There are too many enemies, and it seems that there is not much difference between head-on confrontation and suicide.

Chapter 669

In the end, he was just an ordinary high school student, and his fighting skills were all learned during fights, not systematically.

The number of enemies can already be regarded as a crowd. Even if Kamijou's talent and self-created 'Friendship Poyan Fist' can defeat a nun, but a group of people gathers around, it's hard to say.

At this time, one of the nuns seemed to be reluctant to let her prey escape like this. She raised her right hand and waved the torch in her hand in rhythm.

Immediately, a fiery ball of fire the size of a football flew out from the torch and flew towards Kamijou Touma.

Uncomfortable, Kamijou was pulling two people by his side, and there was no way to use the 'phantom killer' to erase the fireball.

At this moment, another fist-sized red magma ball seemed to be swaying, but it was extremely fast and collided with the fireball.


A huge flame suddenly exploded less than a meter behind Kamijou Touma, and the high temperature even turned Kamijou's hair into a scorch.

"This is!"

Kamijou Touma stared blankly at Chu Tian who suddenly appeared.

"Academy City's superpower, this is an internal matter of our cross religion, are you sure you want to intervene?"

Dozens of nuns stood on the ground, watching the man in front of them with cold eyes.

In their eyes, Chutian was just a superpower of Academy City. If the two sides exchanged fire, it would not be as simple as an infighting between the churches, and it might lead to a world-class war.

The sky has already become brighter, if it is not for the use of 'enchantment' and 'idler dispel' to minimize the presence of Orsola Church in the minds of Tokyo people, or even completely ignore it, it is estimated that the news headlines on TV TOKYO tomorrow will be there. .

"Don't worry, I'm not a registered student in Academy City, just a passing Kamen Rider.

Now that you are fully prepared, please do your best and work hard."

Chu Tianwen said this in a frenzy, and then broke a root on the street lamp next to it: the steel pipe is down.

Dozens of fighting nuns saw that Chu Tian had already drawn out his weapon, and they knew that there was no way to make this man quit with their own words.

The nuns raised their five senses to the maximum, staring at the strange man standing on the roof looking at them condescendingly with icy eyes.

They are the battle nuns, they are the original and the real battle mages.

Putting their hands together, a 'song' that is incomprehensible to ordinary people but very comfortable slowly came from their mouths, and the misty white light gradually covered them....... .

Although there is no change like the discipline knight and the staff priest.

However, as the first version of the battle mages, who blessed themselves through the 'Holy Hymn', they also have powerful personal martial arts, so, unlike other branches that are good at fighting alone, the battle nuns are best at fighting.

"Since it is determined that it is an enemy, there is no need to keep it!"

The black-clothed nuns looked at each other, and got approval from each other's eyes. Then, they raised their hands at the same time and looked at Chu Tian, ​​who was condescending.

All kinds of strange weapons, such as scepters, battle axes, crosses, bibles and even the hour hand of the wheel, were aimed at Chutian's body on the roof.


Accompanied by their chirping in unison, various colors of light gradually emerged from the surface of the weapons held by the nuns, and then scattered into two sides like a stream of meteors, slamming towards Chu Tian's body. On the other side, it flew towards Kamijou Touma, who had already climbed up the roof with Orsola on his back.

"Have you... Senior told you that when fighting opponents stronger than you, you must be careful not to be distracted! Little girls!"

It can be seen that these... The nuns don't care about Orsola's safety at all.

As for Chutian, it was only the second time he met the woman Osola, so he didn't have any feelings for it. He could help a hand, but if the other party directly planned to smash people into scum in front of him, He has to think about it.

When we got closer, Chu could only see clearly what those rays of light like shooting stars were. They were exactly like curved colored feathers, but they were attached to the tips of the feathers. hard arrow.

There are so many that the shields of ordinary magicians can't stop them at all.

Chu Tian's mind quickly went through a circle. Comparing the military standards of the enemy and us, none of the fighting nuns could beat him, so he didn't even change his body at all, he just stood there and let the attack hit him.

Chu Tian stretched out his arms, as if he was taking a bath, enjoying the water droplets scouring, and the dense feather needles and arrows slanted down, all hitting Chu Tian, ​​but the latter did not respond.

A few seconds later, the first round of attacks by the nuns' class was completed, and then, Chu Tian shook his body, and he was about to confront them head-on.

Chu Tian was at ease, fighting with the nuns alone, and more of it was a joke.

Kamijou Touma, who carried Orsola on his back to the roof of the three-story sanctuary, was in great distress, but fortunately, because Chutian attracted most of the firepower, they are now slightly safer! Kamijou Touma re-opened Putting Orsola from the state on his back onto the bricks, he gasped heavily, and ran so much distance on his back that he felt like his lungs were about to fall out with his breathing. .

"'re okay"

Orsola looked at Kamijou with a little worried, she was worried that she would become a burden, so she asked with a little unease.

"No problem, don't worry!"

If Japanese high school students are bad and good people, then Kamijou Touma is... a saint, no matter how painful he is, he will always keep a consistent smile.

But at this moment, Kamijou, who was standing on the roof, noticed something even worse. He saw a girl in a white monastic uniform running in the vast Orsola church grounds.

"Index, why are you there!"

"Where's that bastard Stiyl!"

Two seconds later, Kamijou Touma saw the place where Index was running, and the crimson flames continued to rise. It seemed that Stiyl, who ran to rescue Index, also encountered a hard battle. Don't open up.

Kamijou Touma couldn't help pinching a cold sweat at Index, standing high and looking far away, he saw a group of nuns approaching not far in front of Index, it seemed that the two sides did not notice, but If Index doesn't continue to correct her direction, they will collide sooner or later.

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