
Master Kawamura stood on the desolate street, his helpless eyes looked at the brightly lit bustling city in the distance, his heart was cold.

Today is his last day as a sushi chef.

Today is also the last day of Kawamura Sushi's business.

He has lived half his life, and he has never seen anyone sitting in the store from 1 o'clock at noon to 10 o'clock in the evening without stopping!

What grows in those people's stomachs is not a stomach, but a black hole!

The former youth team members, at least have a bottom line.

Usually come at six o'clock in the afternoon, eat at seven or eight o'clock, and go home sensible.

The loss is only [-] to [-] yen.

But today....

Is it still human? ?

The best salmon, conger eel, sea urchin, golden eye bream and peony shrimp for a few thousand yuan are delivered to your mouth like chewing peanuts!

Sushi is not eaten by the individual, by the catty!

A few have a particularly big appetite, and one bite is a basket!

(Is it good?) Who can stand this!

The faces of philistines flashed in his mind, and two old tears of Master Kawamura swirled in his eyes.


Hecun Longyin came out of the house in a murky manner, his face turned into a bitter gourd.

The kindness of upbringing can't be repaid. Seeing that kind of little old man, for him to study and teach him to be a man, and now that he has brought back such a group of jackals and tigers and leopards, Kawamura Takashi's eyes are even more dodgy.

"Don't say anything about Kawamura."

Master Kawamura spit out another cigarette ring. At this time, silence is better than sound, and everyone who understands understands.

"Dad... I'm sorry, I didn't, I didn't expect them to be able to eat so much..."

Kawamura Takashi wiped the corners of his eyes, somewhat regretting that he didn't listen to Chu Tian's warning.

Where are the members of Qingxue brought back here?This is clearly a group of rice buckets!

Master Kawamura threw away the cigarette butt and stood blankly for more than ten seconds, waiting for this nightmare to end.

But his waking consciousness told him that this was not a dream.

"Aaron, hurry back to the house. As a qualified sushi chef, how can you just ignore the guests?".

Chapter 230 Qingxue is drunk [3 more]

"I know dad..."

As soon as Kawamura Takashi finished speaking, a truck at the door stopped with a squeak.

It was a truck delivering materials, and it has been back and forth more than ten times since 3 pm!

The three people from the Master's House arrived in less than half an hour, and they mastered the purchase channel and phone number of the sushi restaurant, and they have already delivered nearly a ton of materials!

"Yo! Master Kawamura! Aron!"

The delivery uncle happily walked into the house with a stack of top-quality seafood, but the two masters were like guests in his eyes, and they were ignored just after saying hello!

He's not stupid. Today, the Kawamura family is obviously being eaten by a group of slick ghosts, and he has been ordering food with all his might!

If he had a few more words with Kawamura, he might not be able to complete the next few deals.

Quickly send the goods in and sign for receipt, it is correct to cook the raw rice and mature rice!

"Boss, here are the black cod and silver cod you want, the best tuna maw, salmon roe, caviar..."

The delivery boss read out a long list of the names of high-end materials as if he was talking about the name of the dish in a cross talk.

The numbers on the bill also look amazing!

"Okay, okay, sign here, right?"

Sakata Yinshi waved his hand and signed the three characters of Takashi Kawamura directly at the cashier.

Today, he drank 290 jelly juice and his vitality was greatly damaged, and he had to eat high-level things to make up for it!

"thank you boss!"

Another wave of receipts, the delivery boss's face was full of smiles, and the soles of his feet smeared away quickly!

It doesn't matter who he signed, in short, it's right to ask the boss for the account tomorrow!

The dinner table.

Everyone in Qingxue has fallen asleep.

Although the law expressly stipulates that minors cannot drink alcohol, but for people in chat groups, the law... the law is a chicken!

They have broken through the dimensional wall and sat at a table. Is there any reason not to drink?

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