Sword Whisperer

15 < Even taking the test is a shame (3)

[I have a longsword in my hand without a master.]

Material: Iron

Quality: General

Owner: None

Memory retention rate: Ha

Remarks: A unique sword made by an ordinary blacksmith in the capital. Wrong swing may break.

"What a terrible sword. ’

I don't know who held the sword before, but no one used it long ago. It was one of the swords that allowed all participants to choose as they wished, so in a way I didn't know it would be natural.

But it didn't matter. Even a sword like this could be used in anyone's hands.

Van looked around. Even if I can't, more than a hundred people each grabbed my weapon and refined their skills.

This was all a group of people. Only eight of them survived.

'.... There must be a few others. ’

But given that, I couldn't fight. It didn't fit the spirit of the competition, and I didn't intend to fight like that.

'Hh. You're wearing a girl's sword. Is it Eastern Village Knight?

It was then. A man with an axe like a dizzy man's trunk said in a laughing tone. Van stares at him quietly like that, then turns his head. The man became more contributory and raised his voice.

"Arthur. Don't be embarrassed in front of tens of thousands. Why don't you just pack your bags now? I don't think I'll ever be able to handle my weak black axe."

"If you're nervous and you want to bluff, find out who else. I don't want to hang out with you, I do. ”

"What is it?" ''

"If you don't like it, unwind now. If it doesn't matter if you let yourself go once, or if you can't get to the stadium."

Van raises his body by saying so. The opponent had a gigantic mass that was exhausting, but it wasn't that big. The human skin in front of the knife was equally weak.

'.... I didn't train much separately.'

A body with a clumsy mixture of fat and muscle. Seeing some scars, the practice was quite rough…… but his body felt more optimized for drinking than for fighting.

No, actually, you don't have to pick that.

A bird with an axe. Movement of muscles. I could be sure of the direction of my toes. The axe of that gecko won't even touch his collar. He's not worth fighting for.

The opponent raises his body. Even if he tried to bluff, he wouldn't be able to stand still if he was provoked.

And at the end of the day, the trumpet sounded.

"Joe! Everybody out to the stadium! ''

In the words of the Insole, the man panted.

"Lucky you. I'll see you at the stadium. ”

"Of course.”

Van replied with a smile. He was a big kid. He was a no-good kid. I didn't want to concentrate any more.

I felt it from the moment I was in the waiting room, but the crowd's pressure was enormous as I stood in the stadium. There were tens of thousands of him, too. It accommodates up to 100,000 people.

'I don't think there's a single vacancy. ’

Even the sound of them murmuring has knocked on their bodies and hearts like the sound of a giant waterfall. I thought it was good to wear a mask. If he hadn't, his excitement would have turned out exactly the way he looked.

Despite the presence of over a hundred warriors, the stadium was still vast. Lucky for you, it was hard to get your skills right in a narrow place.

'I can't see all the basement here....'

At that time, half of the audience looked at one side and felt a heartbeat. It was the most spectacular place. Not only the seats, but even the columns around them are decorated with gold threads…… for the noblest identity anyone can see.

'Those guys over there, no way.'

— Listen.

Before I questioned it all, my voice rang.

It was a quiet voice that seemed to whisper right next to me. But I don't know what it was like, but I cut through a hundred thousand crowd voices and silenced everyone.

— There are many warriors standing on that stadium. They are beautiful warriors who seek only your love and recognition. From bakers to those who touch the money, today I will allow you to see their bravery under His Majesty's Yunhee. Citadel's citizens.

— All right, then. Warriors.

— Fight!

There was no bird to wonder the owner of the voice. All the warriors stare at each other with their weapons twisted, with the cheers of a hundred thousand crowds ringing on the ground.

It wasn't that easy to cut off the player first. I didn't know it was stupid anymore. Even if you cut off one participant alone, it means nothing if you don't make it to the last eight.

However, foolishness was everywhere in the world.

