One! "Apostolic Cross:"

Named after St. Peter, one of the twelve apostles, it was not made because of Peter's martyrdom, but was prepared before Peter was alive, with a history of more than [-] years.

"The Apostle's Cross: It is the largest spiritual item in the Cross Church, and it was originally the spiritual item that the Roman Orthodox Church has resolutely refused to make public.

Even if you don't use the correct coordinates to guide you, it's more than enough to deal with your little superpower!"

"Saint George, Baptism!"

The marble-carved apostolic cross: a white and transparent light band quickly extended from the tip, wrapping itself and Lidovia together.

Boom! This baptism directly hit Chutian, and the power of two tons of explosives directly blew up a huge crater more than twenty meters wide at Chutian's feet.

"This is the most powerful weapon of the Roman Orthodox Church"

"Only 20 meters"

Chu Tian spread his hands, thinking that this thing could at least destroy a few mountains or something, but it seemed that he thought too much.

"This is Saint, how could this be..."

Lidoviya, who was wrapped in the spiritual outfit, was dumbfounded. With her full blow, the other party didn't respond! Without waiting, Chu Tian squeezed Lidoviya's arm and shook it hard. Remove the arm bone, and then do the same for the other arm.

"Okay, nun, this is the end of the boring world destruction game.... If you have anything to say next, you can tell the guards."

After waiting for a while, the helicopter from Academy City landed on a small hill on the west side of the chaotic eleventh school district, and sent Lidoviya, who had been tied up with five flowers, into the cabin, and then Chu Tian used teleportation to return to the school. Garden City.

Fortunately, my hands and feet are quick and I can quickly deal with the enemy. The match of Misaka Mikoto is about to start.

This is a contest called Balloon Hunter. The gameplay is probably... an advanced version of horse riding. Use your abilities to break the balloons carried by the players, even if you win.

But it's fun, it's a mixed game for men and women.

Wearing a round hat with a small balloon on his head, Misaka stood at the 5th stadium, the scene of the balloon hunter competition,,,,,,, divided into two groups, each group of fifty people, the nobles of Tokiwadai Middle School. Ladies, all are on the right side of the arena.

"Be sure to hit Tokiwadai and become an elite school!"

"That's a group of junior high schools with only little girls. It's scary."

Although the high school boys on the left have been: cheering for themselves, but his is Tokiwadai after all, the lowest student is in the 13th school, although they are afraid, but there is no pressure, it is all fake.

"You guys are actually pretty good. Just because you didn't run away with your tail tucked in, you're worthy of praise!"

As the temporary leader of this match, after marriage, Photon mocked the high school students who mocked him and everyone else as little girls with an appreciative tone.

"Come on, wife! I'm going to watch the game!"

Chu Tian laughed loudly and shouted from the audience, not to mention Misaka Mikoto herself, even the audience next to her was extremely shocked and frightened.

"Hey! What is this guy talking about!"

"Aren't there all junior high school students here, my wife!"

"Call the police!"

In such a tense atmosphere, the referee raised the flag in his hand high.

"Everyone, get ready"


At the beginning of the game, a high school on the left and Tokiwadai Middle School on the right filed into the specially emptied building lanes, and broadcast live through drones.

Bubble Wanbin quietly put his body against the corner of the masonry wall, and quickly glanced at the three high school boys gathered at the target location. Of course, this was only a moment, and Bubble retracted his head again.

"It has just been confirmed that the enemy team has five people and five people. If three people enter the team, the number of people in the opponent's group has reached the number of eight people and eight people. It can't be... stormed."

Just now... boys from Ryutao High School, although they said they looked down on Tokiwadai.... junior high school girls looked down on them, but they were still very careful trying to contact their allies and force Tokiwadai's girls We achieve the situation of playing more with less.

The so-called despise the enemy strategically, and respect the enemy tactically.

Although it may seem a bit embarrassing for a group of big men to besiege a girl, in this game, the strong and weak relationship between boys and girls is actually reversed, compared to those of Tokiwatai...... For the girls with a minimum of 13, those from Longtao High School...the ones who have reached 12 are the real weak.

Strictly speaking, this looks like an act of bullying a little girl. It should be a group of male warriors working together to beat a group of girls.

"After we reach the last intersection in the bay and the three intersections leading to the outside are under our control, then it's... time to close the door and fight the dogs."

For the girls in Tokiwadai, all kinds of abilities exist among them, and the strategy devised by a certain high school boy was soon known by Mitsuko, who was the temporary leader after marriage.

Therefore, after the marriage, the photon will let Wannei Bao and Pao Fu Wanbin help to block the escape route of those people.

"The last way out has been blocked in the bay, and it's time for us to perform."

At the same time, several boys from the opponent's high school appeared like magic soldiers, flashing out of nowhere. With a surprise attack, the balloons above the heads of a dozen Tokiwadai middle school girls were instantly shattered. As a result, he was disqualified from the competition.

"Stealth? Everyone pay attention! Observe the ground changes!"

After the marriage, Mitsuko and Misaka Mikoto entered a state of alert at the same time.

at the same time.

"Classmate Baba, now Tokiwadai has reduced [-] people, and we have reduced [-] people. Now our advantage is still relatively large, should we take advantage of this opportunity..."

On the street of the balloon hunter scene, a tall and thin man with glasses said cautiously to the slightly obese Hoshiro Baba.

"Don't worry, everything is going very well now and we're ahead in numbers."

Hoshiro Baba, who is in a hurry, belongs to a high school's planning staff in this 'Balloon Hunter' activity, and he also proves his wisdom with facts.

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