Soon, everyone reached an agreement and decided to collect clues from the unconscious prisoner.

After being carefully examined from head to toe by sophisticated instruments, a strange set of brain waves became the most important clue.

As we all know, brain waves are different from person to person like fingerprints, and it is impossible to be completely consistent. However, in the whole brain wave diagram of the user of the fantasy master, there is an identical brain wave.

The case has ushered in a major turning point. If you find the owner of this group of brain waves, you will be able to find the culprit of the case!...The 177th branch of the Disciplinary Committee.

Kuroko, who was rushed back from the shopping street after receiving an emergency order, locked a specific brain, and with the help of Mr. Gufa Meiwei, he logged into the campus city information library 'Bookstore' to find the murderer.

Soon, in the data of all the researchers in Academy City, she found a 99% match for the brain wave - Harusheng Kiyama! Seeing the data of Haruyo Kiyama, Kuroko and Misaka Mikoto said nothing to each other: "It turned out to be Mr. Kiyama"

"you know her"

Gufa Meiwei asked in surprise, then turned to say seriously: "No matter what, the most important thing now is to control the prisoner first."


Kuroko exclaimed: "I remember that Uiharu seems to be working on this fantasy master too, and she just went to Mr. Kishan!"

"Call her back quickly, if you meet the troops, it will be over."

"I'm going to inform Misaka-senpai!"

Kuroko quickly dialed Uiharu Shiri's mobile phone, but got a beep saying that he was not in the service area.

She immediately.

Realizing that Yamaki Harusheng was taking hostages, the whole room was a mess.

Gufa Meiwei quickly contacted the security guards of Academy City, then looked at the information of Harusheng Kiyama on the computer, and dialed the number marked on it.


After waiting anxiously, the phone was connected, and a lazy male voice came.

"This is the Analytical Research Institute. Who do you want to talk to first, because the air conditioner has not been repaired yet, so the researchers have basically gone out to escape the heat."

"This is the 177th branch of the Disciplinary Committee, is Harusheng Kiyama here? We have something to do.

Get in touch with her!"

Chu Tian on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, then continued: "Professor Mu Shan has already gone out, what's the matter?"

"Please stay in the research institute and don't leave! Also, if Kiyama Haruno comes back, please do so immediately.

contact us!"


Chu Tian held the phone, put the phone away after hearing the blind tone, and said to sister Misaka, "I'm going out to do something, you stay in the office and don't run around."

"Misaka is going too! Misaka's tone is firm."

"Alright then, don't make trouble for me."

On a highway somewhere in Academy City, Kiyama Harusheng was driving a blue supercar, galloping all the way.

In the passenger seat, the early spring ornament of the green grassland above his head is sitting awkwardly and nervously, looking at the rearview mirror from time to time, hoping to see someone coming to stop Mushan Chunsheng.

Uiharu Shiri knows that the teacher Mushan around her is not a heinous person, and everything she does is to save her students.

So Chu Chun Shi Li kept persuading her with kind words, trying to get Mr. Mushan back from the wrong way. Her good friend, the 6-ability person Lei Ye, was still in a coma because of the misuse of the 'Imagination Master', and Chu Chun Shi Li was more urgent than anyone else. I want to stop the incident from getting worse.


The microcomputer that comes with the supercar emits a prompt tone, and the experimental data of Mushan in the research institute were deleted by the program that had been set earlier due to illegal operations.

"Have you found the research institute? The efficiency is really fast!"

Mu Shan sighed with emotion and said worriedly: "But this is a matter of time, I just need to hit the target."

Mu Shan was muttering to himself when suddenly, fully armed guards appeared in front of them, armed to the teeth.

Rows of barricades were erected at the fastest speed on the spacious viaduct, and guard robots were waiting in full force.

After the sound of a 'kala kala' gun bolt being pulled, Huang Quanchuan Aisui, the captain of the [-]th school district branch of the guards, said aloud: "Researcher Harusheng Kiyama, we have developed the 'Fantasy Royal Hand' without authorization. You are detained on the charge of dangerous props! Get out of the car immediately, I don't want to repeat it a second time!"

The young lady sneered and sneered: "The security guards of Academy City are really fast! Sure enough, they are the guys who will act quickly only when they are ordered from above."

Chapter 653 Mushan Chunsheng's Plan

Chuchun Shili breathed a sigh of relief and persuaded: "Mr. Mushan, you have no way to escape, surrender!"

Haruki Yamaki ignored the gun aimed at him, and seemed to say to himself: "'Fantasy Master' is a program that uses the human brain as a calculator, but it also brings some side effects to the user."


Chuchun Shili didn't understand what Miss Sister meant, but the next scene completely refreshed her three views.

Haruki Yamaki, who was supposed to be incompetent, sparked out of her hands directly, she not only used superpowers, but also more than one.

Consciousness control, psychic power, element control... The guards were stunned when they saw the sudden ability attack, but immediately.

They tried their best to fight back, but none of them thought that Mushan would be a capable person. The prepared firepower was obviously insufficient. In the face of floods, storms, flames, and the passive situation of their own people shooting black guns, the guards were defeated in less than a minute.

The gap in strength cannot be made up by so-called belief, especially in Academy City, where superpowers are above everything else, in the face of superpowers, any hot weapon is futile.

The sound of gunfire mixed with screams on the viaduct sounded again and again, but it quickly calmed down completely.

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