'' Hahahaha! You've only gathered so many frightened rabbits! Gooooooooooo! ''

He was a servant of the beggar, who had protested against Van. He wanted to burst out a roar, and soon I started to swing the axe I was carrying. Van looked at the man and filled his tongue.


I just wanted to say that I want to do what I look like. But.....

"Ahhh! ''

Van bows his head and avoids the spear he has slammed towards him. It was a gruesome assault. Must have been a long time ago. In order to obtain a stab without a waste of power, there must have been no holy day for the hand.

But that's not enough.

Van approaches the other person and takes the abdomen with his knee. There wasn't even anything to ring with a knife. The spear that sits on the ground gasps and does not breathe, but seeps beneath the ground.

'Hmm, like that.'

Prior to the start of the game, the investigator said: I can't guarantee you won't die, but if you go crazy, you won't die. So fight with all your might.

There were probably tons of healers waiting under the ground. That means.....

'You can fly without having to use your mind. ’

After the Gustave's men started jumping, the warriors started fighting in earnest. Sometimes he entered his boundaries, sometimes he was frightened, sometimes he was just drunk of excitement and wielded his weapon.... Honestly, there was nothing compared to war. No, I was rather full of madness than war in that I had no four sides.

And it didn't take long for the presence of the strong to be revealed.

”Shit, what the hell is that guy? ''

"... It's horrible. ’ '

I did it half the time now. Several of the men who attacked him were unable to make a proper attack and were sucked under the ground, and the warriors around him began to sneak around him.

It was because they realized. As long as there are people like Van, there will never be a chance for them to come back.

It was a bad choice, but it was also a wise choice.

'But it's not always wise to win.'

All kinds of weapons have come together as promised. Sword. Wand. Axe. Mace to mace.

Normally, it was a moment of panic. Not many people would know how to deal with so many different kinds of weapons.

But Van knew.


”Does that make sense? ''

He was more numerous than the number of Chinnies eaten by the Secondary Family. Numerous kinds of warriors have always asked him to fight, and he has no choice but to learn how to resist acceptance.

Compared to the sophisticated acceptance of the Early Family, if it was such an urgent acceptance....

'If you want to greet me, I can't greet you. ’

I heard the roar of the crowd. Of course it wasn't towards him. It's all about abandoning pride and getting to one person, and not even winning.

Perhaps they would like to turn that reasoning into a cheer…… but that was not the case.

'That's all it takes to fit in.'

Van's eyes changed. Even if you cover your face with a mask, swordsmanship is memorable. I couldn't reveal all the bottoms, even thinking of a future competitor in the race or in the audience.

So there's only one thing I want to show you today.


I did not carry the girth. It means that you don't have enough sheep to fight these mishaps. Just put out the sword where it was needed at the right time, and the stabbing itself was powerful.

The first stab was through the abdomen of the man who was trying to stab him in the fist.

The second stab is to open the arm of the man who was about to open the spear from behind.

The third stab took the wrist of the man who was about to respond to him with a facial stab.




And the seventh.

The cheer sounded like an echo. Van grips the injured area and looks at those who disappear beneath the ground. It has been a long time since his surroundings were done without one person.

Van stared. I saw the man of the beggar with him, staring at him with his eyes open. Yeah. There he was. Seeing that he still survived, I thought it might be quite important for him to be in good health.

Half moved on. Every step, every two steps, he stepped back without even knowing me. Until now, he had never felt the pressure of a man smaller than that, and half a step was more pressing than the tiger he met on the mountain one day.

However, he did not have a chance to confirm the identity of that pressure.

The sound of the trumpet sounded. It was the sound that announced the end of the match. Van only realized that only eight people, including him, remained on the pitch.

”Lucky you. You.”

Even though he returned what he had just said, he could not answer anything. Van leaves the man behind and takes off his mask. Now that the main entrance was confirmed, there was no need to hide him anymore. That audience should know who they're cheering for.

Van slowly took a breath and smiled in full speed.

I'm finally here.

Where he should be.

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