
The trio of Zhuang Lu looked directly at the subordinates who were blasted by Mu Ling's fists. At this time, those people had no aura, their flesh and blood were blurry, and their fleshy bodies were almost destroyed. It was broken, and there was no screaming!

The simple ordinary punch is all killed, very ruthless to the extreme!

At this moment, their eyes gradually filled with surprise.

Ling Tian's strength is really unexpected, even in the late stage of the law, it is impossible to punch so many Great Grandmasters, right?

"It's up to you!"

Underground, blood is flowing into a river, but Ling Tian didn't care about it. Instead, he raised his eyes and looked towards the three people of Zhuang Lu. It means joking.

"Ling Tian, ​​Hugh is rampant, the king of the county has carefully planned, even if the three of me can't kill you, but it's more than enough to hold you back, I don't believe you can still compete with the Primordial Spirit?"

The Great Grandmaster headed by that sneered sneer, and the three of them also dispersed and surrounded Ling Tian.

Not only did the imposing manner be disseminated, but also the Martial Spirit was sacrificed. Obviously, he wanted to exhaust the battle strength.

In this way, even if Ling Tian is strong, it is absolutely impossible to kill their three people at the same time.

And as long as the Primordial Spirit of King Mansion does not see the return of the person who assassinated Ling Tian in the time it takes half an incense stick to burn, it will come and kill Ling Tian directly.

At this moment, Ling Tian's complexion finally cooled down.

Li Kan, it is too much.

In order to kill yourself, do you even use Primordial Spirit?

If this is the case, then he is really not sure about the Primordial Spirit.

Even if he survived by chance, he might be injured.

Imperial Family hunting has only half a month time, he cannot take risks.

"hehe, since you die in such a hurry, I will do it for you!"

Immediately, Ling Tian sneered one after another, and from behind, a piece of ice flew out unexpectedly blue rays of light.

The rays of light were very small, but at the moment they appeared, Zhuang Lu and the others were shocked.

"His, this is the fourth rank Spirit Treasure!"

"This kind of fluctuation is definitely the fourth rank Spirit Treasure! Undoubtedly, it is stronger than the dragon and lion seal. Much!"

"hahaha, if I get this fourth rank Spirit Treasure, I won’t have to worry about running out of resources!"

However, after a while, the three of them were looking fiercely. stand up.

They also watched the auction that just passed. The fourth rank Spirit Treasure sold a sky-high price of more than 50 billion yuan, and the ice blue bell in front of me is even more powerful!

No one can bear this temptation.

However, when their eyes were hot, Ling Tian grabbed the Ice Soul Clock in his hands and shook it gently.


A deep bell roared.

The icy cold, which swept across the entire Heaven and Earth in a flash, was so fast that it almost swallowed the three of Zhuang Lu in a flash.

The latter had no time to react. It was discovered that the whole body was frozen in place, unable to move, and even the blood and vitality were frozen.

Only those frightened eyes can turn.

However, they looked towards Ling Tian, ​​but they were already desperate in their hearts.


The Old Li of Chun King Mansion turned into a stream of light and landed on the mountain road, but when he saw the rock When a large corpse is scattered, it is also can't help but suck in a cold breath.

These corpses are all the Great Grandmaster of Dhamma, and even three of them have reached the late stage of Dhamma!

But so many experts are dead!

Moreover, it didn't take long for me to die.

What surprised him even more was that these people seemed to have no power to fight back, they were all killed by a single move!

"Is there a Primordial Spirit taking action?"

Old Li thought for a while, and when he felt that the Primordial Spirit of King Mansion had arrived, he avoided suspicion and left.


Crown Prince East Palace.

Zhang Zhao and Zhang Lei are both dumbfounded at this moment.

After being trapped by the imaginary formation for 5 minutes, they saw Ling Tian entering by breaking the formation.

The three of them flew back to the East Palace, although Ling Tian didn't say much, but when they saw the corpse in that place on the road, they couldn't help but be speechless.

This Ling Tian is too strong to understand.

"Two people, I still have important things to be busy, after half a month, goodbye!"

When he arrived at the East Palace, Ling Tian went back to the courtyard directly.

Now, he has to count the harvest of this auction.

Speeding all the way, it is not that Ling Tian is scared, but can't wait in his heart.

First, what Ling Tian took out were three storage rings.

And this, naturally, belongs to the three of Zhuang Lu.

Waving a hand to erase the prohibition on the ring, the things in the three rings were all poured out by Ling Tian.

There are only more than 100 million spirit coins, and Ling Tian is already looking down on it now.

Apart from this, there are a lot of messy things, but Ling Tian doesn't like it.

"en? This is...Ben Niu Kai Shan Chong!"

However, Ling Tian reached out and picked up a secret book, but he found out that this turned out to be Li Kanhua The body refinement martial skill photographed for seven billion!

I want to come, that Li Kan was mad at Ling Tian, ​​and he bestowed this tasteless secret book to his subordinates.

But I never thought that by mistakes, going round and round, this martial skill still came to Ling Tian's hands.

In fact, on auction, Ling Tian is still a little curious about this rush of bulls.

After all, this level of body refinement martial skill is still very rare. For Body Refinement Martial Artists like Ling Tian, ​​the temptation is not small.

Holding the cheat book in his hand, Ling Tian moved in his heart, and thousands of sword shadows rushed out without entering the cheat book.

Next moment, in Ling Tian's mind, it was divine light flashed, and a brand new martial skill cheat book appeared.

"It's finished!"

Ling Tian's eyes lit up, he just wanted to try, but didn't expect it really became!

Immediately, Ling Tian took a look at this upgraded secret book.

It is not so much a martial skill, it is more a secret technique.

Because of the original 4th layer's ultimate move, there is only one move left after the upgrade!

And the name of martial skill has also become'Tenglong Chong'!

On the rank, there is no display, just like Fuyun's broken Yueyin!

In other words, this Tenglong Chong is a secret technique with no level!

Secret techniques are all levelless, and can become more powerful with the strength of Martial Artist.

And this Tenglong Chong, it was Ling Tian who got the first unrestricted body refinement secret technique!

This is really a big surprise.

Now Imperial Family hunting is imminent, any means that can improve strength is what Ling Tian urgently needs!

Forcing the excitement in his heart, Ling Tian put away the secret book, the rays of light flashed in his hand, and the first stone Ling Tian photographed fell in his hand.

At this time, there is still a small pestle stuck in the rock.

However, the corner of Ling Tian's mouth could not help showing a smile.

In fact, the real value is this stone.

Even in Ling Tian's view, its value is no less than that of the skeleton of the Yan Winged Dragon armor!

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