At this time, Zhao Wuji, who was the main position, had a slightly gloomy expression. He didn't expect that Ling Tian could really be so relaxed and defeated ten second-class guards.

"Hehe, really Heroes come out from the Youth, this Ling Tian, ​​as a new student, has such battle strength, it is really the blessing of my Donggong!"

However, Zhao Wuji His complexion quickly receded, and he patted his palm lightly, and there was a taste of appreciation in his eyes.

Of course, from the depths of this smile, Li Qingcheng saw a trace of coldness.

Zhao Wuji knows that Ling Tian is not his person.

Then Ling Tian is so strong, on his own side, he is doomed to be weak.

"Hehe, it’s not bad. This kid is usually frantic, but there are still two things left. I just don’t know, Wang Ning should fight against it?"

Li Qingcheng glanced behind him , Then said: "Actually, Wang Ning should not fight. I think this kid is enough to be a second-class guard."

"hehe, Commander Li, I am a member of the Wang Family. So persuaded. Others have been bullied. If I should not fight anymore, what face do I have Wang Ning to stay in the East Palace?"

Under the gaze of countless line of sight, behind Zhao Wuji, Wang Ning finally came out.

"Wang Ning moved!"

"He finally couldn't help but want to shoot?"

"There is really a good show here. It has been a long time since Donggong has challenged the first-class guards and succeeded!"

"Yes, I really want to see this time, is this Ling Tian really powerful, or is he abused by Wang Ning!"

As almost the most eye-catching existence in the audience, Wang Ning’s every move will cause turmoil, and now slowly stepping into the Martial Practice Stage, one after another with a burst of heated discussions.

"Wang Ning is finally going to make a move!"

Those Wang Family children are also full of excitement at this moment. In their hearts, Wang Ning is the backer of the East Palace. They I believe that no matter how dark Ling Tian's dark horse is, compared with Wang Ning, it will still be dim!

"Ling Tian, ​​I will definitely regret it later!"

Under the focus of the audience, Wang Ning body moved and reappears, it has been suspended above the field, he Looking condescendingly at the figure below, indifferently said: "Ling Tian, ​​I now give you the last chance to give up directly, otherwise, I will definitely make you pay and taste the pain of the flesh!"

Below, Ling Tian raised his head, but his face slowly raised a cold smile, he stretched out a finger, the voice, also slowly spread, leaving countless people stunned.

"You are too weak!"

The word weak, interprets arrogance and domineering to the most perfect point.

In the Martial Practice Stage, many people’s faces were faintly twitching, and the children of the Wang Family were even more ashamed. This was the first time they saw someone daring to Speak to Wang Ning in this tone!

This exists in their hearts like War God, seems to be in Ling Tian's eyes, but there is no even a little awe, even with contempt, this is to enjoy flattery and respect They are unacceptable,

"Ah! Crown Prince Princess, you..."

However, at this moment, Cao Yan next to him was patted. He lowered his shoulders.

As soon as she was about to get angry, Cui Yan turned around, only to find Crown Prince Concubine Cui Tuer, but she did not know when she was standing behind her.

Furthermore, Cui Tuere didn't even wear a ceremonial guard, and he wore a regular uniform with a veil. If Cui Yan knew Cui Tuer well, most people would simply not recognize the mistress of the East Palace at this time, Crown. Princess Prince!

The people around who are still immersed in the challenge also confirm this.

Cui Rou'er did not carry a guard of honor and entourage, or even a female bodyguard. But behind him was a tall woman who also wore a mask.

"Well, don’t say anything, I’m just coming over with Chenxiang to see the excitement..."

Cui Kuer made a silent gesture to Cui Yan and pulled the person next to him. Woman, sit down beside Cui Yan.

"Agarwood? Why are you free to come to the East Palace? The Xuanji Xuegong is not busy?"

Cui Yan only saw the woman behind Cui Quer, but her face was A hint of surprise flashed.

Because the latter is the best innate talent among the children of Cui Family.

Although he has not entered the top ten of the battle list now, his pill technique and Formation accomplishments are extremely profound, and his battle strength is also ranked in the top fifteen of the battle list. Brother Cui Zhan shines like that, but among the new generation of Zhong Prefecture, he is still very admired.

After all, Cui Family has a reputation for being a beauty in Nantang.

It can be seen from the face of Cui Tuer's bringing calamity to the country and the people.

Even, some people say that Cui Family does not look ugly.

However, this Cui Chenxiang has always been known since it was known, and has never taken it off. There is a legend that Cui Chenxiang is better than Cui Family number one beauty. Still beautiful, but so far, no one has seen Cui Chenxiang's true face.

This is what people have always been curious about.

"I have seen Sister Yan!" Cui Chenxiang's eyes were very charming, smiling, and said to Cui Yan: "I was called by Elder sister, not long after I arrived, I saw here. There seems to be a lively event, so I will come out with the elder sister!"

"Oh, what I said!"

Cui Yan was nodded, and did not ask much.

"Hey, what's going on on the court? Someone dare to challenge Wang Ning?"

At this time, Cui Chenxiang looked into the field. Somewhat surprised: "Moreover, this person is so strange, so young!"

"Well, this person is called Ling Tian, ​​and he is a freshman in your class..."

Cui Yan is nodded, and doesn't seem to have a good tone to Ling Tian.

Hearing the name of Ling Tian, ​​Crown Prince Concubine Cui Baoer's eyes moved, looking towards the field, the long and standing figure, in the light of the eyes, the rays of light flashed.

Cui Chenxiang was very surprised, "What? New students? I have never heard of Wang Ning's new students. Ling Tian? Which school does he belong to?"

She had to be surprised. As a child of one of the Five Great Families, she still knew a little about Wang Ning.

Wang Ning is a student of previous time. In this class, he may not be as perverted as this class of innate talent, but after all, he graduated two years earlier, and now he has battle strength. , Is definitely not comparable to ordinary freshmen.

Cui Chenxiang feels that Wang Ning can definitely rank in the top twenty or even higher of these battle lists with the cultivation base and battle strength of the Peak's late golden body.

After all, Wang Ning has been on the battlefield.

Therefore, Cui Chenxiang naturally feels that those who dare to challenge Wang Ning must be from the palace.

But speaking of this, Ling Tian should be very famous, but Cui Chenxiang has no impression of the name Ling Tian.

"He is not a scholar from the palace...'

Cui Yan pursed her lips, "Ling Tian is from Xiaoyao Academy..."

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