"Well...." Siro was rarely in a depressed mood, and both eyes became dull, "Beria's escape was my mistake, if the country of light was destroyed because of this, I would even consider it as my fault. I won't be willing to die..."

Chu Tian calmly patted Siro on the shoulder: "Take it easy, we haven't finished visiting the Land of Light yet, how can we let that old thief do bad things to Beria?"

"So, what did you intend to do?"

"If I don't make a move, he will come over himself, right? In this case, we have to strike first, otherwise it will be too late to say anything when Belial's annihilation team arrives."


Across countless distances, beyond the edge of the universe, is a vast and boundless hyperspace.

Hyperspace is a special space. This place has no boundaries and spreads infinitely around, while those parallel universes are like bubbles, densely packed in hyperspace.

In hyperspace, any time and space are equivalent to nothingness. All physical and biological concepts are useless in this place. This place is just a place to accommodate various parallel universes.

In the world of Ultraman, the concept of "parallel universe" is not the first time I have seen it.

As early as many years ago, the Kingdom of Light knew that in addition to their M78 nebula accident, there were other parallel universes.

For example, the three heroes of Heisei - Tiga, Gaia, Dyna, and later Gauss, Nexus, Zaas, and even the Australian brand Grey, Saiwen X.. These Ultraman settings are Heguang The Ultramans in China are completely different, they are Ultramans from other worlds.

The entire Ultra Universe is constructed from these parallel worlds.

Although Ultraman in the Land of Light now knows little about Ultraman in other worlds, even the Ultraman capsules and cards being developed in the Land of Light do not have the names of warriors like Tiga or Gauss.

Although Ultraman in the Land of Light now knows little about Ultraman in other worlds, even the Ultraman capsules and cards being developed in the Land of Light do not have the names of warriors like Tiga or Gauss.

But things have quietly changed.

From the moment the Dark Cyclops invaded the Land of Light, he thought that the cosmic wall was broken, and the plan to walk out of the Land of Light, travel through the universe, and learn about other similarities has been put on the agenda.

As long as the Land of Light can survive this disaster, the connection of the Great Ultra Universe is no longer an illusion.


Deep in a parallel universe, in a corner, on a sci-fi planet.

In the center of the magnificent and tall palace, on the golden throne that overwhelms the world with domineering power, an Ultraman with a strong body and a mighty spirit is leaning on the throne to take a nap.

Take a closer look at the Ultraman, his strong body is covered with red and black patterns, and he has a pair of claws-like hands.The timer shone with purple evil brilliance, the corners of the eyes were upturned, the mouth grinned to both sides, and a fierce and evil face!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????


The biggest traitor of the Land of Light, [-] years ago, was exiled by the Land of Light because of his involvement in the energy of the Plasma Spark Tower. Later, he merged with the souls of the people of Rebrand and gained the ability to control monsters. He led the army of monsters twice. The big criminal who invaded the Land of Light and drove the Ultra Warriors into a desperate situation twice!

"Lord Belial, the Dark Cyclops has found the coordinates of the Land of Light, and the information has been sent back!"

The dark advisor Ghosn respectfully presented the monitor in his hand, and with a wave of Bellia's robe on the throne, he said without anger:

"Here, let me see."

Belial's robe was made to imitate the one of the Space Guard, but when he actually wore it, it was very different from what he imagined. It didn't do much except pretend to be coercive, and it often blocked his hand.

. . . 0

"Hmph, finally let me find you in the Land of Light..."

Bellia showed a wicked smile. Although his face was originally evil, he still had to be happy to find the old club he hated deeply.

After all, this conspiracy that has lasted for tens of thousands of years will soon come to an end.

Destroying the Land of Light and killing all Ultramans, this is Bellia's long-cherished wish!

"Assemble the Cyclops immediately, and in addition, increase the firepower to attack the rebels in the whole universe! No planets that disobey me Belial are not allowed!"

At the same time, another universe, the Land of Light.

The Space Guard is holding an emergency meeting to discuss the matter of crossing the universe and attacking Belial.

Looking at the entire Ultraman world, there are only a handful of lifeforms that can freely travel between universes.

In addition to the mysterious four, I am afraid that only the Belial army who controls all the energy in another universe - the Emerald ore can do it.

Traveling through hyperspace requires huge amounts of energy. Even if all the energy of the Land of Light is added up, it is only enough for one living body to break through the universe.

And not all life forms can withstand the load brought by traveling through the universe. Ordinary life forms can't even be exposed to a vacuum. How can you talk about traveling through the universe?

"Mr. Chutian said that he has a way to travel, so he doesn't need to think about energy, but according to the dismantling diagram of Dark Fight, they use an energy body called Emeralu ore for energy, which means that Cero, which relies on sunlight, will have insufficient battery life and must carry backup energy.”.

Chapter 307 The Most Awesome Gundam Driver - Kira Yamato [1 more]

After Hikari finished reporting, all the guards at the conference table frowned and said nothing.

They are not worried about the lack of Cero's energy, but about the Ameralu ore.

According to the disassembly report of the Diablo Cyclops, the energy of a small piece of Emeralu ore can provide such a huge activity for so long, and beat their original Ultraman into defeat.

What if Beria took all the energy of the entire universe for himself?

Maybe Beria absorbs two ores at random, and his strength will rise a few steps!

"I don't know that our country of light is carrying the disaster of the mechanical body..."

"As of now, maybe I just have to pin my hopes on Siro and his friends..."

How probable is it to help our country of light get out of this disaster..."

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