On the court, Chu Tianzheng sat calmly on the coach's bench and pretended to be a coach.

Coach Ryuzaki, who was originally from Qingxue, was given a vacation by him today, and he took the card to eat turtle meat.

After all, Coach Ryuzaki is not stupid. Chutian and the others know better than anyone else how they can handle her.

Instead of sitting in the coach's seat staring blankly, it is better to let Chutian come, after all, Chutian and the others are much better than any tennis players.

"Tezuka and Fuji are actually doubles!?"

Seeing two figures, one tall and one short, appearing on the opposite court, Coach Sakaki and Ajibe of Ice Emperor were completely stunned!

"What kind of formation is this!? Players like Tezuka and Fuji are actually placed in the doubles position!"

According to the previous investigation, Tezuka Kunimitsu and Fujitsu Zhousuke are the strongest team members in the entire Qinggaku!

But now it's actually coming to play doubles, and it's a team of two at the same time!

This coach is probably crazy!

"Atobe, do you know the guy on the coach's bench?"

Shido Ryo stared at Chu Tian with a displeased expression on his face.

For some reason, he always felt that this man was quite weird, even weird!

"That person should be the singles number 1, the person who can sit on the coach's bench in front of the captain, and there is no one else except the singles 1."

"Is there anyone stronger than Tezuka in Seigaku? I've never heard of it!" The second-year Feng Changtaro was surprised.

"That's not clear..."

Atobe stopped communicating with his teammates and hated Tezuka on the court.

"Tezuka, you'd better not use Tian Ji's horse-racing tricks like he did with Fufufeng! If singles [-] and singles [-] are both pretentious parallel imports, then you will lose!"

Stadium, Qingxuefang coach seat.

Tezuka and Fuji were standing in front of Chu Tian, ​​listening to his tactics respectfully.

Chu Tian: "There is no tactics, use all your strength to solve the opponent, and give them a slap in the face."

Fuji squinted his eyes and smiled slightly: "What a rude coach."

Tezuka: "Let's do it this way, this game is an accident from start to finish, and we can't be too obsessed with tactics like this..."

In anticipation of the two teams, the game officially began.

"onesetmatch! Qingxue is the only one, toService!"

The right to serve fell to Qing Xue, but the two Bingdi showed a hint of arrogance that they had not seen for a long time.

Ninja Yuushi bowed his head slightly, and a strange white light appeared in the lens: "I didn't expect to fight you two, what a surprise..."

Xiang Riyueren: "Although they are the emperors and geniuses of Qingxue, but you seem to have forgotten one thing... This is doubles! The three-legged cat team that we put together temporarily can't win us!"

The self-confidence of the two ice emperors stems from their understanding of doubles.

In doubles, it is not the strength of the players, but the tacit understanding!

As long as the tacit understanding is good, the effect of 1+1>2 can be easily exerted.

But if there is no tacit understanding...

They don't need to do it themselves at all, they'll just mess around!

There are so many examples of this!

The doubles of two players with super strength but no tacit understanding is far inferior to two mediocre skills, but the combination of tacit understanding is powerful!

For players of Tezuka and Fuji's level, they were originally seeded singles players and had absolutely no experience in doubles!

This combination is improvised!

"Hey, Tezuka, we seem to be underestimated..."

Fuji smiled slightly, and slender fingers began to rub the ball at a wonderful angle.

"Then let them know about it."

"Gone Serve!".

Chapter 206 Fantasy Tennis Online! 【4 more】


With a crisp sound of hitting the ball, Fujisuke knocked out the ball that was thrown to shoulder height!

"It's a low-altitude serve!"

"It's a strange move as soon as it comes up, it's really not like a unique style!"

But this is not over yet!

When the tennis ball bounced and flew towards the abstinent man, Zhousuke Buer smiled and reminded: "That ball will disappear~"

Hearing this, Ninzu and Xiangri were stunned for a moment, and then the two suddenly widened their eyes.

Because at this moment, they seemed to see one ball turned into four balls, flying towards their faces!

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