"This is what you specially made for Gu?"

Crown Prince looked towards Ling Tian, ​​his eyes flashed with surprise.

"It is, Crown Prince is the Crown Prince of Southern Tang Dynasty. Naturally, he smokes cigarettes that cannot be the same as others. Therefore, Ling Tian selects top-quality tobaccos and specially tailored this Crown Prince brand for Crown Prince. Lingyan, exclusively for the Crown Prince to enjoy."

Ling Tian nodded said yes.

"Very good, very good!" Crown Prince was very satisfied, and took out the Lingcui from the box again, frowning and asked, "What is this for?"

"Oh, this is also the igniter I refined. It is also a selection of good spirits. I hide the fire in it. Use this firearm to ignite the spirit smoke to achieve the best effect of the spirit smoke. This thing , Ordinary people, there is no."

Ling Tian said with a smile.

"Oh? Such a Divine Item, I have to taste it. If it is not right, you are the crime of deceiving the king!"

Crown Prince was curious, and immediately grabbed Crown. Prince smoke, use the peng sound to ignite the smoke.


Crown Prince fiercely took a sip, both eyes slightly closed, feeling the smell of spiritual smoke.

From the stretched expression on his face, he is very enjoyable and satisfied.

"Uh...it's a bit dizzy..."

However, before Crown Prince insisted on three breaths, he suddenly raised his head and fell back.

Ling Tian grabbed Crown Prince's arm quickly and pulled him back.

"Crown Prince, this smoke is a bit strong, slow down..."

Ling Tian helpless, he didn't expect the Crown Prince cultivation base to be so bad, this Crown The spirit smoke of the Prince brand is actually a bit too much for him.

"It's okay, it's good, I'll accept it!"

Crown Prince waved his hand, shook his head, and put away the brocade box. "Also Yes, I will take them all."

"Uh, there are a few more boxes..."

Ling Tian took out all the inventory.

"Crown Prince, you can save a little bit. It is not easy to make this thing."

"Hey, what is not easy, but what materials and the Ministry of Internal Affairs say, satisfy You are."

Crown Prince played with the lighter while smoking a cigarette and said: "Is there anything else?"

"Yes, there is this!"

Ling Tian said, and took out a pair of silver-rimmed sunglasses.

In this sunglasses, all the lingcui are deep and pitch black, but transparent and crystal clear, and the Formation on it is dense and complex, shimmering with shimmer. The specifications are also the highest, and Ling Tian is reluctant to use such good materials.

"These sunglasses are not bad!"

Crown Prince eyes shined immediately, he snatched the sunglasses and put them on, stood up and looked towards Ling Tian with a cigarette in his mouth,

"Well, three days later, just dressing up and going to Jade Square will surely startled them!" Crown Prince said excitedly.

"Uh, it’s okay."

Crown Prince paced, "Ling Tian, ​​don’t you know, those few people will act coquettishly every day shameless, one by one. Put on airs, but there is no good thing to restrain them, this time, lonely can’t lose to them anywhere."

"Do you have any good things, it’s better to be unique and unmatched, it has never been shown in front of the world, let Gu first show them to them, let them know that they are incomparable with Gu!"

Ling Tian pinches Chin, looked at Crown Prince for a while, suddenly eyes shined, "His Royal Highness! Ling Tian, ​​there is really something that promises to make Crown Prince stunning, and it has never been seen!"

"What is it? Hurry up and show it to Gu?"

Crown Prince eyes shined.

"Crown Prince don't be impatient, this thing must be done first, but after three days, I promise to do it. When the time comes, Your Highness will know it. Now, please leave the calligraphy one Vice, it is useful in the next!"

"In addition, I need some good spirit trees in the next, and I hope His Highness the Crown Prince will agree."

Ling Tian bought a Guanzidao .

"haha, it's easy to talk and talk, it's all up to you!"


After taking a landscape painting, Crown Prince Quietly left.

Looking at the paintings on the table and the three-year-old square booklet, Ling Tian is also nodded.

If it weren't for Crown Prince's request, he would have forgotten that thing!

After coming to this world for so long, he really suddenly discovered that there is no such thing in this world.

It's just too bad.


Three days are very short. For Martial Artist, it is just a matter of seconds.

But for three days, Ling Tian was not idle.

While giving news to Qin Mingyue, Qin Shaoyang Zhang Kaifeng and the others, they were all recalled in the name of the East Palace. On the one hand, he was also busy making the mysterious object for Crown Prince.

Qin Shaoyang and Zhang Kaifeng rushed to the East Palace on the 3rd day.

For Ling Tian's move, they are naturally delighted.

After all, in their capacity, they were originally not qualified to congratulate Concubine Yi's birthday. Now that they have such an opportunity, they will naturally not give up.

"haha, Brother Tian, ​​I want to kill you!"

As soon as he entered Ling Tian's yard, Qin Shaoyang came over to give Qin Shaoyang a bear hug.

Ling Tian pushed Qin Shaoyang away with disgust, then threw the short Halberd Art treasure to Zhang Kaifeng.

"You should like this thing very much, put it away!"

"Hiss! Offensive Treasure Item?"

Zhang Kaifeng volleyed the Treasure Item to volley In my hand, I felt the powerful attack fluctuations within this halberd, and I was shocked immediately.

After that, I was overjoyed.

When he arrived in Zhong Prefecture, he naturally knew the existence of magic weapons.

I also understand how precious this Treasure Item is, especially how important this offensive and powerful Treasure Item is to Martial Artist.

Immediately, I fell in love with it.

"My God, where's mine?"

"When you treat Treasure Item as Chinese cabbage, I will have one more item, yours, wait!"

Ling Tian glanced across Qin Shaoyang.

"Well, you can get me one anyway, I can't afford it." Qin Shaoyang shrugged.

"Well, I understand that you are increasing the cultivation base very quickly, that is, other foreign objects are covered by me. The Dragon Sect grand competition is running out of time, and I hope you will not fall behind."

Ling Tian responded with one mouthful.

He understands that Qin Shaoyang, Zhang Kaifeng, and even Ye Fan and the others, after arriving in Zhong Prefecture, are far from Zhong Prefecture Heaven's Chosen in all respects.

Trying to catch up with the cultivation base battle strength is already very difficult.

They have no extra energy and means to exchange for other foreign objects.

And this requires Ling Tian to help.

And these things are not difficult for Ling Tian.

Although Ling Tian cannot use strength of oneself to bring all of them to the top 50 Peak's battle strength, he will naturally do his best if he can do it.

Other luck and resources can only rely on themselves.


As for Crown Prince, it was the night after three days that he sneaked into Ling Tian's yard on time.

"Ling Tian! Coming alone, where are you ready!?"

Crown Prince sneaked up on the crack of the door and looked around for a while to make sure there was nothing unusual After that, he turned around and asked.

Ling Tian came out of the room, lightly said with a smile: "His Royal Highness ordered, how can Ling Tian dare to neglect? Things are here!"

The voice fell, Ling Tian from the sleeve An object was taken out of it.


The object unfolded in Ling Tian's hands with a rush, and it was a folding fan!

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