
Nakiri Erina forcibly suppressed her emotions. She, who was ignorant of men and women, had a very simple idea: being asked by Chutian to do things meant that she was needed by Chutian.

The difference between being needed and being ignored is self-evident!

Picking up the vegetable juice and placing it in front of Hungarian, Erina took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, and prepared to take a sip.

"What are you doing?" Chu Tian was surprised, "Don't you want to drink dry juice?"

Before Erina could answer, Chu Tian avoided the paper cup, absorbed a small drop of dry juice into the beaker with a test tube, and diluted it with warm water until the weird blue-black color completely disappeared, turning into a cup that was completely harmless to the naked eye. until water.

"How can you damage your precious sense of taste for a trivial matter? I also expect you to cook for me with the power of the tongue of God all your life..."

The thoughtful operation and the sarcastic language made Nakiri Erina feel a warm feeling in her heart.

Who can stand this!

At this moment, the eldest lady's mood suddenly calmed down.

The restless heart after meeting Chutian was sublimated at this moment, a kind of affection called [-]% love, inexplicably took root in the deepest part of my heart and sprouted and grew.

No, I really love it!

The entire ward exploded in an instant!

The group owner's unexpected flirting made a group of sand sculptures gain insight in an instant!

"If that's not love..."

"There should be applause here!"

"The group leader of Dog Day is really caring..."

"Paralyzed, what are you doing, taking notes!"

"Ah ah ah, the group owner is pretending to be forceful again! Blind my dog's eyes!"

"Hardcore tutorial, learn it!"

"Saucy, saucy..."

"Huh? Yinsang, why did you kneel down?"


With a blush and a heartbeat, Erina dipped a little of the diluent into her mouth.


Hearing this devil formula, the people in the entire ward were instantly churning in their stomachs, and the bitter water was pouring out!

"I-I can't help it!"

Nami couldn't hold it anymore, she vomited when she ran to the toilet!

"Nami, hurry up! I can't take it anymore!"

"I also... vomit~~~~"

"Where is that senior! I'll kill him now!"

"I actually drank such a disgusting thing just now!"

"Is he the devil! Is he! Is he!"

Not only the people in the ward, but in the group, the five tiger stars in the dark cooking world who have been diving, are also shocked!

Kaiyu: "What, what's the situation? This guy's vegetable juice is completely beyond the scope of the dark cooking world!"

Yakan: "That's right! Although we are called the dark in the dark cooking world, in fact, it is just a cruel way of training rookie chefs, and the food made is still delicious!"

Zhu Qi: "This guy, this is poisoning!"

Mira: "This is murder at all!"

Yan Xian: "This glass of juice does not belong to the category of cooking. It is more appropriate to classify it as a weapon..."

The group members who had finally been rescued, after learning what they had eaten, almost everyone vomited again.

Now in the stomach.... only the stomach acid is left!

"Where is the group, group leader, that senior named Agan? I'm going to ask him for an explanation!"

Sakata Gintoki walked out of the toilet leaning against the wall.

"Yes! I want him to pay for my medical expenses! Just pay for a year's worth of vinegar kelp!"

"Yes! I want him to pay for my medical expenses! Just pay for a year's worth of vinegar kelp!"

Kagura's face became wrinkled!

Chu Tian punched the two of them in the head: "Grass! If I remember correctly, they have persuaded you not to drink it before, right? What are you two going to do? Are you going to touch the porcelain of junior high school students?"

"What? Junior high school student?"

After being reminded by Chu Tian, ​​Yinshi and Kagura suddenly realized something on their faces, as if they understood something.

Kagura: "Yeah....they are still junior high school students..."

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