"No! This style is very common here! But you, what are you wearing? Are you dressed like a primary school student?"

Misaka Mikoto could not have imagined that Saten Leiko would have such an unrestrained side... She knows this bikini, it's called it, it is said that it can be put in all with a matchbox, and you can imagine how much fabric there is.

"By the way, Misaka-senpai, what about Mr. Chu Tian?"

Misaka Mikoto and Uiharu Shiri glanced at each other: "Could it be Saten-san..."

"It's rare to dress so well, of course, let him see it!"

Satian Leiko said very seriously, you must know that if a girl dresses up beautifully, but there is no praise from a boy, then she is dressed in vain.


Mikoto looked complicated, she pointed in the direction where Chu Tian was... Chu Tian was praying with Shokuhou, and it seemed that Chu Tian was entangled in the situation.

"Whatever is just a drink, then I won't go."

Didn't get the answer he wanted, Chu Tian resolutely refused Shokuhou's invitation.

And according to the laws of the island country, underage people are not allowed to drink alcohol.

You can't say forced irrigation, and then pick up the corpse.

"Oh, people came all the way after him, didn't the uncle even ask for a drink? "I'm sorry, I have something important to do next, so I have to live up to your kindness."

Feeling the familiar crackling sound of electric current coming from behind, Chu Tian secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the other two sides started fighting.

"Oh, what a lovely uncle, are you afraid? Is it because the girls over there will bump into our cowardly affairs?"

Shokuhou Caoqi teased Chu Tian in front of him a little presumptuously. Although he doesn't look like that... a normal high school student, but if you look closely, it's still quite attractive, and this sturdy and beautiful muscle like Dali's carving, only It's the rarest, different from those... bean sprouts.

"I'm also responsible for watching the school girls who follow, and can't walk around."

"Oh, Mr. Chutian is really popular! Why don't I remember that someone needs to supervise it?"

Zuotian Leiko's clear voice entered Chu Tian's ears directly.

"Hehe, so that's the case, Chutian, you like Hungarian girls, I'm really sorry."

Misaka Mikoto stared blankly at the turbulent blonde girl, blue and white electric sparks burst out from time to time near the brown bangs, fortunately it was daytime, otherwise it would probably cause a riot! "Oh, this is not Mikoto sister. Well, I'm really sorry, can you borrow classmate Chutian for a while..., you guys can play freely for yourself first."

Shokuhou-san was not nervous at all when he saw the girls approaching.

Because compared with her perfect figure, these people seem to have not yet begun to develop. To describe it in one sentence, it is... The hairtail figure of the front chest and the back can't be distinguished, which makes her confident enough. ...the scene was very embarrassing at one point.

Seeing that the shameless woman in front of her held Chu Tian's arm in a grand manner, the sparks in Misaka Mikoto's hair exploded even louder.

"Damn it! What's the matter with being so big? Everyone is a junior high school student, okay?"

Misaka Mikoto looked at Chu Tian who was wearing only beach shorts and showing off her muscles unscrupulously with a very strange look, and those eyes conveyed extremely dangerous signals to Chu Tian all the time.

"Oh, we are not related...!!!, if there is no supervisor, maybe it will be more free."

"Go and play, have fun...have some fun!"

The figure is not comparable, Misaka Mikoto and Saten Leiko mocked the yin and yang on the spot, then turned around and rushed to the beach.

Chu Tian's face was immediately covered with black lines. Although he was very reluctant to eat bee-eaters, he was even more reluctant to face a group of girls! It's not worth it for four to one! Bar"

Chu Tian was sure that he had heard the vinegar smell in Mikoto's tone, ahh, for Mikoto, who has always been more restrained in her feelings, being able to make Mikoto jealous for herself must be a great achievement. .

Chu Tian doesn't hate this feeling.

, how do you say that, if a girl doesn't even know how to be jealous of you, then it's obvious that she doesn't take you to heart, and if she can be jealous of you, it means that she is interested in you.

But Chu Tian also believed one thing, if he really left Misaka and the others alone and went to Shokuhou to pray for drinks and do bad things, if nothing else, Chu Tian believed that he would be forcibly demolished.

"Oh, what's the matter, uncle, everyone agrees!"

Shokuhou Misaki didn't seem to notice Misaka Mikoto's jealous tone, but continued to invite her.

However, when Chu Tian saw the playful gaze on her face, he realized that he didn't notice anything. It was obviously... intentional.

"Okay, you can drink drinks, but just drink here, I don't want to go to that foreign bar."


"Nonsense, watching others swimming here, I can still feel a little bit involved."

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Chapter 688 Swimming Competition



I'm really sorry, that's what Uncle meant."

Shokuhou Cao Qi put down her playful expression, she never dared to relax when it comes to women's competition.

In the sea, several junior high school girls from Academy City were playing and playing, splashing all over their bodies.

Misaka Mikoto's pretty face flushed slightly, she turned her head away and looked at the blue sea.

"Damn Chutian, I actually had a drink with someone there."

"Oh, Misaka-senpai, don't worry too much, Mr. Chu Tian is obviously... forced."

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