Chu Tian was shocked. Sure enough, this woman preached like an old sow wearing a hood. One set is another!

Chu Tian was shocked. Sure enough, this woman preached like an old sow wearing a hood. One set is another!

It doesn't make sense at all!

Kill the sheep and kill the sheep, as I said just now, why did it suddenly become a marriage?

Chutian did not argue with them, so as not to add fuel to the fire.

Turning to look at Big Wolf:

"Since you can't get a killer, then forget it. We can't be serious with a little lamb. Let's be smart and follow me in the future. I promise you won't lose fat, you know?"

"Really, really?"

Grey Wolf was still a little scared.

He always felt that Chu Tian's group were not good people.

Pleasant Goat is one of the most respectable figures in Qingqing Grassland, a hero of Yangcun. When he comes to him, he will kill him if he wants to!

Moreover, the female animals here are so evil in their thoughts!

Sure enough, as long as it is a woman, whether it is a wolf or a human, it is the most complex creature in the world, and no thought can penetrate it!


After enlightening the two girls, he raised his watch, and Chu Tian realized that it was almost time for dinner.

"Erina, let's go and prepare lunch for the afternoon, and let the big wolf eat meat today."

As soon as these words came out, the goosebumps all over the wolf's body stood up!

".~Open, open, open meat!? Could it be!!"

"Lamb hotpot! What else could it be?"

Grey Wolf was so excited that he almost didn't kneel down to Chu Tian!

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, mutton! I can eat mutton!!?? I can eat mutton today!"

I don't know how many times I've heard this unfamiliar and familiar dish.

From the day he didn't live in Qingqing Grassland, he had imagined the situation of eating mutton hot pot tens of thousands of times.

It can be said that for the sake of a mutton hot pot, Hui Tailang worked hard and tried his best, and his life was about to get involved!

However, I didn't eat it once!

He has caught the sheep into the pot many times, the bottom of the pot is cooked, the oil dish is prepared, the water is boiled, or the lambs have run away!

I've never eaten mutton hot pot, but I drank a lot of the lamb's bath water!

Big gray wolf doesn't even know how much lamb's bath water he drank to beat his teeth!

But today, now, right now!

He was finally about to eat the first mutton hot pot in the wolf's life!

Long live!

Grey Wolf was instantly revived with full blood, standing in place and jumping (okay) and jumping again.

"Eat sheep, eat sheep! I can finally eat sheep! Long live! Long live!"

The essence of ecstasy is at a glance!


Nakiri Erina's face was flushed, and she whispered to Chu Tian's ear: "Chu Tian, ​​I can't make mutton hot pot~~~"

"You won't do it?"

"Yeah, I can't make mutton hot pot..."

The big gray wolf was still jumping, and when he heard this, he stopped abruptly in mid-air, and fell down with a p-share: "What?"

Gray Wolf growled in his heart.

What went wrong again!

Can't you eat mutton once without hindrance!

It's okay to live!

Erina could see the mind of Big Wolf, and explained with a slight smile: "Don't worry about Big Big Wolf, there is mutton, but I can't cook it."

Chutian: "It seems to be the case. Neon cannot raise sheep on a large scale because of the land and climate. Even if there is a pasture, cattle will be raised first. It is normal for Erina to not know how to cook mutton, because there is no mutton for her at all. Practice.".

Chapter 241 Why Are Neon People So Short [3 More]

Huiyuan nodded: "Chutian is right, there are less than [-] sheep in Neon, and there are basically no mutton shops in Dongdu and Osaka, and Neon's mutton is only concentrated in one place, that is Sapporo, Hokkaido. , the rest, very little..."

Chutian: "Yes, not only mutton, but also the history of Neon people eating pork and beef for 150 years. Before the Meiji Restoration, the entire Neon had a 1200-year history of 'forbidding meat', so why is it that Japanese food never works? Win Chinese cuisine, because Chinese cuisine has a history of more than [-] years."

Erina: "Are the two of you singing husband and wife double reeds or what? Why don't I even know about these things?"

Chu Tian: "Your Yuanyue Academy's history class is taught by a chef?"

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