"Keep running! I've been chatting and forgetting the time!"

"What!? It's such a time, senior Gan is still keeping track of the time?"

"Is he the devil?"!"



Running training is where every second counts.

Not to mention stopping to watch the show, a little chaotic rhythm will affect the final arrival time.

There is no suspense, because after watching the play for more than [-] seconds in the middle, all the members of Qingxue Zhengxuan fell into trouble, it was beyond time!

"Thanks to you."

At the end, Senior Gan calmly brought out a stainless steel plate, which was full of paper cups, and the paper cups were filled with blue-black and transparent drinks, and the tears flowed just by getting close.

Street Fighter's Reward!

"Hey Agan! More than a dozen people there fell down! Can we still drink this drink!"

Kikumaru jumped straight up, if he didn't catch his breath now, he would probably ride on the head of Kansen.

"Yes, senior! The day after tomorrow, we will have a contest with Bingdi Academy. Drink this now. Do you want us to lose early?"



In the face of everyone's accusations, Senior Gan was indifferent.

This time he wasn't pretending to be stupid, but there were some things that Senior Gan would not compromise, such as regulations.

It is precisely because of the strict rules of Qingxue that he would lose in the intra-school ranking competition and be excluded from the main selection position.

And it is precisely because of the strict regulations that he can be resurrected from defeat and return to the throne of the school team.

And it is precisely because of the strict regulations that he can be resurrected from defeat and return to the throne of the school team.

For data men, regulations, laws.... these are sacred and inviolable things, and there is no other way but to abide by them!

"Sorry everyone, rules are rules..."

Senior Gan's cold and selfless attitude told everyone that he was not joking.

If you lose, you have to drink!

Kikumaru was about to cry: "What to do with Dashi, I don't want to drink..."

Oishi: "Tezuka, what do you think..."

Tezuka: "......"

Kawamura: "I don't want to drink either..."

Haitang: "Aren't you familiar with the group of people next to Echizen? Ask them to help, maybe we need rescue after a while..."

Fuer Zhousuke: "(*^__^*) Hee hee, I really want to have a drink..."


In the evening, the breeze was shimmering.

The orange sunset spilled into the room from the window, shone on the floor, on the sheets, on the infusion bottle, and on the serene face of the official Qingxue tennis team player.

The naked Echizen Ryoma felt warm in body and mind, and the fluttering lightness that was about to fly into the universe made him unable to help but run away.

In the field ridge, by the stream, the smooth feet are stepping on the muddy ground, and the fragrance of the soil is tangy.

He was lying among the growing vegetable fields, surrounded by clumps of cauliflower, the green and gold in the field of vision, and the fragrance in the air made people so relaxed and happy...

Echizen relaxed and returned to nature, or....to the dust.

Suddenly, a hermit who was riding an ox and ploughing the field passed by Echizen, and Echizen immediately started to stand up. The hermit turned his head, with an annoying face, the leader of the group!

Chu Tian happily sat on the cow and showed a playful smile before rushing over.

Echizen was stunned in place, and a huge fear rushed out of his heart. In a sudden moment, his body slanted, and the whole world was like broken glass, blooming into an ice flower, the world began to collapse, and the sky and pastoral fields were black. The viscous soft body, the endless black hole at the foot, and countless black slender arms stretched out from it, pulling the whole person into the ground...

"' ˇ Damn!"

With a bang, Echizen's small body tossed up from the hospital bed and woke up!

"What, what's going on!"

At a glance, the people lying beside Echizen are all the official players of the tennis team: Momojo, Kaido, Kikumaru, Oishi...

Everyone was lying on the bed wrapped in heavy quilts, as if they had just undergone a major operation and had just come out of the gates of hell!

"here is....."

Echizen's forehead was frightened with sweat.

"The morgue."

Chu Tian rolled his eyes and said.

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