Sword Whisperer

45Hr Devil, Witch and Mage Sword (5)

It's not a quick black. It's not even heavier black. But being invisible, not being able to feel, was sometimes more frightening than a fast, heavy sword. The invisibility means you can't stop it, and the invisibility means you can't stop it..... because it was the fastest sword in the world.

Van's dagger pierces the heart of whey. It was a part of the body that was left with a sword. The most basic way to disable a seedling. Stimulating the sign of life again.

Bend your head.


The whey didn't even spill the handset properly. The blade of Gigi, which was not even temperate, slit his throat, and when he regained consciousness, his neck already fell to the ground.


"Oh, my God...!"

Even those creepy seedlings felt creepy. Predict fast black. Avoid or remove strong black. But how do you fight invisible swords?

The problem was that Van was still invisible. I don't know if there's any whey left. Other mediocre eunuchs were too low to look at Van's appearance.

The seedlings' terminals were followed. One, one. No matter how vigilant they were around, their necks were already falling and rolling under the ground when they regained consciousness.

And when one of the eunuchs only lit, there were only five remaining.

"What the hell..."

The seedlings sighed. Van's appearance came into their eyes again, but his appearance, which did not even bury the bloodstain properly, made even the seedlings tiresome. What to do. What do we do?

"That's it."

And it was that moment. The voice of whey rang. You must have cut your throat. It was the moment Van frowned and turned his head. Soon, Van laughed in vain.

The neck of wheat fell to the ground as it was bared. It seemed clear that he was hit. His eyes were lined with blood, and the morale that surrounded him shook anxiously. Nevertheless, his eyes still turned half, and his voice resounded sharply despite the absence of his lungs.

"…… Excellent. I never imagined that the power of hiding would be so great. ”

”Even if it's a poem, I learned that if I cut my throat..."

”Unfortunately, it's not usually a poem. ”

"That's kind of gross."

".... That one. ”

Wheat smiles. Despite his throat cut off, he doesn't seem to have any bad feelings for Van. He opens his mouth slowly.

”What are you going to do?"

"…… I don't know. We have to keep fighting, right? ''

What would you do if you asked me to let go? ”

"Why would I let you go? ”

”Yes, I'm sure. ”

I sighed as if whey couldn't do it. And it was the next moment. Renver's head twitches, and a black mist emanates from him. And the next moment, he enters as if sucked into the body of one of the poets who has not lost his body.

Van opens his mouth.

"... Isn't this a little cowardly? ''

”Don't worry. How many times have I done this, and it's not so easy to get into another body. I'm pretty tired. ”

”I don't see a drop of sweat. ’ '

"A corpse can't sweat. ”

"So is he. ''

"Even so, I'm willing to fight until the corpse sweats. ”

Wheat smiled with his fist. Van stares at such whey quietly. Certainly, the momentum emanating from him was weaker than before.

But it also reveals the number of hidden objects. Fighting like this can't guarantee victory..... unless they start to be wary of the darkness, it won't be easy to reuse the fifth sword.

Van looked at the minister. He said quietly.

”This is not the end. I just reserved the end. You know that.”

"... Please think about it. The people of this city, I mean, why am I moving like this? ”

”It's easy to say there's a problem in the world. Reverend, there is no world without problems. ”

But, uh...

"I've seen a lot of people like the Reverend. Talk about the problems that you see right now, and let's break everything down and change it. But……"

To protect this world, I have seen those who have lived while killing the lives of me and my children. I have to see the bitter heart of the Shiraz family.

Van understood the rebel mind, but at the same time he understood the kingdom. The kingdom is not as good, but it was no longer hated. Then he looked quite at the sweet side of this kingdom.

Van's eyes sank.

"The meal was delicious. Reverend, I'll see you later. ’ '

"Yes, sir."

The minister replied in a bitter voice.

'' Potatoes for the hungry..... will always be prepared. ’ '


Van runs like a wolf and leaves the quarry. The inhabitants, who had not yet avoided him, were drenched by fear, but half had no use for them.

The night is not over yet. I don't know if Anya and the Spirit are meeting witches well, but I have something to check before that.

'Doesn't make any sense.'

Brown. I remembered his face. When he talked about this service, he did not talk about the most important thing. That was how he got out.

The cave is divided into quite a number of branches inside the quarry, but only one entrance. And there were guards standing by the entrance...... and there was no way Brown could get out of the quarry without being spotted by them.

There's something I haven't told you, or there's a lie. It was not very likely that Brown was in a relationship with the minister. The reason for exposing their presence to the Citadel Academy did not come to mind.

"What. What? What am I missing...? '

The roofs and chimneys that cling to each other became half the way. Those on the way in were too drunk to see Van, and the night was dark as well.

It was a big city. Although it was not comparable to Citadel, it was hard to find an alley without people, so I had a rough guess about the size of this city.

And in that city, there's periodic serial killings.

Half a foot stopped at the moment. He recalls the body he saw. A dagger in the heart. He would not have felt any pain and would have died instantly. He was not a psychopath who was clumsily intoxicated by murder, he really knew how to handle the sword....

