Sword Whisperer

Hwa 34 < 5 Sword Half (3)

Deputy commander of the Royal Knights. The dizzy nobles could not be compared to Chama.

That kind of person is coming to meet students all the way to the academy? Is that the fourth grade, too?

”As you can see, Van Sunbae..... is great. ”

”Wow..... I've already got a proposal from a senior in the third grade. ”

"Did the deputy commander come all the way here to interview you?"

"I know you don't."

”Hey, what's the problem? Five and a half swords. Half of the Fifth Sword. Third grade is the strongest. No, the last time I saw him, he was a senior in fourth grade, and he was almost back on the bench.... How strong can he be? ”

The juniors glanced at Van. It seems that half of the young juniors had to be the object of hope in many ways. Not to mention, especially if you're not a nobleman. Without the blessing of the family, it can sometimes be stronger than the restraints of the Nine Great Gates. That unrealistic saying sounded as realistic as looking at Van.

However, unlike what they thought, the deputy commander came to see him personally, either because he was the 'Fifth Sword Half' or because he was the 'Third Grade Strongest'. Deputy Commander, Lucas laughed.

'' That's strange. There are two of them in the village. ”

"…… our guards were great. ’ '

”Yes, it is. Aidan was also a great leader, and……"

Lucas looked at the memories for a moment. And soon he looked at Van and asked.

"Well done. Come up here. I didn't know your boy would show up for this test."

"You remember me."

”About a face. You've always been crazy to come to the gym and watch us. I was impressed. In my own way. ”

In Lucas' words, Van scratches his head with a shrug expression. I don't even remember when it was. But soon he trimmed his face. Even if the opponent is the vice commander of the Royal Knights and Lucas from Trend..... there was something I couldn't give easily.

"Thank you, but I still can't confirm it. ''

"... Are you serious? If you want to raise your ransom, you don't have to spin hard. The Royal Knights intend to treat you best. Actually, it's nothing new. If anyone is the best at the Citadel Academy and has not cast a shadow on the 'family'..... will there be a better new candidate than that? ”

It wasn't just because he was strong that Lucas could be a deputy commander right now. Ironically, the faction struggle within the Royal Knights made him the best deputy commander without any family back.

And for the same reason, if you enter here on the peninsula.....

”Because I'm in one place, I don't know the world yet. Deputy commander."

Lucas' answer was absurd. Royal Knights. Students at the Academy are the most desirable knights, whether noble or not. I'm going to spit myself in front of a knight like that, but I refuse.

But Lucas laughed. Rather, his gaze on Van felt like he was looking at a slightly peculiar niece.

”Yes. You have to think slowly about where to wield the sword. I understand."

”Thank you."

”But, dummy, if you get dizzy, come to our knights. I wish I had one of my trendy friends. I'm talking about my hometown. Huh? ''

"I'll try. Thank you so much for coming here today. ”

"Yes, then we go."

Lucas stood up with a smile. Van glances at Lucas' back with his tongue. Only after he left the rest room and disappeared, did Van breathe the breath he had endured. The palms were damp.

'... Lucas is Lucas.'

I don't think I can cut it yet.


"To the Royal Knights..... are you going? ''

Anya inquired and asked. 'Form transformation' class. Van replies by dragging out the candles with his hands on the blade.

”No, not yet. ”

"…… why? You didn't come here today to scare me off, did you? I thought you'd only be driving the Royal Knights quest now. ”

”You still have a little time left to get to fourth grade. And..... I don't want to be tied up already. ”

"I see."

Anya nods. Her white flakes have been unevenly shaped ever since. Van looked at Anya like that, and then slowly turned to Anya. The blade of Gigi, which stretched out decades from the tip of the knife, trimmed the white salt of Ania without taking shape.

"Focus. What are you doing?"

"Mom, I'm not feeling well."

Anya stuttered and focused on fixing the form of white salt again. Usually, I only describe the dog or cat, but I don't know why I'm so focused today.

'.... Should I really ask Joe to join me?'

'No, it's not even Joe's time yet, but can I start talking already?'

'You look so weird.'

"Why are you trying to squeeze Joe together in the first place? '

I felt strange. I feel like I should join Joe because the spirit keeps staring at me, but I feel like I shouldn't.

And it was after class that day. On the way to the meditation room with Van as an excuse for retreat, a woman with long brown hair blocked Van's front. Unlike Anya, her arms and legs were cool, and her eyebrows were strangely luxurious. I thought you were the Min of this family.

"Senior. Time?"

"Not much. What's going on?”

”Um, can you just take a look at that? I think it's been a little clogged up lately. ”

”I'll show them."

"I've already asked the professors. But you do have something else, don't you? Yes? Please.”

"... No. You go to the meditation room first. I'll catch up."

"Ahh! Thank you, Senior! ”

Min clasped his arms and cheered. One could see how natural it was to be a couple who had been together for so long. Anya watches those two disappear into the training ground with a trembling expression. Then Min looked at her strangely with flattering eyes. Like you must have won.

