The residents of the entire Academy City were attracted by this huge vibration. They looked here, but their eyes were hurt by the dazzling red light. The bottom is boiling and ups and downs, and there is a faint trend of collapse.

"What's the matter, what's the matter,!"

"Like a dragon!"

Misaka Mikoto and Kiyama Haruno raised their heads quickly or slowly, and immediately met a pair of sacred and solemn eyes, the size of a car! Sky Dragon's eyes did not contain any pity, but the indifference that destroyed everything.

On the ferocious dragon head, the pressure of the shape is accompanied by a low dragon roar... "Destroy it, Osiris!"

With an order, Osiris raised his head high and murmured softly, the visible air wave swept away, the majestic momentum suddenly condensed, and the glued air became: incomparably heavy, the suppressed breath made it difficult to breathe.

The wings that covered the sky spread out, covering the spacious viaduct, followed by the slender and sturdy dragon neck, its sharp claws crawled out from the ground, and the huge dragon body was imprinted in everyone's eyes little by little.

When the hundred-meter-long beast spread its wings and flew into the air, everyone couldn't help but feel timid.

This is the gap in the level of life. Human beings will show instinctive fear in the face of beings that are several times higher than them.

"Call Thunder Bomb!"

The dense firepower was sparse in an instant, and the entire earth turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Just two summoning thunders bounced, and the phantom beasts were blasted to the ground without even slag! "Come on, just kidding...Isn't the dragon something from a fairy tale?"

Huang Quanchuan Aisui's right hand trembled slightly while holding the explosion-proof shield. It was obviously the base camp of the science side, but Academy City appeared one after another with mythical creatures that could not be explained by science.

What's wrong with this world "What the hell is this dragon..."

Misaka Mikoto looked up at the behemoth above her head, her small mouth couldn't close in surprise.

Mu Shan Chunsheng was stunned for a few seconds, his stiff neck turned to Chutian, and hesitantly said, "What the hell is going on here, who are you?"

"My situation is more complicated, and I can't explain it in a few words. Even if I tell you, it's probably difficult for you to understand."

Chu Tian said vaguely.

"Then make a long story short."

Every qualified researcher has a strong curiosity, and Mushan Chunsheng is no exception, she can't wait to send Chu Tian to the dissection table now to see if he is a person."

"Anyway, you can take it as my ability has reached level 1. This should be the easiest explanation on your side."


Misaka Mikoto murmured in a low voice, and cold sweat broke out on her body.

This is that the power of 1 is higher than the ultimate power of her 5 grades. It is too scary! "Don't worry about my ability, go and see if that thing is solved."

In the air, with the annihilation of the phantom beasts, the chaotic spreading position receded like a tide, and everyone's perception suddenly became: a lot fresher.

"It was really wiped out..."

Huang Quanchuan Aisui was a little messy, imagining that the beast appeared in a big way, and its self-healing ability almost made it invincible, but it was destroyed by a cannonball before it jumped twice, what is the origin of this person!" Now that the monster has been solved, let's go first, Shirai-san, please take care of researcher Mushan, I hope she can come back safe and sound before dinner today."

"Just, just make a fake report"

Heizi's head is not stupid, it was obvious that Chu Tian was someone she couldn't afford to offend, so she decided to help Mu Shan to clear her name.

"Then trouble you,"

Chu Tian patted Mushan Chunsheng on the shoulder with pretence, and then pulled sister Misaka: "Me and sister Misaka are waiting for you to have dinner at the research institute. We will eat sukiyaki tonight and come back early."

"Goodbye sis-sama! Misaka politely bids farewell, and looks forward to meeting with sis-sama next time."

"Wait a minute, you haven't answered my question yet..."

Misaka Mikoto opened her arms to block the way, but Chu Tian and Miss Misaka disappeared out of thin air.


"Who is this guy..."

Chapter 657 Someone Follows?

Half an hour later, all the people involved in the battle gathered in the research institute.

Although from the outside appearance, this seems to be an operation to arrest Mushan, but in fact, there is no business entanglement here. After all, a member of this research institute called out the fantasy dragons, and no one dared to answer them. His boss got his hands on it.

"Hey, Kuroko-san, haven't you done it yet?"

Chu Tian kicked Shirai Kuroko's stool, and the other party was waiting for bloodshot eyes, crazy hacking into Academy City's crime information network to modify the data.

Its purpose, of course, is to help Mushan Chunsheng clear his suspicions.

Mu Shan Chunsheng's face is not very good, Academy City's influence spreads all over the world, although Chu Tian is his subordinate, but it is impossible to protect her for a lifetime, not to mention she still cares about the comatose students. How is it good.

"If it doesn't work, forget it. I'll still bow down and confess my guilt, so as not to hurt you."

"It's just a small matter, you have to trust Kuroko-kun!"

Chu Tian shrugged and said indifferently.

Because he knew that this matter would definitely be easily washed away.

After all, the Hanged Man was monitoring everything that happened in Academy City. The big sky dragon ran out just now, and the blind man saw it. He wouldn't rashly provoke a power he didn't know about, let alone that power was above him.


Huang Quanchuan Aisui's communication device rang, her face changed, and she answered the call.

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