Chapter 242 Grey Wolf finally ate mutton [4 more]

"Lamb meat can warm the middle and nourish the deficiency, nourish the middle and benefit the qi, appetizers and fitness, nourish the kidney qi, nourish the gallbladder and brighten the eyes, treat consumptive fatigue and cold, five fatigue and seven injuries, but the mutton taste of mutton is too strong, many people can't accept it, so I don't even want to try the first bite."

Huiyuan, Chopper and Hubby went up to the desk to smell it, and frowned instantly.

"Guo, sure enough..."

Although this smell is a stinky smell in other people's noses, to Big Big Wolf, it is simply the best in the world, Qiong Yao's fine wine, so fragrant that the drool is drooling!

"Lump of lamb!"

Big Big Wolf stared at the big fat leg of lamb on the plate and gulped down his saliva, impatiently wanting to pounce on it and take a bite.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine soon."

The little master waved his knife and saw it, and cut it directly with the dining knife-.

The mutton is not as flexible as imagined, everything is open, and there is a raging smell of mutton, which is tangy!


The little master cut the mutton into thin slices like cicada wings, and stir-fried the thick mutton in the pot with spices.

As soon as they smelled this, not to mention the gray wolf, Haibara and Nakiri Erina couldn't help but gulped!

The technology of the little master is the strongest in the world!

Stir fry casually, it is more powerful than the master chef of professional hot pot restaurant!

"It just so happened that we were going to eat mutton hot pot today, so we handled it in advance..." The little boss said here, the pot was already boiling, "Crack the lamb bones, add spices, vegetables, broth, and fire it up. It's ready to be simmered!"

It's a rare time that the little master's cooking did not shine.

Because the brushed lamb is open and has no lid.

Without something like a lid to lock in the light particles, it would naturally not emit light.

"You can make your own dishes, with coriander, chili oil, ghee, chili powder... um, and garlic and scallions and ginger..."

Chu Tian had already prepared a plate with a light car, and Big Wolf also stood on tiptoe with his short legs and kept adding ingredients to the bowl.

Speaking of serving dishes, Big Wolf is more professional than anyone here.

He has eaten dishes for more than ten years, and he has already gained experience.

How to taste mutton without mutton, just rely on a pot of lamb's bath water, the plate is very particular!

After a few minutes, the pot boiled, and a group of people immediately gathered around to prepare to boil.

Until he sat at the table and looked at a pot of mutton, Big Wolf couldn't believe it.

Is this not a dream?

This is meat!

This is fragrant lamb!

Chu Tian patted the grey wolf on the shoulder: "Relax, we are not Journey to the West, we have to tie him up for three days to eat Tang Seng's meat, and we have to wash and clean him before eating, and we have to wait for his two apprentices. Catch it and eat it, and I have to invite an old mother 10 miles away to come and eat it... We boil the water and eat it directly, eat it directly, without so many things, it is very stable, this meat is very stable. Can't fly."

Chu Tian said a few words, and this made Hui Tailang realize the reality.

However, after thinking for a few seconds, Big Wolf suddenly jumped off the table and stood in front of Chu Tian with a humble face.

"Group Master, I..."

"Don't say it, I understand." Chu Tian responded calmly, but did not put down the chopsticks in his hand, "You want to bring a copy for your wife first, right?"

Grey Wolf nodded with tears in his eyes, he was about to cry!

"You really love your wife..."

The extreme of licking a wolf is probably like this, right?

As the number one licking wolf in the world, Big Wolf loves his wife more than himself.

Every time he catches a sheep, he can eat it first, but he never does it. He always works hard to bring the lambs to his wife, and the wife decides whether to cook or fry them.

The toilet is clogged, he can.

The water pipe was leaking, he repaired it.

The legs of the chair were broken, and he nailed it.

The wife was unhappy, she stretched her head out and took the initiative to take the pot.

Moreover, in today's era of the flood of junior thirds, the spirit of Big Big Wolf from beginning to end is too worthy of learning and praise.

Moreover, in today's era of the flood of junior thirds, the spirit of Big Big Wolf from beginning to end is too worthy of learning and praise.

Although there were occasional misconducts such as giving the other wolves a catch and giving them away, but the wife would go home obediently when she called.

How many wolves can be found in Qingqing Grassland?

"Then you can get a copy and send it to your wife, we're not in a hurry."

"Thank you, group leader!"

Grey Wolf kept bending over to thank him, and he was about to kowtow to Chu Tian!

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