"Jiro! Where are you!"

"Bastard, what is this guy doing, I don't know if the game has started!"


After two minutes of searching, everyone finally found the man of Cilang under the top seat of the auditorium, who was sleeping soundly.

"Jiro! The game is on!"

Shinobuzu and Xiangri didn't wait for anyone to wake up at all, and together they lifted him up and threw him into the field.

"Jiro, racket!"

It was not until the racket hit his face that Akutagawa Jiro finally sat up from the ground.

"Ah~~~ Ha~~~~"

Cilang yawned heavily, wiped his eyes, and said sleepily, "What? Is the game over?"

"Close your head! It's time for you to race!"

"Huh? Oh..."

Akutagawa Jiro held on to the beat and stood up from the ground.

It swayed, as if it was about to fall at any moment.

"What, it's already singles 2, Ice Emperor is so lucky today..."

The bitter words have not been uttered, but a loud, irritable shout suddenly came:


Following the voice, there was also a tennis ball that landed in Jiro's world.

Sakata Gintoki is here!

"Yeah yeah yeah! Great I scored!"

Sakata Gintoki jumped high and cheered!

Kagura: "Great, Gin-chan! Scored!"

Shinpachi: "Silver Sang!!"

The 2 sand sculptures in the Master House are so happy they fly!

But in the whole stadium, only these 3 people were making noises, and the rest of them stared at the stadium with their faces full of love, and the atmosphere was quite strange!

"Hey classmate, what are you doing! You haven't said the start yet!"

The referee shouted, and almost didn't spit blood!

Another yellow stick!Rookie!

Not to mention that he served before the game even started!

The Ice Emperor's players are not ready either!

Are you so unsportsmanlike?

Someone who can't hold a beat?

"Ahle? Do you have to wait until you start to serve?"

Yin Shi stopped abruptly in mid-air, then shrugged and looked at the referee deadly: "Can't you serve while standing on the court? Referee, are you blowing the black whistle?"

"You are grabbing hair! It's a foul!"

Fortunately, the referee was prepared to hold on to the bench this time, otherwise he would fall again! .

Chapter 216 There is no rule saying that you can't hit with a wooden knife [3 more]

"Hey! What foul? Do you want to blow the black whistle again?"

Kagura jumped over the stands, waved his arms and walked over to the high stool!

It's time for a referee!

"Hey Kagura! Calm down!"

"Come and grab her someone!"

"Don't be impulsive, Kagura! It was indeed Gintoki just now~ I committed a foul!"

Everyone in Qingxue was so frightened that their bodies trembled!

What's up with this little girl?

He looks so gentle and quiet, if he doesn't agree, he will call the referee - referee?

Humans are unbelievable!

"Kagura." Chu Tian was not angry and arrogant, "Don't hit the referee, we have to be reasonable."

"Oh, well then..."

The group leader's words had a significant effect, and Kagura immediately put down his fists and sat in the referee's bench to watch the game.

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