"Oh my god!"

When Nazsero saw his exam paper, he felt like a ghost too!

Not only is it all blacked out, but it's also written in a good way!

Just by the neat handwriting and the clear interval between answers, the correct answer did not run away!

Hongdou walked slowly to Chutian's side, and raised the corner of his mouth disdainfully: "Hmph, unexpectedly 4 of them handed in no papers, I don't know what Hokage-sama thinks...々~."

The voice stopped abruptly, and the smile on Hongdou's face gradually solidified!

"This, this... I'm done!"

Hongdou rubbed her eyes hard and looked at Chutian's test paper in disbelief!

"This, this is impossible!"

He walked to the table of the other three in two steps, and when he saw it, his jaw dropped to the ground!

All written!

And, the answer is absolutely correct!

"What, what's going on! I have a problem with my eyes!?"

It's okay to say that other people cheated, Sakata Gintoki didn't move the pen from the beginning of the test to the end of the test!

He actually finished writing it!

Hongdou turned around and saw Chu Tian's half-smiley face, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat!

What's up with this team? !

What the hell!

The sand sculpture audience in the group was also shocked and panicked when they saw this fairy operation!

Shimura Shinpachi: "Open! The group owner is open!"

Lucy: "The stone hammer! The group leader is correct!"

Conan: "Please bless me to get the first place in the final exam!"

Kagura: "I beg the group leader to bless my Hungarian division to grow bigger and bigger!"

Kagura: "I beg the group leader to bless my Hungarian division to grow bigger and bigger!"

Makarov: "Please bless me with my rejuvenation!"


"Everyone here, I announce the end of the first Chunin exam! You all pass!"

"The percentage elimination system has not existed since the beginning. The difficult test questions and harsh rules are all designed to make you cheat. Some of you should understand that this written test is actually a test of your intelligence gathering ability. From From the beginning to the end of the exam, there are only two types of people who are eliminated, the first type, those who have not collected the correct information; the second type, those who have no ability to collect information!"

The examiner justly announced the results of the exam!

At the end of the exam, those who have not been caught in the exam room will be cleared!

"Group leader! You are too good!" Natsu rode directly onto Chutian in excitement!

"Hey, Nani!! I can live it too! I can live it even while sleeping! It seems that I, Ah Yin, is a genius hahaha!"

"What kind of ability is this? I can't understand it more and more!"

A few people in the villain team, their worship to Chutian has gone to the sky!

If it was a little more shameless, it is estimated that they would all come to lick Chutian's shoes!


In the afternoon, the ninjas who passed the test gathered outside the forest of death in the forbidden area of ​​Konoha.

The second round of the Chunin Exam, the team competition!

Content: Grab the scrolls!

The examiner for this game is the beauty red bean with net pattern. The red bean, who is in her twenties, is at the peak of her appearance, and her strength is also well-known in the Shangnin circle. Unfortunately, her temper is too hot, and she has a huge appetite, so no one chases after her. .

"Damn, what is the origin of those guys, they actually deceived my Mitsuwashi Red Bean's eyes!"

Not only Red Bean, but other classes were also very concerned about this sudden group of people.

Sasuke and Neji kept watching a few people with their white-haired eyes, but they found that these people didn't have chakra at all!

Not to mention Chakra, the player with bunny ears on his head, who is not at all humanlike, can't even see through his body!

Not only does he not look human, he is not human at all!

"¨~ All assembly! Let's explain the exam rules of the Forest of Death!"

The red beans drank the crowd, but their thoughts were on Chu Tian and his party.

"Hmph, this time I must catch you! The Forest of Death is not as easy as a written test!"

Clearing his throat, Red Bean read out the rules:

"Squad competition, there are a total of 13 Sky Scrolls and 13 Earth Scrolls, which are randomly divided into 26 groups, each group will get a pair of Heaven and Earth Scrolls, and within 3 days of passing through the death forest to the destination, you will pass!"

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