"It was a strange uncle who helped me recover, Misaka Misaka explained."

"Strange Uncle"

For some reason, Chutian's face suddenly appeared in Accelerator's heart. Although there are strange uncles everywhere in Academy City, but if an injury that even the strongest doctor can't handle is handled by a strange uncle, That guy must be an extraordinary existence.

And this kind of existence, at present Accelerator only knows one.

While thinking about it, a woman in her twenties wearing a unique pink nurse uniform walked into the door of the ward. She came to Accelerator's hospital bed with a professional smile.

"The new type of material is really good. The cracks in the skull have been combined perfectly. You can be discharged from the hospital in two days."

Accelerator's skull was cracked open, but fortunately the bullet didn't penetrate it, otherwise the Daluo Immortal wouldn't be able to save it.

"By the way, the transfer device that the doctor gave you is the latest style. The battery part has been improved. If it is used normally, it can last for [-] hours."

The nurse took the black steel collar from the pink-clothed nurse, went around her soft hair easily, and put it on.

"Then, let's start the test."

... After coming out of the hospital, Chu Tian immediately returned to his life to rest for a while.

After all, he slept with a group of girls in the American Hotel for one night, but nothing happened, and he was already very uncomfortable.

Chu Tian lay on the sofa and closed his eyes, "Maybe I can rest for two days."

Chu Tian said reassuring words that he didn't believe, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

These days are really exhausting him, and the rare result of vacation makes people suddenly call back for medical treatment, and it hurts to think about it.

......in spite of....

Academy City is dark in private, but in the eyes of ordinary students, this is an advanced next-generation city. Here, through the latest science, students can acquire extraordinary abilities that only exist in dreams.

It's already September, and September is a very important month for all schools in Academy City...because there will be a grand event here soon, no less than the current world The large-scale large-scale sports competitions are the so-called 'Olympic Games'. Of course, the 'Daba Star Festival' is not as far-reaching as the Olympic Games, but it is also one of the most important events in Academy City. , it's exciting to think about.

Of course, for the ordinary students, the Daiba Star Festival is just a one-week holiday, but for the leaders of the Academy City School, this day is a matter of honor and qualification. 'war'.

The ranking of the Daiba Star Festival,,, is directly related to the ability development progress of each school. If the ranking is not good, it will seriously affect the budgeting of the school... Academy City, the eleventh school district This is the school. The easternmost side of the city wall is also the largest import and export by land, and it also serves as a storage base for the city to exchange materials with the outside world.

Going out of the pedestrian passage, Chu Tian pretended to take out the 'identity certificate' representing his identity from his trousers pocket and swiped his card on the screen. After hearing a clear 'ding' sound, a lady in uniform put an instrument cover On Chutian's arm, he took it away after the indicator light on the instrument came on.

Speaking of which, this was the first time that Chutian had left Academy City through formal channels. Although the procedures were rather cumbersome, Chutian had already asked Aleister for permission to leave Academy City, so there was no need to sneak around. .

In Academy City, it was too depressing, Chu Tian looked at the huge fence that separated Japan from Academy City behind him, and a brisk smile appeared on his face.

"Wait..., who is that"

Chu Tian watched Kamijou Touma respectfully hand over the permission to go out to the woman in uniform who injected him with the nano-signal device. He also turned up his sleeves and injected the signal-transmitter into his blood vessels.

After Kamijou Touma finished the whole procedure, Kamijou Touma folded the certificate-like going out permit and put it back in his breast pocket. When he looked up, he saw Chu who was waiting for him on the side of the road. sky.

"Hedgehog, what are you doing here"

Kamijou Touma looked at Chu Tian, ​​who was obviously half a head larger than himself, and also stepped up to take two steps and walked to Chu Tian's side.

"That's not it, obviously I still have a lot of things to do, that fellow Stiyl..."

"Oh, Stiyl, it's that... Country Killer Matt magician who plays with fire."

Chu Tian nodded and said half-jokingly.

I don't know why, Chutian always likes to argue with Stier, Chutian likes to mock Stier on the bright side for being a rich nouveau riche and killing Matt in the countryside, and sometimes he says something about smoking is harmful to health, Lung cancer is dying early and things like that while sighing.

"The devil knows why he always likes to play this kind of tricks. When I went home, he took Index away, and then left me a certificate of entry and exit for me to go to the ruins of an abandoned theater 'Bo Ming Zuo'. He, I am also very helpless! By the way, why did you come out, Chu Tianjun?"

After Kamijou Touma finished speaking, he looked at Chu Tian and asked back.

"Come out and relax."

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Chapter 664 Nun

Chu Tian didn't seem to want to explain anything to Kamijou Touma. After all, he robbed all the protagonists of the family, and his sister also let him soak in it, so he felt a little guilty.

"But speaking of it now, during the preparations for the Daba Star Festival, the peripheral security has really loosened up a lot..."

Chu Tian pointed to the exit of the huge fence: divert his eyes.

Although Kamijou Touma wanted to ask why, but since Chutian didn't want to say it, Kamijou Touma naturally wouldn't take the initiative to mention it. He looked at the huge outer wall that was more than five meters long.

"Yeah, it's really loosened up a lot. After all, there are many outsiders who want to visit Academy City. I felt it when I reviewed my travel certificate just now."

Before I knew it, it was past six o'clock in the evening.

Chu Tian played Tai Chi with Hedgehog for a full hour in the park. He was going to wave goodbye, but after thinking about it, maybe Index might be in trouble, so he followed Kamijou Touma non-stop. District 1, look for Index who was taken away.


Kamijou Touma looked at the mobile phone and searched carefully with a sad face, but because the mobile phone map will only mark the locations that are in operation, for the 'Bomeiza' that has closed down, it will naturally not be displayed.

"Go buy a paper map, that kind of... Sightseeing map I remember should be changed every three months, and you should be able to find it."

Following the map, the two finally found the way to their destination.

It was an old station.

Because it leads directly to Academy City, most of them are transport trucks, and this bus station is just to send travelers who come out of Academy City to Tokyo City, the station is almost early. It's useless, there are only two or three trains a day.

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