"However, all your hard work and dedication were in vain in the end, your proud subordinates greened your queen, and the android son you tried so hard to protect ended your life and smashed your skull. The British Empire was tragically destroyed in the civil war, and the people were killed and wounded. In order to change the outcome, you even made a contract with the "world" Alaya, even if you pay the price of eternal reincarnation, you must go to the Holy Grail and make a wish "to return to the election". King's Day". "

Saber's figure swayed slightly, and the whole face was bloodless!

What Chu Tian said at this time was that she did not want to mention the pain in the past!

Betrayed by the one he loves, killed by the one who protects, what he insists on protecting his whole life is destroyed in his own hands in the end!

That kind of unforgettable pain, no matter how many years have passed and how many reincarnations have been experienced, it will never be forgotten!

She, Arturia Pendragon, has a long-cherished wish, that is, to obtain the Holy Grail and return to the day of the king's election.

When that day comes all over again, when faced with the sword in the stone that can prove the heir to the throne, she may choose to give up.

Give up being a king, give up surviving for the country, but as an ordinary person, marry and have children, live an ordinary life, and live an ordinary life.

"Why, why do you know these things?" Saber asked in a trembling voice.

"It's because I know, that I call you out... But in my eyes, you are just an undead bound by the past. Your heart is still closed, and you are still selfishly carrying those early days The people of the shit country that has perished, shit glory."

"you shut up!"

Saber's killing intent is boiling, if it wasn't for her body being imprisoned, she would have gone up to fight Chu Tian!

Chu Tian's attitude is indifferent:

"Arturia Pendragon, I ask you, is there any meaning to the glory that has perished once?"

"Of course there is! Being the King of Britain is the honor of my life, Arturia Pendragon!"


As soon as Chu Tian drank his righteous words, the scene and chat group suddenly fell silent!

"If you follow the right track of history, let go of Britain when it is at its most perfect, and abdicate and die like a normal king, then your glory may still have meaning."

"But you didn't."

"You Arturia Pendragon, the moment you pulled out the sword in the stone, the river of time froze for you, your body and face stopped growing and aging, and you were forever at the age of fifteen. a moment."

"You have an infinite lifespan and you want to control the country forever."

"It is precisely because of your perverted obsession with the country and its people, and your delusion that you can make the entire country strong for decades, centuries, thousands of years, or even forever, and that's why the final tragedy happened! "

"You don't trust other people at all. You don't believe that anyone other than yourself can govern this country well. That's why your knights of the round table betray you and your queen betrays you!"

"Your pride and glory ceased to exist the moment your son Mordred raised his troops to revolt in order to usurp the throne!"

"Britain prospered because of you and was destroyed because of you, but what future generations will remember will always be your fault!"

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Arturia Pendragon was hoarse, the armor on her arm, and the sword of oath in her hand kept shaking!

Every word of Chu Tian's words pierced her heart!

"You don't understand! You are talking nonsense! You don't understand my era at all!".

Chapter 108 Only find you to vent [2 more]

"I don't understand? I know everything about you, and you know nothing about me."

"You are an undead bound by the past, a tragic king!"

"Have you seen the silver-haired warrior standing next to you? He has a past that is 10 times more miserable than yours, but do you see him immersed in those and perishing things? He still regards the title of the ghost and god of the past as White Yaksha. Your own glory?"

"He didn't."

"Even if he was betrayed by the country, he is not at fault, his glory has never been tarnished/stained, and he has no longer carried the title of White Yaksha."

"But you, your glory has been destroyed in your hands, yet you still refuse to let go."

"Since your Arturia Pendragon's wish is to choose a new life, then you should no longer carry anything related to King Arthur. You are a first-order saber, the swordsman who wielded the sword for me!"

"Otherwise, I can tell you responsibly that when you get the Holy Grail, make a wish, and return to the day of the king's election, you will still draw the sword in the stone, and you will still repeat the tragedy again. !"

A word is like Huang Zhong Dalu blasting 24 ears, and the reverberation lingers around the beam for three days!

Excessive shock and blow made Saber bite her lip tightly, a trace of blood flowed down, lonely but resentful looking at Chu Tian's angry face.


Saber wanted to argue, but Gintoki's big hand rested on her weak shoulder.

"He was right,"

Sakata Gintoki should be the person who knows Saber the most. For a long time, he was like Saber, an undead bound by the past and unable to extricate himself.

"You want to start all over again, don't you? Make another choice, give up being King Arthur, and become an ordinary person, but why don't you start all over again now? You were called out by the group master, and you have already started over. Ah, why are you still obsessed with the past?"

Natsu also came over thoughtfully and put his hand on Saber's other shoulder.

"I also think the group leader is right. Although his personality is a bit more reckless, he is the kind of person who will give up himself for the happiness of group members. He is a great person..."

Although Natsu didn't know how he came to this conclusion, when he finished saying this, the chat group suddenly sighed.

Huiyuan Ai: "I believe in your evil!"

Lucy: "Natsu! You're probably Shi Lezhi!"

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