In this way, the total length of the two hands adds up to 4 meters, which means that Luffy's defense range has become 4 meters. You must know that the entire tennis court is only more than 8 meters wide.

"Damn, it's still so long..."

Nagataro gritted his teeth, and he was still very irritable when he saw the long-hand monster with his arms wide open.

It only stretches 2 meters, and it is not easy to fight!

"Changtaro! Don't panic! The guy in the straw hat on the opposite side is obviously a rookie. Now even if his hands are getting longer, he's just a rookie with long hands. Just use the usual style of play!"

"Is your usual style of play..."

Changtaro murmured in his mouth, and suddenly, his eyes condensed, as if the blade of a knife was unsheathed, and a cold light flashed.

"Then eat my trick!".

Chapter 210 Fiasco! 【2 more】


Nagataro's ball rubbed the air and flew over the net!

Not fast, but tricky!

Go straight to Luffy's right foot.

It's a foot ball!

The so-called foot ball, as the name implies, is the ball that hits the foot.

This ball is a headache for net players.

When faced with this kind of ball, most rookies, out of a natural reaction, will let the ball hit their feet to form a dead ball, that is, block the ball off the net.

However, the ball that was barely returned in this way was also high and floating, and the next shot would be scored by the player in front of the net with high pressure.

The correct way to deal with it is to bend the knees to lower the center of gravity, squat low, let the waist be as high as the hitting point, relax the arms, lightly touch the ball to dissolve the high speed and power of the incoming ball, and let the ball pass the net slowly and steadily.

There is a player in the Ice Emperor team who is very good at resolving this kind of ball-Jiro Akutagawa, who is No. 2 in the singles, can block almost all the balls at his feet with his flexible wrists.

But Luffy is different.

A player who has never played tennis before, facing the tennis ball flying towards his feet, is frightened and panicked. That is a normal operation.


At the same time as the opponent's ball hit the ground, Luffy's center of gravity was also unstable, and one P share sat on the ground!

[-]% rookie operation without miscellaneous!



Seeing Luffy making such a low-level mistake, Changtaro was instantly confident!

"Sendo-senpai! It's exactly what you said! Although that guy has long hands, he's just a rookie!" 950

"Changtaro! Take this game in one go!"

After absorbing the care of Senior Shindo, Nagataro's eyes burst into flames!




"Ice Emperor won this game, the score is 1-0!"


"I heard that there's something going on at Stadium No. [-], Sanada-senpai, if we continue to walk slowly, we might not be able to catch up with Tezuka's game."

At the entrance of Forest Park, three middle school students in blue uniforms paced slowly.

They are Sanada Genichiro, Kirihara Akaya, and Liu Renji from the High School Affiliated to Rikai University.

There is no doubt that Lihai University also came to inspect the situation today.

As the king of middle school tennis, the High School Affiliated to Lihai University has dominated the country for two consecutive years.

In addition to thanks to the gathering of monsters, Li Haida's attitude towards the enemy is also one of the magic weapons for victory.

Never underestimate the enemy, fully investigate the opponent before the game, formulate a combat strategy, summarize after the game, and strengthen targeted...

It is precisely with this integrated high-level training system that Lihai University can recruit a large number of talents into the team, and the player reserve is two grades higher than that of Bingdi.

Even if they are defeated by Qingxue, with the huge crowd tactics and advanced training resources, they can quickly snatch the championship banner back.

Because except for the current 8 main candidates, Qingxue's remaining reserve players... can't bear to look directly.

"Lian Er, how is the time?"

Sanada looked straight ahead, not angry.

As the current number one in the middle school tennis world, he is now stronger than Tezuka and Atobe!

The title of "Emperor" is not covered!

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