Sword Whisperer

65. He who steals, and (1)

She didn't even think about it for a moment. Van looks through her knife again with a mouthful.

"…… not for a very long time?"


"I don't really have a glimpse in a minute. ”

"No. Why are you doing this? It's crummy."

"…… I didn't mean to hear you were Sunwoo family."

Van sighs. Thinking about it, among those who knew how to handle swords, Munet was also the first to know Van's abilities. So Muñet's reaction gave Van a lot of thought.

'If you go dizzy, you better hide it. This ability is essential.’

There was nothing good to find out. If I found out that his status as Sunwoo family might have taken his ankle or a lifeline, I would have been much more reluctant to lend him the sword by grasping it. Maybe even a rivalry would be reluctant.

"How many swordsmen have you taken?"

"It's a bit like taking it. I learned it from hundreds of people. ’ ’

"... It's poisonous."

Munet shakes his head with a dull expression. Although I accused him of stealing other swords and learning them with a stabler the other day, it has been hard to say such things easily since I saw him training. Learning was easy or difficult after all. And I dare say, Van was obviously more focused on his learning than anyone else. The heart and life she gave me on the knife is certainly not as great as half.

'That's unreasonable.’

Munette was cynical. If you're blessed like that, you can at least be lazy. No, it's guaranteed to grow like that, so it's not even boring.

I didn't know. Muñet sits a little away from his half, wrapped around Rapier with his hands. Van said with a smile.

"There's no need to be so wary. I won't be forced to peek."

"You have to. Or I don't know when I'm gonna put a hole in your neck."

".... Is it always that rough? Or is that just for me?"

"For a man who deserves it, he can be gentle."

Muñet stares at Van with an unruly eye.

"And you don't deserve it."

You don't have to get sticky. In fact, Muñet did not attract Van's attention until then. The thing that caught Van's mind the most was neither a vampire nor a mutt. Van turns his head, turning his nose farting, and is locked in contemplation.

'The Guardian's Sword.'

What kind of prosecutor was the master of that sword?


Most people will think of deserts, forests, or the Eustein family. And wherever you go, it's going to be intense heat, too.

Van frowned. They were stepping into the desert city of the south, Kultan. It was also the home of Munet. He grumbles with a loud voice.

"Vampires, aren't they the seed of the night after all? Then we'll be wandering around the North. Why are they here?"

"Vampires, technically, are the seeds of the night."

Muñet added in a loud voice.

"Rather, I think you're a night contractor."

"… I don't know what the difference is, but you must know something pretty well?"

"Because I know. I love vampires."



Muñet replied in a no-goose voice.

"And you will soon meet."

Van has asked a few more questions since then, but Munet refused to answer with a cold attitude. Just returning the answer that you'll find out soon enough.

The man with three knives and the woman with two knives headed to Kultan's marketplace. The combination of the two didn't look so ordinary, but if I asked you if it looked special, it wasn't. It was not surprising that the only prostitutes who walked the streets without a knife in Kultan, and even they hid a dagger in one corner of their body, were Van and Munet. The special reason was that they carried too many knives.

"…… The South is surprised every time it comes. How are we still not screwed? What the hell are you eating in the desert?"


"... You're not serious, are you?"


Van laughed as if he heard some funny jokes, but soon he was forced to make a look. He sighs.

"I don't believe you've ever had one."

"Think what you want."

"So, what do I do now? You must have come all the way here for a reason, right? I hope it's not a waste of time."

"Not in vain."

Munet stops walking and raises his head.

"Look, you already got us out of the yard."

"... Hmm, did that come out in the middle? I just thought I was good-looking."

Van turns his head naturally. I've known for a long time that there are many eyes on them. At first, it was simply a gaze for the number of their ambushes or knives, but from one day on, it became a strange enemy.

From a kid walking down the street. From the old man who was begging. From the woman who was robbing the laundry. A subtle life emanated from the old man who saw the dot.

If it were normal, it would be hard to breathe just by facing that life. But not half. He also raises his hand over the hallucinogens. Then, I smiled.

It was that moment. The air flow that had been pressurizing them was reversed at once. A prickly gust of wind gusts out around him, just by touching him. I couldn't even pull a knife. Just by eating his mind, he was able to overcome this level of restraint.

