Does this man have a grudge against him! ?

"Put your clothes on, I have something to ask you."


"You go out and I'll wear it again!"

"Then I'll ask you directly?"

Chu Tian did not leave room for Nakiri Erina to play a temper, and it was not the young lady's turn to issue the commander.

Erina froze, her eyes suddenly shy and annoyed, but in a short period of time, this emotion turned into a kind of complex like resignation.

"You turn around."

Chu Tian did as he did.

Erina's mood was like a deer, she bit her teeth lightly, her eyes were full of water vapor, she lowered her head one step, two steps, and then suddenly reached out and took the clothes on the table.

She has never been alone in a room with a man, let alone this embarrassing state.

Ten minutes later, the eldest lady finished changing.

In the face of Chutian's majesty, she chose to hide her fears by sitting as still as a mountain, but she may not have noticed how seductive her sitting posture was at the moment.

Chu Tian suddenly discovered that Erina Nakiri in the school uniform was quite unique, and in terms of recognition, it was comparable to the Duo Mao Wang in the battle uniform.

"You, what's the matter with you?" The eldest lady cleared her throat and pretended to be calm.

"I want to bring a group of people here, but I can't let ordinary people see them appearing out of thin air. Do you know where Totsuki Academy is more hidden?"

"The back mountain, but it takes a long time to walk from the back mountain to the top of the mountain, and ordinary people may have to walk for a few hours..."

"That's no problem, there are no ordinary people among the people I bring."


Mysterious Silence.....

"Then I'm leaving. You'd better practice how to cry when you lose later. It's not ugly. The people I brought today will make you experience despair."

Erina gritted her teeth and sat up straight. The two groups in front of her were even more spectacular. The white shirt fabric was stretched very tightly, and a row of buttons seemed to be babbling, roaring overwhelmed.

"Hmph, don't get too complacent! I will definitely win this competition!"

"Very good, I like your character who is not afraid of death."

After speaking, Chu Tian turned around and prepared to flash people.

But suddenly, Erina pulled her sleeves.

Very abruptly, Erina Nakiri, who does not eat human fireworks, actually took the initiative to pull Chu Tian's sleeve.

Very abruptly, Erina Nakiri, who does not eat human fireworks, actually took the initiative to pull Chu Tian's sleeve.

"What are you doing?"

The girl's body slammed, and she opened her eyes in shame: "You, you are not allowed to say what happened just now!"



say what?

Erina's ears were flushed red, and the heat continued to rise from the soles of her feet, her face flushed as if she had been steamed.

Chu Tian's reaction was a little stunned: "What are you talking about? What are you not allowed to say?"

Erina gritted her teeth: "That's, that's what it is! You saw me...Please don't say it..."

"Do you think I'd take seeing you look unsightly as bragging rights? Silly woman."

Chu Tian said lightly, and after removing the eldest lady's hand from her sleeve, the entire human figure dissipated.

Erina was stunned and sat on the chair.

"Show-off talk..."

"Yes, is that so? Was it that I was so insignificant in his heart?"

"Damn, am I being self-indulgent? You bastard! Damn!"

I don't know why, but Erina's spirit was a little dazed even though she was released by Chu Tian.

Always feel.... where is a little unwilling.


Togetsu Academy, behind the mountain, at the foot of the mountain.

On the night when he learned that he was going to confront Chutian Jingxing in cooking, Nakiri Senzaemon, the Demon King of Eating, used the relationship of the entire consortium to release the news of the Moon Festival and forcibly advance the date of the event. for over a month.

At this moment, the main gate of Togetsu Academy has already been placed on a street.

Countless Yuanyue students have found the booth to heat the pot, and when the time is up, they are ready to show their skills and give him a good vote.

In the woods of the back mountain, a white light flashed...

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