Chutian: The sketching wheel eye that I captured is a common three-column jade sketching wheel eye, which has three main functions: 3. Imitation, 1. Illusion, 2. Izanagi.You should all know the first two functions. Let me talk about the third one, Izanagi, which is like a resurrection coin. You can modify reality once, even in death.

Conan: So what are you waiting for?This skill suits me best. I have encountered more dangerous events in a year than you have encountered in a lifetime!I don't know when I'll be attacked by a criminal!

Tony Stark: Reaper schoolchildren are also afraid of death?


Haibara Ai:.........

Lucy:  …


tTony Stark: .........

Chutian: ......Give you two, one should not be enough......What about the others?

Sakata Gintoki: I want, I want!What kind of nirvana can be practiced by getting the writing wheel eye is not sure!

Natsu: Plan ahead, I don't think it's a loss for an extra resurrection coin!

Tony Stark: Group owner, you know what I mean?A few days ago, the one-eyed guy from S.H.I.E.L.D. invited me to dinner and asked me to join a boy group called the Avengers. Guess what?There are gods who can thunder, there are big green men who can scare people to death when they are angry, and there are old popsicles from the 70s frozen on the seabed... These bastards have super powers!

Chutian: emmmmm counts you as one...As for have performed quite well this time, I will give you a magic eye of death alone!

Open the system mall, spend 600 million, and buy a pair of straight-death magic eyes.

Gintoki: The Demon Eye of Immediate Death... What is that?Can you activate nirvana?

Chutian: To put it simply, this eye sees the "dead line" and "dead point". If it is cut along the dead line and punctured along the dead point, it will cause irreversible and incurable damage to the object.This is great for you who only chop with wooden knives.

After all, Chu Tian sent his eyes to the group members.

And one person spent another 10 points to turn on the fusion function.

Chutian: The fusion function can ignore the world view and force ability fusion. Just put the organ on the same organ on your body, you can gain power, no need to remove anything.... And you can turn off the ability when not in use. , to avoid physical waste and cause side effects.

Silver Time: Side Effects?Are there any side effects of writing wheel eye?

Chutian: You don't have the wheel eye in your hands, but you do have the magic eye of death.

Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth, Sakata Gintoki immediately activated the Demon Eye of Immediate Death to inspect the surroundings.

Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth, Sakata Gintoki immediately activated the Demon Eye of Immediate Death to inspect the surroundings.

Sure enough, Xinbaji and Kakula have different numbers of dead lines and dead spots. The tables, sofas, benches, and even the space have cracks as thin as spider silk.

Not to mention the side effects, just seeing the crack on this face makes me panic.

And... Gintoki always felt that something was moving in his sight, ghost?ghost?

He was so frightened that he quickly lifted the Demon Eye of Straight Death!

Otherwise, I will / piss / come out in front of Kagura!

Sakata Gintoki is very afraid of ghosts!


The Devil's Eye of Death gave Yin Shi one, and Chu Tian still held one in his hand...  

He was considering whether to install it himself.

Eyeballing is a very convenient skill. In battle, you don't need to use too much physical energy. You only need to stare to make it work.

But the pupil's too much!

Writing Wheel Eye, Samsara Eye, White Eye, Tenseiyan Family Bucket.

The Italian community of respecting the elderly and caring for the young - the six reincarnation eyes of the six Taoists in the Pengele family.

Lelouch's Geass and Tokisaki Kuangsan's 12-in-1 little bully.

Qimu Nanxiong... No, Akashi Seijuro's Eye of the Emperor of Heaven.

Sulke's eye of death.

The clairvoyance of Hulu Brother Erwa.

Bekas's Millennium Eye...

The mere two eye sockets... can't fit at all!

Probably seeing Chutian's entanglement, the thoughtful system immediately suggested in his mind: "If the host wants a variety of pupil techniques, you can choose to spend 1000 million to upgrade the [high-end version] fusion ability."

"High match?"

System: "The fusion ability of the high-end version is equivalent to infinite card slots, and various abilities can be superimposed, and they can be called when needed.

For example, eyes, ordinary people only have two eye sockets, and can hold up to 2 types of eyes, but after opening the infinite card slot, they can integrate all kinds of eyes infinitely. abilities can also be superimposed. "

"Then what are you waiting for? Upgrade!"

System 5.3: "Ding! It has been successfully upgraded for you! Existing pupil techniques: Shaking Wheel Eye, Demon Eye of Death."

With the ability of infinite card slots, Chutian can search for the ability unscrupulously now.

Well, the see-through eyes are very good. . . .

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