The leg of the jeans was cut from the left thigh at the root, revealing the entire slender and white thigh.

"What non-mainstream style"

Being able to be teammates with the local tyrant priest, Kanzaki Kaori naturally won't be poor enough to afford pants, so dressing up like this is naturally because he wants personality.

You know, there are so many black and straight faces in the second-dimensional world, and everyone basically looks the same. If you don't make some shapes on your clothes, how can you distinguish them from people? "I told you to let him go, didn't you hear?"

Kanzaki Kaori has an indifferent face, her eyes are cold, and she has an aura of pure desire, which makes it difficult for people to blaspheme her.

Looking at the two-meter long knife in her hand, the weapon is about one inch long and one inch strong. It is not that the longer the better, the longer the weapon, the harder it is to control.

But all the masters who are good at using long swords are all kendo masters who are proficient in slashing.

While Chu Tian looked at the other party, Kanzaki Kaori was also looking at him.

From the outside, Chutian is dressed in a white coat, and his appearance can be classified as harmless to humans and animals.

But eyes are the senses that are best at deceiving the brain. Whenever Kanzaki Kaori blinks, he can perceive the strange aura emanating from Chutian, as if the person standing in front of her is not a person, but some other unknown creature.


Stier, who was being held by Chu Tian's collar, turned around a head the size of a pig's head, opened his mouth with two front teeth missing, and said weakly, "Be careful... this guy is very dangerous... "

"Stiyl, you..."

Kanzaki Kaori threw the rat taboo and did not dare to act rashly.

Chu Tian nodded and smiled, threw Stier aside, and asked straight to the point: "Ms. Mage, for the sake of your life, I think it's better not to confront me with swords."

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Chapter 660 Are They Still Humans?

"Hehe, the person who hurt me, you still want to get out of your body"

Seeing Chu Tian throw Stiyl away, Kanzaki Kaori quietly breathed a sigh of relief, but the long knife in his hand tightened.

As one of the less than twenty saints in the world, Kanzaki Kaori also has her own arrogance, and there is no word for fleeing without a fight in her dictionary.

"Stiel will never do anything to civilians. Since you have defeated him, let me be your opponent!"

Kanzaki Kaori swung down with one hand to his side, and the blade cut through the air, but silently did not make a sound.

Ten meters away, in the direction where Chu Tian was standing, a standing street lamp went out, it was broken at the waist, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror.

"No hit"

Kanzaki Kaori put his hand on the hilt of the sword vigilantly, although he didn't understand how the other party escaped the attack just now, this person is definitely not something that can be dismissed in a few words.

"Hey, you're still there: what are you in a daze! Quickly help me out of here!"

Seeing that the two were fighting, the pig-headed San Stiyl shouted at the dumbfounded Kamijou Touma, speaking urgently, but unfortunately his words were leaked, and there was no sense of urgency at all.

Kamijou Touma was dazed, and when he heard what Stiyl said, he hurriedly held him on his shoulders and trotted away.

After a few dozen meters away from the two, he leaned Stiyl against the wall.

"A little further away, this distance makes me very insecure."

"Isn't that far enough?"

Kamijou Touma doesn't know why.

"Idiot, that's a monster fight!"

While speaking, Stiyl stood up against the wall by himself, and with Kamijou Touma's support, he moved to the distance one step at a time.

On the field, Chu Tian remained motionless, and after Kamijou Touma and Stier were far away, he slowly clicked in the air and called up the equipment bar.

"Although it can easily solve you, your crazy attack... aroused some interest in me, so I will also take out the knife and play with you."

Saying that, Chu Tian pulled out the flowing blade Ruo Huo.

This thing is no better than Kanzaki Kaori's Seven Days and Seven Swords, if it really wants to fight, a single solution can kill the entire Academy City.

Therefore, Chu Tian did not intend to use the Swastika or Beginning ability, and simply played swordsmanship with her.

Big competition.

Putting the long sword to the side, Kanzaki Kaori almost subconsciously took a step back, because she had never seen anyone who could take out a weapon out of thin air.

Chu Tian put on a knife stance, and the awe-inspiring sword energy slightly stabbed the artery in Shenzhan Huozhi's neck.

"let's go!"

With a loud shout, the two instantly disappeared in place, followed by a big collision of the two knives.

After raising the basic movements of kendo, mind, skill, and body to a certain level, even a wooden stick can deal tons of damage, not to mention that the blade is slashed like a fire, and the blade is split like the wind. A flaming glow swept the air in an instant, opening a clear dividing line.

Kanzaki Kaori was the first to bear the brunt, and before the sword energy reached her, she felt the stinging pain of the gust of wind cutting her skin.

A few strands of blue silk fell, and Shenzhan Huozhi's heart was clear, neither anxious nor trying to dodge, the voice reminded her that retreating and dodging would inevitably lead to disaster.

Kanzaki Kaori took a step forward with his right foot, and his arm on the Seven Days Seven Blades moved slightly, and slender sharp blades cut out from the blade. In the open space between the two, an inexplicable violent roar erupted, and the sound of metal cutting One after another, the sudden burst of energy swept in all directions, cutting out a large number of fine grooves in the urban jungle cast with reinforced concrete.

"Hey, didn't you mean swordsmanship? Why did you add magic into it?"

Chu Tian frowned in dissatisfaction, what he wanted to challenge was swordsmanship.

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