"Is this your massage technique, or the effect of the bean just now?"


"Then why did you massage just now!"

"Wipe off."

Chu Tian's answer without hesitation left Natasha unable to speak!

She had never seen such a shameless man before!

But from another point of view, Chutian is quite honest, and he is much better than those who run the train with their mouths full.

Wrapped in clothes, Natasha pushed the door calmly and walked out.

As an ace agent, Natasha's methods and thoughts are more ruthless than most agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., not to mention the trivial matter of being touched, even if something more exaggerated happens, she can still go out without changing her face. Chatting and laughing with people!

It's okay to be the same!

Seeing Natasha's calm appearance, Chu Tian couldn't help but sigh, if the black widow turned into a man, she would be a scumbag, that's right!

"why you?!"

"why you?!"

Stark almost dropped the glass when he saw Natasha walk out of the house!

"Group leader, did you just blow her up?"

If Stark remembered correctly, Natasha should be on his side, and they were here to wait for her tonight.

Have you ever seen someone blow yourself up?

"What did I blow up? Can't understand what you're talking about?"

"Group lord, don't pretend, I watched the live broadcast of the match with the Ice Emperor. This is your ability! Turn things into bombs!"

Natasha turned around and hated Chu Tian with a dark face.

But now that the situation is urgent, she has no plans to do it, so she will write down the account first and pay it back later!

"If Stark is here, that means he told you everything, Dr. Banner?"

Banner nodded: "Yes, you have lost a super scary alien prop, now come to me for help."

Natasha: "Dr. Banner....or....Dr. Banner, we are facing a global catastrophe that we cannot afford, so..."

"You S.H.I.E.L.D. are developing energy weapons with things from outer space. Now that things are getting bigger, are you going to ask us to wipe P shares?"

Stark's quick words continued, even in the face of women, the power of his venomous tongue did not diminish in the slightest.

Natasha frowned, and the one-eyed director on the other end of the headset was also frightened.

"What's going on here? How did Stark know about these plans?"

But there is no extra time for the one-eyed director to think about recalling Banner, no, recalling the Hulk is the purpose of this trip, and he doesn't think the weapons development plan can be concealed from these people for long.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

"Natasha, find a way to get them over and bring that Asian man with you."

Natasha said calmly: "As for the development of weapons, it is also a last resort... You know, about half a year ago, an alien life suddenly landed on the earth, causing a small-scale sensation, yes, what I said is Thor, the god of thunder, his arrival tells us that there are more advanced beings in the universe, if we don't make preparations in advance, then..."

"Shit!" Stark replied in one sentence, "What preparatory measures? S.H.I.E.L.D. is trying to die, and developing an energy weapon is equivalent to telling the people above that the earth is ready for a full-scale war! Now the fact Just as Nick Fury imagined, the enemy's advance force has arrived, and the current situation is caused by your S.H.I.E.L.D.!"


"Tony..." Banner patted Stark's shoulder with a consoling look.

In fact, Natasha didn't agree with S.H.I.E.L.D.'s plan, but now that things are a foregone conclusion, what's the use of regretting it?

The shit is all in the crotch, do you still regret eating expired canned food at noon?

"Stark, I can understand your mood, but now is not the time to complain about S.H.I.E.L.D., the enemy has already begun to act, if the civilization of the earth wants to continue, and the next generation of human beings will not be enslaved, we can only unite and fight …”

"Yes, you are absolutely right."

Stark spread his hands, saying that he had nothing to say.

He's not stupid, knowing that it's no use getting mad at this common S.H.I.E.L.D. employee.

It is the old men in the Security Council who really make the decision, and the power of the Security Council... just an arms dealer cannot afford to offend.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing," Chutian couldn't stand the stalemate atmosphere and stood up, "" Now the top priority is to find out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to destroy Loki's plan, hurry up and take us to the aerospace aircraft carrier , there are so many mosquitoes in this place. "

Natasha choked, looked back at Chu Tian, ​​and said embarrassingly, "Do you know Loki's plan?"

"Otherwise? Do you think I'm here to sunbathe?"

"Okay, Natasha, I know what you want to say..." Dr. Banner interrupted Natasha's thoughts: "This man is the head of me and Stark, and his ability is above all of us. , if you have something to ask when you get on the plane.”.

Chapter 253 The World's Strongest, Celestial Hero! 【3 more】

Aerospace aircraft carrier, Trident Headquarters, Director's Office!

Chief Nick Fury stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the tall buildings lined up on the coastline in the distance, and then sighed after looking at his own reflection on the glass.

The continuous occurrence of many unexpected people and events made the one-eyed director very upset, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he was overwhelmed.

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