People's eyes have changed. Those who were just looking at me like a prey spider put their hands in my arms with a nervous expression. And it was then. An old man in a clothing made of a dozen coloured silk laughed and looked at Munet.

"Oh, girl. I thought you'd been here for a long time, and when did you find such a wonderful bridegroom...?"

"You're joking about the second one."

Munet shoots the old man with an unpleasant expression.

"And still an unpleasant joke. He's just a colleague. You don't have time to talk nonsense, so walk me through it. To Father."

"… Well, it's not difficult to guide…… but I don't know if he wants to………."

"You'll want to be guided."

Muñet picked Rapier and Main-Gauche. The mood of those surrounding them grew fierce at once, but she did not twist a single eyebrow.

"If you don't, your ugly life will be cut off here. Melissa."

"…… this is all my fault. I raised her so fiercely."

Melissa was not particularly frightened. Her wrinkled face was like a caterpillar imitating a human being. She said with a smile.

"Don't be so angry. I will show you the way to the Master. Yeah, don't do that. You're going with the wonderful teacher next door, aren't you?"

"I think so."

"Ouch! Master will be pleased. He was always looking for a sense of solitude."

"I don't think son-in-law can do that."

Looking at the joking half, Munette opened her eyes, but now she couldn't have come and scared her eyes. They followed the back of the old pavement to the alleyway. Sometimes it all crosses the ruins, sometimes across the kitchen of a Paris flying restaurant.

And when they entered the underground passageway and walked for a long time, they stood in a strange cavity.

"Master. Miss Munet is here."

"Yes, I know. ’ ’

Unlike Munet, he was a man with white skin. In a cavity where the groundwater falls like a waterfall, he sits in a chair made of stone and looks through documents. The skin that looked white and pale did not look like a dead body. In-house, Arotep laughed. The white-sand beard looked rather darker than the skin.

"Long time no see, daughter. Three years?"

"…… I want to ask you something."

"That's funny. I want to ask you something....."

"I'm looking for roots."

At the end of the day, Arotep, who remained in a relaxed position, was forced to lose his horse for a moment. He raises his eyebrows and looks at Munet.

"Strange. It's been three years since I sent you to steal 'eternal life', and your daughter, who hasn't heard from you in three years, is looking for the root."

"I know you're tired of the power of vampires."

Van flicks his head over their faces between Munet and Arotep and tries to understand the fast-paced story. Dad? But he's a vampire? Vampire powers and duties?

Unorganized facts poured out. In the end, Van coughed and had no choice but to cut off the conversation between the two.

"Wait, wait. ”

"…… yes. Who are you? Reportedly, Munet finally came to see the groom."

"I don't know who you're going to see, but I think you better blame him later, and once you don't understand..... what are you talking about? I learned that I shouldn't interfere with other households, but I think my mission is now between them."

"The symbol of the knight is engraved. But there's no symbol. A free knight..... and his skill seems fine, hmm. That's interesting."

Arotep tilts his head and gives Kishin a glance at Van's waist dance. From the moment I encountered Arotep, a subtle ear was emanating from Kishin. I felt like I was facing a bank that was about to overflow. Arotep's impression frowned.

"Surely it is an unpleasant sword."

And it was the next moment. In a cavity that was locked in the dark, the men wrapped around their bodies in a sheer cloth. Looking at them with their sharp desert swords in their hands, Munet frowns.

"This is my guest."

"So this is crab."

Arotep replied in a cold voice.

"I don't want to see any wallpaper next to my daughter."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Van glanced at me and stumbled in.

"I'm nothing. Even so, Citadel Aka...."

"Hit it."

"…… I graduated from Demi, but I don't think you intend to have a conversation."

Van sighs and mutters. Soon, however, he smiled at the men who were narrowing the streets. Yeah, I'd rather be comfortable with this. It's a chase. It's more of a headache than a headache like that.

Then he'll be able to focus on one.

Van's eyes changed. The atmosphere, which only seemed like a limit until just a moment ago, was transformed into a fine-grained test. Even the elites of the guild who didn't reveal my feelings when I went dizzy were forced to stop for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Munet. I wanted to be polite even if I saw you...."

Van said with a look that was not at all regrettable. Rather, he even seemed a little enjoyable.

"I can't help it. Your father, I need to talk to you a little bit."

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