Hai Yuanai: "What happened to you just now! Such a wonderful duel is not broadcast live!"

Tsunade: "Yes, yes! I deliberately got off work early and waited for your live broadcast, but I secretly finished it!"

Chu Tian: "That scene is too beautiful, I'm afraid you won't dare to watch it..."

Hai Yuanai: "You just forgot! Really, give me permission, I want to be the management!"

Tsunade: "I also want permission! As soon as little sister Rem is away, you forget about such a big thing!"

Forced by the lustful power of the two, Chutian had to upgrade them to administrators.

The young master: "Chutian group leader, the other party asked for ten people, but counting me, Master Xie, Ren, Ah Fei, Ah Q, there are only five people in total! There are five more people, where can I find them?"

Ren: "Yes, even if you include Master Jidi and Master Shiquan, there are only seven people in total."

Master Xie: "¨~ And that old bone of Master Shiquan, I don't know if it can be done or not, hahaha..."

Dudu: "Do you still need to find other chefs? Counting the Dumpling Brothers and Xiao Han from the Dongjiang Pavilion, there are only 10 people, and the Dumpling Brothers are a team of two, so they should be counted as one person! Is it possible that Shiro will play? "

Shiro: "Big sister! What are you talking about! I, Shiro, must have been chosen by the group leader long ago!"

Chu Tian shook his head: "No no no, although Nakiri Erina has some parallel imports now, the Dumpling Brothers and Shiro can't win. What I want is an overall overwhelming victory..."

Little Master: "Then..."

Chu Tian: "Dark cooking world, I want to pull them over too!"

The group was silent for a while, and then a shocking upsurge broke out!

The young master: "Group leader! What nonsense are you talking about! The dark cooking world is a group of very dangerous guys! How can you pull them in!"

Ren: "Yes! I know the dark people best! They are a group of very dangerous guys, their purpose is to control the entire continent! Absolutely (get Zhao) can't let them in too!"

Master Xie: "Group leader, you have to think twice!"


For the young masters, what the dark cooking world means is self-evident.

That is a group of terrorist organizations, and the minions have even infiltrated the palace!

They are the evil forces that the light cooking world has been fighting against, and they are like bosses!

Pull them in, are these masters crazy!

Chu Tian: "Don't panic, the dark cooking world may be terrifying to you, but for me... it's no different from a child, and you can just use this opportunity to crush their ambitions, right? "

Little Master: "This..."

Chu Tian: "Although the people in the dark cooking world do some weird things, they still have strength, and so far, the dark people have not made any progress breakthroughs, they are just a group of people hiding in the dark. It's just a crow who dares to come forward, the last organization similar to this kind of gang has been disintegrated by us.".

Chapter 125 The Little Headed Father [2 More]

Although the young master was a little repulsive, it was quite reasonable to think about what Chu Tian said.

The group of people in the dark cooking world are secretive and have been hiding in the dark, only occasionally sending some chefs out to disrupt the situation.

Right now, the young master and his party have just dealt with the spy dragon chief in the palace, and the leader of the dark cooking world will definitely avoid his edge and develop wretchedly.

It is undoubtedly more difficult to face them.

Moreover, not everyone thinks that the dark cooking world is an evil organization. Take the showdown on the Huangpu River as an example, the entire Shanghi trade union recognizes the dark cooking world.

Because although dark people do things strangely, they are real.

And they didn't poison the food or use weird tricks to confuse people. They used their real skills to make the diners surrender, and then follow their orders.

It can be said that, except for the ruthlessness and impure motives of their own people, the dark cooking world is no different from the light cooking world.

The proof is that people in the dark cooking world can also drive the legendary kitchen utensils.

The young master: "Since there are group masters to back them up, let them in!"

Chu Tian nodded: "Then you can wait a while and calm down, because I have to announce a very big thing."

Chu Tian secretly sighed, the young master did not know, in fact, the strongest and most mysterious chef in the dark cooking world, the real boss of the dark cooking world - the prodigal son Yan Xian, is actually the young master's father, the 617 jade unicorn Maliu!

Maliu, one of the four great chefs in China, the king of Sichuan cuisine, one of the 'big four', is a close disciple of Teacher Yuxian, known as the "Emperor of Sichuan Cuisine", and has played many well-known chefs all over the world, but 4 years ago. Inexplicably covered in dust, he was declared dead, but in fact he entered the dark cooking world, monitoring every move of the dark cooking world as a "prodigal son Yan Xian".

Mariu is the only chef who can use all 8 legendary kitchen utensils, and even the leader of the dark cooking world - "Dragon into the Cloud" Kaiyu calls him the strongest person in the dark cooking world in the true sense!

With such a handle in his hand, Chutian is not afraid that people in the dark cooking world will not cooperate.

Turning on the system, Chu Tian pulled the prodigal Yan Xian in.

It's just that before joining the group, he was going to do Yan Xian's ideological work first.

The world of small masters, Liangshanbo.

Dark Cuisine World Headquarters.

The entire dark cooking world is made up of a chef group composed of descendants of Liangshan heroes, with a history of more than [-] years.

Now the leader is "Into the Cloud Dragon" Kai You, the leader of the entire dark cooking world, known as the "Five Tiger Stars".

Kai You has super touch, super vision, super hearing, super smell, and is also well-read, proficient in Chinese medicine and qigong, and his stunt "Breaking the Magic Eight Arrays" can even control people's hearts.

When he was a child, Kaiyu used poisonous mushrooms mixed with cooking to poison children of the same age. He believed that the real power of cooking was to control human life at will, so he began to study poisonous cooking, and then joined the dark cooking world, and became the current leader.

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