Wall.

But Qin Mingyue under the chaotic clock looked pale and slowly fell.

She just received the Essence of Metal blow.

Although as a Supreme Divine Item, Chaos Clock is intact, but Qin Mingyue's battle strength is not strong.

Shocked by Essence of Metal, her Divine Spark almost loosened at this time.


Ling Hanxun, Ling Fan and other children were shocked.

Qin Mingyue is the queen of God World, and even their mother. Since Ling Tian took the charge of the world, who would dare to hurt Qin Mingyue?

The children were shocked, but they couldn't get away if they wanted to save Qin Mingyue.


At this time, Ling Hanxun ignored himself and was dropped by that strong stick on the face of the law, and by having the Human Sovereign tripod protector, he would protect Qin Mingyue Take it.


Ling Hanxun is also a mouthful of blood spurted, but she does not care about her injuries and uses divine force to wake Qin Mingyue.

"Mother, are you okay!"

"It's okay." Qin Mingyue shook her head.

Human Sovereign Tripod and Chaos Clock, hovering above the heads of the two women, rise again.

That Qiangliang and Xiaoshou also came one after another.

"Hehe, the wives of two Three Purities, but deep in love!"

"So, on Yellow Springs Road, you also happen to go together!"

Lin Shui gave a grinning laugh, and looked at each other with that Qiangliang, and then the two roots fell again.

Even if there are two Divine Item blessings, but after a few times, Qin Mingyue and Ling Hanxun will still die in the Divine Item.

"Dare to move my mother and my sister, I Ling Fan, and you are irreconcilable!"

Ling Fan, who was seriously injured a long time ago, roared desperately in the battlefield below, trying to rush Fight out in the middle of the siege.

All Saint Sovereign also watched the two original divine ability fall, and exclaimed.

In any case, Qin Mingyue and Ling Hanxun can't be involved.

Otherwise, no one can bear the consequences.



But at this moment, a thunder suddenly fell on the Great Wall.

Thunder Mansions swept, mixed with the extremely powerful purple thunder Source Power, to smooth everything out.

Under this thunder, the original divine ability of the harvest and the strong was wiped out in an instant!

Rescued Qin Mingyue and Ling Hanxun.


Startled with the harvest and the strong.

Because the thunder that came suddenly did not dissipate after destroying their divine ability.

The two ancestral witches took out divine ability again, and they were shaken back for a hundred miles before they stopped.

Such a tyrannical power of divine ability, before, I am afraid that only the queen can do it.

"Xun'er, mother-in-law!"

A figure suddenly appeared in front of Ling Hanxun, blocking the two women behind him.

Purple hair and purple pupils, all over the body, and purple thunder wandering.

This is not Shen Xiaoyao, who is it?

"Husband, you are finally out, very good!"

Ling Hanxun almost cried with joy.

She has always been strong and indifferent, but at that moment, she realized the feeling of no one to protect.

"I'm late."

Shen Xiaoyao bit his lip. If he takes a few breaths later, everything will be consigned to eternal damnation. !

"Don't worry, no one can touch you again without me!"

Shen Xiaoyao said, and then slowly got up.

He looked towards Naqishou and Qiangliang.

next moment, the Brahma Dharma is suddenly and more.

It is like a volcanic eruption that has been silent for 100,000 years. The sudden rise of divine might suppresses all the witches in the surrounding several tens of thousands of li in place, unable to move.

The image of Brahma rises, but it is different from before, not only the taller and burly body, but from Four Heads Eight Arms to Five Heads Ten Arms suddenly!

This is almost comparable to the ancient magic body of the Witch Clan!

Moreover, the power blessed by this divine ability to Shen Xiaoyao is even more terrifying.

The thunder storm that has set off, even if it’s the close and strong force, can only retreat again and again.

'How is it possible? "

"This guy, cut it three times?" "

The ancestors and witches are shocked.

Shen Xiaoyao's aura is too strong.

This is right to the Three Realms.

Furthermore, Shen Xiaoyao’s cut to three is different from everyone before.

Such aura is directly comparable to that of the candle nine yin!

"Move my wife, hurt My mother-in-law? "

"You guys, really courting death! "

Shen Xiaoyao, after opening the Brahma Dharma, doesn’t make sense at all.

Ten arms all out, shaking down, grabbing to the back.

"What? "

Shocked in shock.

Raise the weapon, take out Essence of Metal, and resist with all your strength.

But Source Power, before Shen Xiaoyao’s big hand , Shattered into powder like ordinary iron.


The big hand swallowed the huge body.

I don’t know how many witch warriors have been killed behind them.

For a time, the battlefield is quiet.

Because at this moment, they can't sense the breath of the harvest.

With the power of Essence of Metal, as one of the twelve great ancestor witches, could it be that Shen Xiaoyao was hit and killed by the palm of one hand?

This is simply difficult Believe it.

Shen Xiaoyao disappeared in only a year.

Now he can completely surpass the ancestor witch.

Could it be that this is the foundation of Three Purities

Once you cut three, you simply have the strength of Heaven.


At this time, Qiangliang knew the panic.

With his strength, he couldn't resist Shen Xiaoyao for a moment!

Immediately, he turned around and left.

"Want to go? "

"You have to leave it to me! "

But Shen Xiaoyao is now in a rage, how can he let go of this strength?

His big hands are raised, and the heavenly thunder gathers a sharp edge and kills them. Down.


The void is completely torn under this blade.

Thunder is so fast, it swallows that power in an instant.

The ancestor witch did not even exclaim, he was blown up into a mass of ancestral witch energy, and dissipated above the army.

Thunder walked around several tens of thousands of li, once again killed countless witch warriors, and then gradually disappeared.

Two tricks!

Under the two tricks, the ancestor witches directly destroyed two of them.

Simply, just like clay chickens and pottery dogs!

But in an instant, the entire battle was suppressed by Shen Xiaoyao.

The Saint Sovereign of the Ling Tian alliance withdrew all , Only Shen Xiaoyao, one person in front, blocked all the witches.

"Who wants to die? "

Shen Xiaoyao could not become the leader of the alliance before. As Three Purities, Shen Xiaoyao has always blamed himself.

Now, he has beheaded the body, Brahma and Thunder Source. They are all great advances.

The battle strength is superb, even the candle is nine shades, and you are not afraid.

Now, before the Great Wall, it is his turn to control the situation.


"Three Purities of Slashing Three! "

"Fifth brother, now, it seems to be a little troublesome! "

Tianwu’s complexion ashen.

Because now facing Shen Xiaoyao, I actually have the feeling of facing Ling Tian.

It is terrifying.


"What are you afraid of? "

But although Zhu Jiuyin is jealous, he still raises his hand.

"Now, he is Ling Tian God World, only Shen Xiaoyao can fight, why he is afraid of it. ? "

"Come on together, take him down! "

For today's battle, I have already used my best.

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