What's the situation?

It's not enough for the two of them to grab the group owner, now even the mascot is coming to grab it?

Is the group owner so hot?

(bebg) Chu Tian wiped his sleeves and said sternly: "What do you think? I don't have that kind of hobby, people//beasts//play or something..."

"Hey! Don't talk nonsense!" Hui Yuan hurriedly jumped over and covered Chu Tian's mouth, "The whole group has been led astray by you, at least these two little guys can't!"

"All right...."

Chu Tian also felt that something was wrong. Chopper and Hubby, these two mascots were so cute, if he attacked both of them, he would be a bit unhuman.

"Tell me what's going on? Why do you want to sleep with me?"

Chopper and Hubby looked at each other with a very aggrieved expression.

"Last night Natsu and Luffy were drunk and they insisted that we perform acrobatics."

"Natsu spit out a fireball for me to drill..."

"Franky wants me to perform a bouldering boulder..."

"I was poured over 30 beers..."

The two mascots said one sentence each, telling the evidence of the evil crowd last night.

Hearing that, Haibara and Erina, who were next to him, were terrified!

Haiyuan: "Al-fortunately, I didn't participate..."

Erina: "Me, me too... Fortunately, I walked fast..."

After the crackle finished, Hubby and Chopper kept wiping the corners of their eyes.

I usually drink it on my own guild's own boat, which is a bit restrained.

Now in the big environment, when there are many people, the atmosphere is high, and everyone's bottom line has been refreshed!

Sakata Ginshi got excited last night and was going to perform fancy masturbation on stage, can this hold up?

"It's going to be difficult..."

Chutian's bed is only reserved for girls, and two have been reserved now, so there is no place for pets.

"Can't the two of you sneak out and play by yourself? Mud, marbles, iron rings... you can play! If not, you can go to Xiaohao and the others to play with four-wheel drive..."

Chopper and Hubby's heads shook like rattles.

Hubby: "Group leader, although I look stupid, I don't play mud or marbles. My short hands are not flexible."

Chopper: "I don't play with mud or roll a hoop..."

Hubby: "The four-wheel drive can be played, but at that time Xiaohao and the others were already sleeping..."


Hai Yuan pinched his chin and frowned.

"It's hard to do..."

Erina: "Can't you just fall asleep in the nest like normal pets, and come out and sell a cute one when you need it?"

Chopper: "Hey, don't talk nonsense, I'm not a pet, I'm an elk that ate the fruit of everyone, I can do anything human beings can do, read the newspaper, turn on the TV and use the toilet... You can't put I treat it like a pet!"

Happy: "Yes, yes, we are your companions! It's too rude to treat us as pets!"

"Yes, sorry, I was wrong!"

Erina was so frightened that she quickly hid behind Chutian. If she guessed correctly, the fighting power of these two pets was much stronger than hers.

"Sigh..." Seeing that he had no relatives and couldn't find the two mascots who were having fun, Chu Tian sighed and immediately opened the system menu: "In this case, I will get you a super awesome guy. come on.".

Chapter 237: The Strongest in the Universe - Gray Wolf! 【2 more】

"Crazy guy? What is it? Also a mascot?"


"That's great!"

As soon as they heard that there was a new member joining, Hubby and Chopper's eyes flashed with stars and a golden light~!

As we all know, three women play one show, two women....it is - no show.

This phenomenon applies not only to women, but to all creatures.

If two people of the same sex are together, if they can let go and talk about anything, they are either gay or on the way to gay.

Chopper and Hubby, two cute pets are no fun together.

But if there are 3 people together, the effect will be different.

3 people together...hey, more drama.

A and B, A and C, B and C, ABC...anything can make a good show!

Worst of all, there is no shortage of people in Dou Dizhu!

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