And the minister saw the body and said, "Brother." Is that just a ritual word? Or…….

At first glance, his head seemed to be full of questions, but they gave a somewhat blurred outline of the incident. And that's why I had to find Brown a little sooner.

Van first took the hallucinogens and longswords he had hidden in his home. Glass grumbled as soon as she heard it in his hands.

Why are there so many scams?

"I fought with a poet."

Are you really praying against the devil?

"Something like that. A demon who listens to his wishes more than a god who doesn't hear a single voice. ''

— Ugh, thanks for not taking me. I don't want to do it where they are.

Glass quite hated the seeds of the night. She didn't remember my death properly, but since the North sacrificed her life in ruins, it might be the seed of the night that killed her.

Van didn't rest, but moved his feet right back. I asked if the glass seemed a little suspicious.

— Why are you so busy? Something else happened.

"There were people who looked at the network at the quarry."

— Why is that..... Ah. Brown...?

Glass immediately understood the situation without having to explain it long enough. Van nods.

”I don't know why you lied..... but you'll find out soon enough."

— I didn't look like I had cooked anything..... but did you have a helper?

"Maybe not. ''

And that assistant is probably the perpetrator of this serial murder. Perhaps, a vigilante who takes care of the devil worshippers quietly…….

The road to Brown's house was pretty rough. Lots of stairs, lots of narrow alleyways, but it wasn't a problem for half. His feet touched Brown's house and all the roofs and walls in between.

Then, Van arrived there just before the moon moved.


— Be careful.

I know. Van grabs hold of the position with the hallucinogens pulled out. Leaving the door open, Brown's house smelled a pale smell of blood. There is someone. Someone scary....

"…… Zeo? ''

Van stretched out his hand and walked into the house. Between the collapsed and ruined furniture, he became bloody and saw Zeo fall.

"Zeo, zeo! Who did this?"

"Bar, Van..... Is this it? ”

Zeo gazes at Van with his eyes wide open. Nothing seemed particularly fatal, but there was quite a lot of blood flowing from the rest of the wounds. Due to its unique stamina, the wound seemed to recover quickly enough to be visible....

"…… Bra…… Brown……"

”Is Brown like this? ”

Zeo shakes his head. Van opened his mouth right away, instead of giving Zeo a hard time talking.

"You're an assistant. Examiner. Your skills..... are enough to make you like this. ”

"Strong…… uh……. Careful..... do it. Cool."

"Wait. I'll get the senator. ”

It was the moment Van was trying to raise his body. Zeo grabs Van's wrist. He looked up at Van hard and said,

"Chase, me, blood, Ro. ''

"No. Are you going to be okay?"

”I'm Zeo. Eustein's, big..... Zeo. ”

Zeo took a hard breath and laughed.

"Don't worry, I don't need..."

I couldn't keep saying that. In the first place, if it's the fairy tale abilities of Youstein, recovering these wounds will only take a while.....

Van sighs.

”Anyway, don't be embarrassed, don't get hit from anywhere. ”

"If I am this big..... how big is he...?"

'' Even if you die soon, there's no bluff. I'm sleeping a little. "

Van raises his body with a piece of clothing covered in Zeo's blood. How could someone so skilled as to make Zeo like this rot in a city like this.... "Funny.”

— Don't be careless. Half.

The voice of glass immediately followed. But it was worthless. There was no such thing as ambition. Zeo had to confront Van carefully. Such a zeo really hit me, but disabling only 'not dying' was not so easy..... even half the time.

But it is.

”Senior, he's also a swordsman."

Van smiles strangely. Half the prosecutors were more overwhelmed than anyone else if they could stand. As time passes, you can almost analyze your opponent's sword. Which opponent would hate a prosecutor more than this?

Van smelled Zeo's blood. I'm sure it's not enough compared to Yustein's brushes, but he also trained hard in 'how to take charge’. The traceability of the odor was not that difficult.

Thought he'd had another long night, Van hurried his feet. I didn't hate to fight Mutuga or ordinary warriors..... but he loved the prosecutor the most.

And after a while, Van fell in front of Brown and one of his men.

"Hick, Hick! Gi, Knight...!"

"You shouldn't call me a knight yet. I didn't get a standing offer. ”

Van slowly replied with the hallucinogens on his shoulders. The answer was to Brown, but his gaze was on the man standing next to Brown.

'This is the one..?'

Something was strange. Van slowly looked at the corpse. Although it was solid in its own way, it did not look so dark to see that he had beaten Zeo.

Nevertheless, the strangely sword pose feels seasoned. It was a construct full of fables. And it was time for Van to pay attention to the cause of that disguise. The man frowned and asked.

What are you? '

'Van'. It's Van..... you know. I need to ask you something. ”

The man was ordinary. Just an ordinary level of examination that can be seen everywhere. Neither more nor less. But..... the sword in his hand was different. Even as I approached it, I felt the pressure to face the sword.

All sorts of thoughts came to mind. Reasoning. Admiration. Impressed. Doubtful. But soon I didn't think of anything. All that's left is.....

Van revealed it.

”Do you like that sword? ''

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