This is the epitome of the ultimate insight.

Every icicle is a defensive corner of Chutian, as long as it hits the position of the icicle, it will definitely score!


The icicles shattered.


The dead end attack worked.

Although the ice world of the Jibu has not been perfected, it is enough for a layman like Chutian!

"Tsk tsk tsk, finally there is... the eyesight that sees everything!"

On the Ice Emperor's seats, the faces of several of the main candidates showed confident expressions.

In the world of ice, relying on Atobe's strong observational power, he found the attack of the player's blind spot.

The dead-end attack made by ordinary players is to attack the ball path or landing point that the player is not good at.

For example, for players in front of the net, hit the line-pressing ball, and for right-handed forehand players, hit the left diagonal ball.

But the dead corners of Atobe are different. He is not targeting the players' style of play, but more profoundly, attacking the dead corners by targeting their muscles and movements.

Generally speaking, after the player hits the ball, the muscles are in the buffer period before the movement with the ball is completed.

For example, after a forehand swipe with the right hand, due to inertia, the muscles on the right half of the body will be bent. At this time, the landing point on the right hand side is a dead corner. If you want to hit the ball on the right back, you must first withdraw your hand. Swing the racket again, and the ball at other landing points can be hit with a backhand.

Therefore, this dead-end attack by Akibu is almost unsolvable.

Even if he is as strong as Sanada Genichiro, he has to kneel when he encounters this trick!

No matter how strong a player's technique is, his body is very honest.

Muscles and bones don't lie!

It is impossible for a person to forcibly change the law of movement of the body.

"'" The world of ice! "

On the court, the icicles around Chutian flashed again. Almost in an instant, one of them shattered and scattered ice slag all over the sky!

Dead-end attack, works again!

"Game Ice Emperor! 1-0!"

Ajibe's dead-end attack made another contribution, directly turning the first round and scoring the score!

"Hey hey hey! Did you see it? It's reversed!"

"Senior Ajibe's return is too strong! The opponent can't even move at all!"

"What! It seems that the guy doesn't seem to be great. Except for the quicker serve, the other play methods are simply ordinary!"

"And the one called Feiyan Returning to the Nest, [-]% was also played by chance..."

"Right, right....The next game is Atobe's serve, be sure!"

Bingdi's audience was full of expectations, but Qingxue's side was unsure, and even a little scared.

Echizen Ryoma: "Isn't the group owner.... to lose (the king's)?"

Fuer Zhousuke: "That dead-end attack is very difficult to deal with, even I can't help it..."

Eiji Kikumaru: "Hey, coach! What are you doing, hurry up and knock that guy down! Didn't you say you wanted to send us to the national competition!"

Chu Tian's expression was flat.

Although he conceded 4 goals in a row, he did not panic at all.

"What's the matter? Where did the momentum of the ultra-high-speed serve go just now?"

Seeing Chu Tian losing points in a row, the corner of his mouth smugly curled up and he turned on the mocking mode.

"If you don't show some skills, I will accept this game!"

call out--

In an instant, the tennis ball was like a bullet coming out of the chamber, tearing away towards the front court with a thunderous momentum.

A white smoke streaked in the air.


Almost at the moment when the ball bounced, Chu Tian hit it back with a half-volley!

"The world of ice!"

Countless icicles stood up, and Chu Tian was surrounded by dead ends! .

Chapter 225 Second Substitute Queen Killer [3 More]

"Hahaha! I accepted this point!"

Atobe's body jumped high, and even crossed the net!

Jumping power comparable to NBA stars!

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