"Of course it will!"

The corners of Rem's mouth rose slightly, her heart was overjoyed, and after arching in Chu Tianhuai, her eyes rolled and she said: "Why, Rem and Rem are really so good? Rem is just a servant. It's just..."

Chu Tianzhenghun wandered for nine days, and said without thinking, "Of course, because you are Hungarian."

Rem: "..."


With a wave of Rem's hand, the meteor hammer slammed down!

With a wave of Rem's hand, the meteor hammer slammed down!

Fortunately, Platinum Star came forward in time and used a trick to pick up the hammer with his bare hands, which prevented bloodshed from happening!

Knowing that something was wrong, Chu Tian immediately climbed onto the sofa and started to move his hands with Rem.

As a result, the war reignited, Chutian scored twice, staged a hat-trick, and a big four!

..............The plot here may cause physical discomfort to book friends, resulting in foaming at the mouth, dizziness, and sore limbs, so I will not go into details.

After several battles, Rem quietly sang beside Chutian.

She knew very well that a character of Chutian's level was not a fool like Subaru Caiyue.

Chutian is handsome, powerful, IQ is high, and his physical strength is very good... Such a perfect man will be vying for and rushing by all kinds of girls.

She didn't know what other girls were thinking, but just with Chutian's appeal, she could easily capture the heart of Lord Amelia.

If you are a mother-in-law, you will only be annoying.

After all, there are so many beautiful and lovely young ladies in the heavens and the world. If you don't show your best side, you can't make yourself needed by others.

The two blew their gongs to withdraw, and after hugging each other for a while, Rem returned to RE's world.

The evil capitalist Roswaal is a typical Zhou slapper.

Deducting employees and exploiting subordinates, Rem will cook and sweep the floor for these capitalists at [-] in the morning, and life is miserable haha.

Chu Tian pondered, when he was free, he would gather a few powerful thugs to destroy the RE world.

Raise the pole and raise the flag to make a revolution and smash all the evil capitalism!

My own woman, only eat xx and not suffer!

Cutie Rem is up to him to save!


The sun rose early, the sun shone on Chu Tian's face, the fresh air and the faint smell left on the quilt told him that today was also a day for nuclear peace.

Although the young lady is good, you can't forget the identity of the group owner.

After all, there are still so many calves waiting to be rescued.

Open the system properties bar, Chutian began to view his data.

Name: Chu Tian

Position: group owner

Permissions: highest level

Jurisdiction: 10 people

Enabled functions: text chat, gift exchange, video chat, group file upload, pull-in function, plane crossing.

Experience: 21000/100000

Group activity: 1000 million

Level: 11

Looking at the system panel, Chutian greedily pouted

This time it was really a bumper harvest, and there were 1000 million points in one wave, which had never happened before!

"If it is 1000 million, it can be exchanged for an entry-level SSS-level ability..."

After flexing his muscles for a while, Chutian began to visit the system mall.

For the world that Chutian is currently in, with the ability to stand as a substitute and a death rollback, he is almost immune to [-]% of the damage, which is almost equal to a superhuman existence. .

Chapter 83 Teleportation! 【3 more】

(It's really a dog, I drove a car for a chapter, and I was actually locked for 7 hours, what am I....)


It can be said that Chutian can walk sideways in his own world.

But other worlds are different.

The level is getting higher and higher, the group members are getting more and more, and those dangerous worlds are starting to be unlocked one by one.

At present, Whitebeard has quietly gone offline, honing his domineering, and preparing to meet with the red-haired man. The conspiracy of the big sailing world is about to unfold, and the war on the top is about to start.

The addition of Tsunade also made entering the Naruto world a daily routine.

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