"Hey, he's your boyfriend, aren't you kidding me?"

Misaka Mikoto, who was shocked, stared at Shokuhou and asked.

"you know"

"Of course I do! This guy is mine...Master, it's okay! In short, he's a very scary person, and you actually talked to him..."


Shokuhou Caoqi was a little confused: "I don't think Uncle is scary at all, it's better to say that he will feel safe around him."

"It's true..."

Except for the photon after marriage, everyone present basically knew Chutian's strength.

Do you dare to believe in the catalogue of forbidden arts carried by the flesh, "Uncle, don't stand still, come here quickly!"

Shokuhou Cao waved her hands vigorously, and as soon as Chu Tian came over, she grabbed him, and she saw Misaka Mikoto's heart was full of fire.

"Hey, how did you talk about it?"

Misaka Mikoto asked fiercely.

"What to talk about"

"At that time, it was I who confessed to the uncle."

Shokuhou Caoqi hurriedly answered, in fact, Chu Tian could only count as half of her boyfriend, she agreed to date, the other party hasn't agreed, so she can't reveal her secrets.

"The uncle at that time, walking alone on the street, looked very disappointed. At that time, I had a little problem, and I simply proposed to associate with him. I thought it would be rejected, but I didn't expect the uncle to agree immediately."

"Hey, don't mess around..."

Chu Tian felt that his hand was pinched, and Shokuhou Cao Qi seemed to be hinting at him.

Misaka Mikoto was a little stunned: She seemed to have heard something extraordinary.

Such a strong master, even when he was in a down mood, he was obviously an unruly young man, and now he is still in love with Queen Tokipan "I don't agree with you!"

Misaka Mikoto said abruptly and almost made Shokuhou Shiki spit out saliva! "Ah...ah"

"In a word, it is...disagree! Master is not...as simple as you think. When you fall in love with him, I don't think you know him at all!"

In a different sense, Chu Tian and Misaka Mikoto can't be considered as acquaintances.

And Misaka Mikoto is very interested in... Chutian's affairs, and she knows that Chutian's background is not small, Shokuhou Caoqi will fall in love with him, [-]% is deceived.

Chapter 669 Refuse to Sprinkle Dog Food

"You are so nervous about my uncle and me, don't you like him too?"

Shokuhou Misaka's outspoken question made Misaka Mikoto flush.

"Actually, I also guessed that there must be a woman around someone as handsome as Uncle, is that you, Misaka or Miss Saten anyway... It's absolutely impossible to be Miss Shirai."

After asking this question, Kuroko Shirai has blue veins on her face, why can't it be her with a flat chest? Can't you fall in love? Maybe the uncle just...likes flat chested "I really want to know the answer to your question, but unfortunately , things are not what you think, uncle is just my master, and I have met with other people."

"Then why don't you stop talking about something? It's my uncle's business, so don't interrupt."

After all, she is a person with a queen temperament, and Shokuhou Misaki doesn't intend to pay attention to Misaka Mikoto and the others' gossip.


Shokuhou Cao Qi just fell in love with Chu Tian because he saved her. If someone robbed her, she would also accompany him. There should be no hesitation in the war between women.

"Don't talk about what's missing, let's make curry well, I'll wait for you to eat."

Chutian came out to put out the fire in time, otherwise the two 15s would quarrel here, and today would have to waste another day.

While chatting, the curry is ready.

"Saten-san's curry is delicious."

Chutian was surprised when he tasted the curry made by Saten Leiko, "Of course, I'm used to cooking for a long time."

The proud Lord of Tears patted his chest and said.

"Cut, isn't it curry, I can do it too."

Shokuhou Caoqi was a little upset, and handed a spoon to Chu Tian's mouth: "Uncle, open your mouth."

Hahahaha "how's it going"

"It's okay, it's a bit worse than Ye Lei's."

"Uncle, you have a problem with your taste."

"It's not the taste, it's really not delicious."

Chu Tian doesn't care...

What kind of leniency, giving girls face and so on, saying that it is not delicious is... not delicious, there is no other reason to say.

"Damn uncle, one day I will let you taste the power of the Queen on Tokiwa."

This lunch was very embarrassing. Shebee Caoqi fed Chutian the whole process. Although her original intention was to take revenge, she gave Chutian the hot curry thiocyanate to eat, but in the eyes of others, this was just throwing a dog. grain.

Especially Misaka Mikoto, I don't know why: She obviously doesn't have any interest in Chutian, but she is so angry that she almost discharges.

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