"What kind of person are you, a superpower of the Enhancement Department or Space Department?"

Xue Li narrowed her eyes slightly, guessing where Chu Tian came from.

"No, it's just a passing Kamen Rider."

Chutian leisurely road.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, you can't resist my Ellis attack."

After speaking, Xue Li raised her right hand high and brushed, the white holy oil crayon cut through the air instantly, and a string of runes poured into the back of the stone giant.

Kacha Kacha... Countless broken grounds are like iron filings, attracted by the huge magnet of Ellis, covering Ellis's body layer by layer, like a layer of black The iron armor of the general, the stone giant Alice, is stronger.

"Huang Quanchuan, please clear everyone, don't hinder me from fighting."

Chu Tian turned and shouted, although Huang Quanchuan was a little stunned by Chu Tian's sudden appearance, but her body still obeyed Chu Tian's words, her body bent slightly, and then quickly stepped back. When ten 10 guards arrived, they left like a low tide.

The stone giant Ellis slammed down with a fist, and the entire ground became a huge 'concave' shape.

"Ellis, come on!"

Seeing that Chu Tian was standing on the ground unresponsive, Xue Li immediately knew something was wrong. The punch just now was supposed to break the ground to him, but it didn't work. The crack in the ground was two meters in front of him. just stopped.

It is estimated that it is really a superpower of the energy system or space system.

But even so, Xue Li sneered and quickly wrote a series of words with the holy oil crayon in her hand. The words were intricate and mysterious, and when they appeared, they were thrown into the body of the stone giant Ellis. Surprisingly, he no longer gave general guidance to the stone giant, but really controlled it with all his strength.

Through the guidance and control and the whole-body control of each action of the puppet, the energy consumed is completely different, just like the same program, the guidance and control is to use the edited program to play the game, and the whole body Every action of the mind to control the puppet is... the research and development of the program from scratch, the mind and energy required for the two are completely different.

Whoosh—a strong wind blew from behind, and the wind blew Chu Tian’s hair. Chu Tian turned around and saw that the stone giant had flashed behind him, and a huge head opened its mouth wide. Biting towards himself.

This head is made of broken stones, and the terrifying teeth have been polished to be extremely sharp. If it was just those... The guards were drawn into this strange and strange mouth It will definitely be chewed miserably: into a pile of minced meat.

It's a pity that Chu Tian was not a guard, he just stood there and let the other side bite.

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Chapter 680 Artificial Angel

Xue Li didn't dare to let go of her vigilance for a moment. You must know that Chu Tian squeezed the bomb with his bare hands just now. Even if his strength is not a bishop-level powerhouse, it is estimated that he is not much worse. Now he has no time to summon the first. The two puppets must be resolved quickly.

The mouth of the Kacha giant stone man was torn apart, trying to bite Chu Tian, ​​but his teeth were broken instead.

Shirley controlled the stone giant to beat the ground frantically, even if her body was submerged in the locust-like bullet storm, the giant stone man was still covered like an immortal shield no matter what...

Where did the danger come from, the white crayon quickly drew countless rune graphics in the air and integrated into the body of the stone man under his feet, strengthening his strength again.

Boom! Boom! Simple and rude, without any rules, the power of the stone man Ellis, not losing to the road roller, the walls on both sides of the underground street were easily smashed, and the ornately decorated walls fell to the ground in large areas, thick smoke and dust It even covered Ellis' huge body.

Kamijou Touma and the others who were hiding beside them felt the vibrations above their heads. Index and Feng Zhanbinghua looked at the scene of the artillery fire in front of them with panicked eyes, like small animals frightened in a thunderstorm. neck.

"Wait... what is that"

"Get down!"

Huang Quanchuan Aisui suddenly saw three black things and rushed towards him. Two of them were vaporized by Misaka Mikoto's railgun on the spot before they arrived, but the other one flashed directly to Feng Zhanbinghua. before.

It was a cloned puppet. Looking at the girl who came over suddenly, she looked dumbfounded. Kamijou Touma suddenly became anxious, and he didn't care about his own safety, so he rushed over and knocked the girl down.

But it's too late..."Three 3 targets...just need to kill one"

"Ellis, spear!"

Xue Li muttered to herself, the movements of her hands did not slow down, she knew that it was enough, deliberately creating such a large amount of smoke was to obscure Chu Tian's sight and turn to attack the real target.

In order to destroy this sinful city, she will give everything.

Shrinking, bulging, rolling, solidifying... Countless dusts were spinning like a nebula, gradually shrinking into a ball, and a huge spear like gold and iron was suspended in the hand of the clone.

Whoosh————more than three meters in length, that golden iron-like super spear, with an afterimage, stabbed towards Feng Zhan Binghua's head.

The core, right there! Without any pause, the spear pierced her body like a doll thrown away by a child, and slammed straight into the wall of the underground street.

Everyone was terrified.

They could even hear the sound of broken bones, the spear was embedded in the right half of her face, the shape of the entire skull was completely destroyed, and the shattered glasses fell to the ground... anger surged , Kamijou Touma felt that his heart was about to explode.

But before he got angry, Shirley started the follow-up work again.

Fire, explosion, at this moment, this underground space shines like day, the stone giant is like a super battery with infinite ammunition, through the guidance of the spirit, the stones on the ground are completely turned into fire bombs, just like shooting stars. He slammed into the ground above his head.

The gravel was flying, and the bottom of this piece was smashed through, and a bright light was photographed in the hollow.

A huge rumbling sound filled the ears of everyone in this space. In this rumbling sound, Index was like a drunk, staggeringly ran towards her who was pinned to the wall like a doll. past.

Feng Zhanbinghua died, if it were, Index would not be so surprised and surprised.

People, everyone is the same, even if the blood is blurred, even if the bones are flying, but the scene in front of them is far beyond the common sense of Index and everyone else.

Feng Zhan Binghua is still there: moving, her hands are tightly holding the huge spear pierced into her right eye, it seems that she is trying hard to pull the spear out of her head... go.

Her injuries are very serious, half of her head has been broken, and the entire right side of her face has completely disappeared. The wound is terrifying, especially on the ground, and even half of her ear was randomly discarded there. .

However, the wound did not flow out at all, just like a piece of clay that had been smashed from the middle, the cut section was smooth and flat, and there was no smell of human flesh and blood.

This kind of injury feels like it's played in a cartoon, it doesn't have the slightest sense of reality at all, and it even looks a little bit like laughing.


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