Swordmaster Healer

Master healer 163 coins

Chapter 51 Attack Dungeon (3)

Jinhyeok went down to the basement in hiding. You have no items to unhide or explore, making entry easy.

The two foreigners who appeared to be part of a Special Forces survey unit were guarding the way underground, but they were not very good enough to notice Seong-jun's hideout.

The door was closed, but I was able to wait and grab the moment the door opened and infiltrate.

Kill the commander first. ’

Seong-jun checked the plan again. This was not Korea, so there were no stops.

So it was smooth and difficult to deal with. I could use the help of the Central Hunter's Office, but I didn't have time to explain myself.

‘Start with the commander and destroy the basement. ’

There is a way to withdraw only the ‘Riodin Crystal’ quietly, but if so, tracking will begin as soon as the enemies notice that the Riodin Crystal is gone.

‘The best thing about killing is killing. ’

I felt alive in Seong-jun's eyes. I did not know the interior structure of the underground facility well, but I stepped into a direction where I felt a vaguely strong magical force.

Seong-jun also knew that the ‘Crystal of Riodin’ emits a powerful magical power.

‘Found it.'

Seong-jun was cheerful. At the end of the long corridor was the Riodin crystal in the center of the large cavity.

And two men were chatting right next to the crystal. Given the amount of magical power, there is a good chance that one of them is the Node Commander.

‘There's a killer hiding. ’

It was invisible to the naked eye, but I could clearly feel its presence hidden in the veil of the sanctuary.

Should we ambush him?

I grabbed the dagger a little while ago, but I shook my head. It was because the conversation between the Node Commander and the executive was interesting. Seong-jun listened to them for a few steps.

“Node Commander Anfels. Is it true that the expedition of the Faction is coming soon? ”

“Looks like Lord Belloq heard it, too. It's true."

“Wasn't the expedition commanded by the military in your country? ”

“Everything is His Majesty's will. We don't know that. ”

“Anyway, if a large expedition lands, there will be a bloodbath in New York. I just wanted to feel more connected to New York... … Too bad. ”

“So am I. ”

Surprisingly, it was about the invasion of the United Nations of New York. Seong-jun swallowed a dry saliva.

Seeing them conversing in a confident voice, he could predict the size of the Union expedition that would land in New York.

“Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but there seems to be an intruder. ”

In the dark, the First Killer who covered his face with a black mask revealed himself. He looks around, warning Anfels and Belloq with a small voice. I wasn't sure, but I decided to report it.

“Lord Belloq. If you were a Knight of the Brigades... ”

“I'm not sure. ”

Belloq shakes his head as Anfels gazes at him. You pull up your magic and look around, but you feel no movement.

“The slaughterhouse. Are you sure? ”

Belloq denies it, and Anfeld asks, watching the firstborn slayer and his aide.

“I may have misdetected it, but there's nothing wrong with being cautious. ”

The first-class killer said. Anfels was also convincing.

- I think we should start now.

Lischevald has spoken. If you let it go, Anpheth, who appears to be the Node Commander, may alert the entire Node.

Since Seong-jun was hidden, instead of answering Lichenzalt's words, he threw his dagger at the first kill.


Hidden while throwing the dagger. Anfels, Belloq, and the First Life were aware of the surprise and moved on.


Recognizing that the dagger wasn't flying fast, Seong-jun opened his mouth at the same time as seeing the first mate moving casually.



The thrown dagger accelerates. When the firstborn came to his senses, there was a ventricular hole in his abdomen. Red blood spills out.


Belloq and Anfels chant in unison. Then the weapons and armor were summoned to their bodies.

The Knight of the Brigades, known as Belloq, holds his spear and shield, and Anfels holds his sword normally.

“Cao Cao, hurry up... ”

Anfels said as he triggered the error. The promotor nods in return, instead of answering.

Even joining forces with a fatal injury didn't seem to help much. In this situation, it was best to call in the cavalry. However, Seong-jun did not intend to let him go.


“Oh, my God! ”

Cho was embarrassed by Seong-jun's sudden narrowing of the street with unexpected Blink Magic.

“Damn it!”

Belloq lunges forward, shielded and baring his head. He was speeding like a high-speed maneuver, but it was faster for Seong-jun to cut his head off.

“Glug glug!”

A deadly head wound to the neck falls with a terrible sound. Probably suffocated. Seong-jun opened his welcome sword to Belloq, who rushed in late.

“Uhh, this is Rowkel's...... ugh! ”

Belloq was breathless at the same time as he realized it was Rowkel's technology.

“W-what is your relationship with Lord Rowkel?" ”

Anfels' attitude toward the welcome sword was strange. You don't seem to have dropped your weapon, but you have no intention of attacking it. Seong-jun decided to talk to him first.