'.. No, why are you looking at me like that? Huh?'

'I'm just his friend.'

'Everyone is just a real useless misunderstanding all the time.'

'.... Really. O'Hande.'

In fact, those who cling to Van like that were not only juniors but also classmates. He was more certain than anyone in the academy, so in a way he didn't know it would be natural.

His head was complicated. Anya headed to the meditation room. And for a moment, he groaned. I saw a few people who were meditating and who were the least suited.

'McDead in Shade.... Why are these guys here?'

At least I was glad I didn't have a girl. When she sits down, she starts exploring quietly. All sorts of emotions and thoughts were expressed in her unconscious, sometimes in a language, sometimes not a language.

Inside. Inside. Even deeper. Let's face my thoughts that I didn't even know. Let's find out what's in it. I remembered a good memory, and I also remembered what I wanted to forget. And with that memory, white salt, which had fallen asleep deep into the roots of Ania, slowly flowed on her body.

'I feel different.'

'...... sleepy.'

'And angry.'

'I don't know why I'm upset, just.'

I saw half the face. Seeing that face, I felt like the vortex inside something was getting bigger. It was the moment Anya opened her eyes, biting her lips.

"Huh? ''

Anya had a brutish look at him. I saw McDead screaming and Shade staring at her with a stiff face. And there are other students looking at her and panicking.

Only then did Anya realize that my white salt was running around my body. It's not just a normal level, it's like swallowing everything around it.

'No! ’

Anya desperately controlled the White Salt. But the white flakes that stretched out from the depths of her face did not follow her will so easily. It was as if the body, which was moving like a snake, was about to spill over to other students.

'I don't want it. ’

'I don't want to burn anything.'

'I have nothing...!'

Anya whispered to White Flame a few times. I can't believe I lost control of the White Flame. It was a mistake when I was a child. It was a moment when I could see how weak my mind had become these days, but that wasn't the point at the moment.

And it was then. I looked at whether White Salt knew. No, I looked at it. And at that moment, Anya realized how unfamiliar that white-salt I've been carrying all my life..... could be. If you want anything, the flame that can burn her....

"... Is this it again?"

And it was then. A sigh filled the meditation room. Those who were capable of changing the properties of water were somehow trying to turn off the white salt, but the white salt could not be drawn into the water as opposed to the original fire. Facing Anya's surprised face, half sighed. I've been wanting to be quiet lately....

Van held the dagger in both hands with the hallucinogens. Lower the pose and point the blade forward.

The name of the first sword is Spilling.

And the name of the second sword..... chewing.

It was a sword that tore, chewed, and eliminated everything as it was named.

Van's new life expectancy disappears. Those who were looking right behind him were just as quick to mistakenly be half as small at a time.

And half black, faster than his body.

Depending on the slope of the body, sometimes the dagger is cut and sometimes the hallucinogens are torn apart in front of the whites most often. Whenever the sword draws a line, the white salt disappears as if it had been chewed up by something, and it is torn up again before it is regenerated.

Dozens of tests I had to understand for this sword. Among them were Shaid, who used a double sword, and Hay, who used a pleasure sword. Fast, sophisticated, no gaps. The Black Shield seems to protect half the body, as if the attack and defense were happening at once, and sometimes it swallows everything the opponent has to offer.

'…… an ignorant child. ’

Shade fills his tongue with half that look. I came to the meditation room looking for peace of mind all the time, but I can't believe I saw that. He still trembles at the second half of the sword.

I should have recognized Van when he came out of nowhere as a close relative. At some point Van has been asking Shaid to continue his struggle. He didn't like the early family very much either, but he thought it was an experience to acknowledge as a prosecutor…… and responded. I can't even imagine what's behind it.

Van came out with a pair of swords one day in a fight with him. At first I snorted. It was commendable to recognize the greatness of the Scorpion Sword, but it was a stupid idea to learn to steal it through a battle.

.... It should have been a stupid idea.

Shade swallowed his saliva without even knowing it. That chewing gum on Van's black javelin is annoying..... but it was beautiful enough to split at the same time. Look at that. The white salt of Nahar that can't draw any water.... Without any blessing, leave it to the flow of the sword to erase it.

Maybe it's that half-chewing sword that Shaid wanted. Isn't this the moment when the blade of the common people is plugged into the pride of nobility?

White Flame makes a horrible sound as if screaming. However, Van's blade did not allow the whites to reach me. At some point, the white-salt grew faster than it would grow again.....

Anya fell.

Shade grabs the knife on my waist. He could have done it. Could he have swallowed that white salt? That white salt that seems to burn even the owner without control....

Evidence of lack from questioning it. But Van didn't hesitate. I didn't doubt it. His blade, he said, burned brighter than Anya's White Flame.

It's ironic.

Only half of all nobles have the power to extinguish their fire.

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