“Do you know Lord Rowkel? ”

“Please, please answer me! What is your relationship with Lord Rowkel…… The Welcome Sword……. ”

Anfels barely speaks, raising his middle-aged wrinkled face. The evidence of his suspicion of his relationship with Raquel was the expression of a 'welcome sword’.

He was ranked 226th in the Knights Brigade. So I knew about the Welcome Sword.

‘That was definitely a welcome sword...'

I didn't get a good look at all the moves too soon, but now I know it's a welcome sword lost with Rowkel's death.

“Please tell me! ”

Seong-jun could easily see that he respected Rowkel, unlike other knights in the Empire.

“Is Lord Rowkel still alive?" ”

Hopelessness emanates from Anfels' voice. I felt like I was begging for an answer that I was alive. In his appearance, Seong-jun had no choice but to think about the question.

I had a vague memory of Anfels, 226th in Knights Brigade sequence. But there was no particular contact with him.

Above all, this was the base of the Imperial Special Forces Survey Unit.

Although the Knights of the Brigade can send reinforcements, the Node Commander's qualifications lie with the Senior Investigating Unit Officer.

And Belloq used the modifier "Node Commander" when he called Anfels.

“By the way, I don't remember seeing Anfels in the battle of the Great Plain of Lidonia.... ”

- You may have been demoted.

Seong-jun cautiously spilled his words to himself. If you cut it down, it will definitely remain in your memory.

Lischevald commented, but the tune was not 100%. So I wasn't sure in any way because the memory might not have come back.

“I inherited Rowkel's will. The welcome sword you just saw is proof of that. ”

Seong-jun replied. The reaction of Anfels was important now. If he's hostile, kill him.

- Hostiles inbound.

Lischevald reports that a number of pilgrims are approaching. Anfels closes the entrance by activating the trachea.

Watching with the expression that Seong-jun asked for an explanation, Anfel opened his mouth, swallowing up tears.

“Now we can have a little chat. ”

“I don't have much time, can you tell me quickly? ”

“My name is Anfels. This is Knight from Brigades 226th. ”

Anfels opens his mouth.

“Tell me quickly. I have to go kill them all. ”

“We've sealed off the bulkheads in all the buildings. It is a special bulkhead that lasts a long time in ‘error'. ”

“I see.”

Seong-jun nodded. The cutting power of the error was strong, but not universal, so there was a magical process or material that could withstand it.

“I'll keep talking. I was a knight from the Brigades, but I was disqualified for disobeying my summons during the battle of the Great Plains of Lidonia. ”

“Why are you so grumpy? Were you scared?”

At Seong-jun's question, Anfels shakes his head.

“I'm not a coward. just because I didn't want to point the sword at my esteemed knight, Sir Rowkel. ”

“The Knights of the Brigade refuse the Emperor's orders? Immediate execution is a felony. ”

Seong-jun couldn't understand. It was a grave sin to rebel against the imperial decree.

“The number of Knights who responded to the summons on the day of the Battle of the Great Plains of Lidonia, including Brigades, is over a thousand. Executing them all was a great empire. ”

Seong-jun, that is, Rowkel and Lischevald, did not know. Rowkel was a well-respected knight, and there were a lot of knights who disobeyed him for not being able to point the sword at him.

The imperial court was unable to impose more than a dismissal because they were concerned about spreading out in an inconvenient situation after executing them all.

Of course, there were many who assisted in his idea of hating the League, not just because he didn't want to point the sword at Rowkel.

- If you ask Lord Zero, he'll know. I don't think it's too late to decide if Anfels can be trusted.

Lischevald says, "Sung-jun nods very small, instead of answering."

“If you were demoted, how did you get back? ”

Answering Seong-jun's question, Anfels opened his mouth calmly.

“I've been summoned as things escalated for the Empire. Of course, I didn't make it back to the Brigade, and I became the Node of the Survey Unit. ”

“Isn't the Empire in good shape? ”

Anfels nods.

“Yes. If you truly have Lord Rowkel's will, I will cooperate." ”

“Okay, then answer the question. ”

“I understand.”

“I'll keep it simple. Are you planning to leave New York for the League today? ”

It was the most important issue. If that were true, I would have told the Central Hunter's office immediately. If the raid expands and eventually the United States collapses, the Earth will be captured in an instant.

“Yes. A great army led by Caliac, the Orc chieftain, will be arriving in New York. Our intel says we've already secured the dimensional rift, and within 24 hours, the portal will open across New York City. ”

“What's your location?"

“I'm afraid I don't know that. ”

Anfels shakes his head with a sad expression. He was a senior officer of the Investigation Unit and a Node Commander, but he was not aware of the faction's work. It's only recently been informed that there's been an attack.

“Today the invasion plans will begin in earnest. ”

“That's not going to work. ”

Seong-jun's eyes were sharp. He picks up the Riodin Crystal. Anfels did not stop him.

“I'm going to kill them all. ”

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