: Serious Gabriel

“The one here is called Qianhu, and he is my very good partner.”

Muba Makoto then lifted the black cat that had been lying beside her, and smiled lightly at the few people.


As if able to understand the situation in front of him, the black cat let out a soft cry.

“This cat isn’t bad, but it’s still my Domonosuke who is the cutest!”

Megumin looked at the black cat named Qianhu up and down, and Huihui said seriously.


A cat meowed lazily in the yard, and then a black cat walked in with graceful steps, looked at Qianhu, and then found a corner to lie down.

The black cat is Tomonosuke, and when he brought Megumi Kato to work there, Megumin brought her here as well.

“Is that your cat? It looks so cute!”

Makoto Mubata revealed a look of joy, looking at the black cat with a cross pattern on its head.

“But are the wings on the back a decoration?”

But when he saw the wings at the back, a curious look appeared on his face.

“Decoration? Well, yes.”

Darkness froze for a moment, then said with a dry smile.

Although I guessed before that the girl in front of me would be someone from the extraordinary world.

But there is still an ordinary person here, so this is not the time to talk about these things.

And Gabriel, who was regarded as an ordinary person, looked at the black cat with a surprised expression.

She unexpectedly found a seal from the cat’s body.

Then those wings are obviously not just for decoration.

These people… What the hell is going on?

Turning her head to look at Huihui and the others, Gabriel whispered to herself.

“Speaking of which, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet. My name is Natsume Yuu.”

After explaining to her mother why she didn’t answer the phone, Natsume Yu who received Makoto Kibata said aloud.

“I… I am Yoyo, the leader of the Crimson Demon Clan, and my profession is a great magician…”

Yoyo stood up with a blushing face, and struggled to give the exclusive introduction of the Crimson Demons.


Makoto Muban and Gabriel froze, looking at Yoyo in surprise.

Under the sight of the two, Yoyo’s face became more flushed, and she sat down as if white smoke was coming out of her head.


“Indeed, the name and I feel very cute.”

Seeing her appearance, the two of them came to their senses and immediately praised her.

This situation actually made Yoyo’s face turn redder.

“I am Huihui, the person in charge of Explosion Magic, the leading magician of the Crimson Demons!”

Fortunately, Huihui’s next introduction made the two of them look away, which made Yoyo relax.

A piece of Natsume Yu reached out and rubbed her head.

“Could this be the legendary second disease? But since it’s a high-level student, it’s the first-year disease?”

Mu Ban Makoto continued to clap her hands, but she was thinking curiously.

She can only be regarded as a trainee witch, so naturally she can’t feel the magic power of the two like Gabriel.

“Crimson Demon Race? Why does it feel like I’ve heard of it somewhere?”

While clapping her hands, Gabriel whispered in her heartGoogling.

Under the strange introduction of the two, the self-introductions of Alice, Darkness, and Kato Megumi passed quickly.

“My name is Gabriel, and I just came to school from another place.”

After Muba Makoto, Gabriel also introduced herself, while pointing to a five-story apartment building not far away.

It’s not far from Mai Sakurajima’s high-end apartment, but it’s just a cheap apartment building.

Most of the tenants are office workers and high school students like her from other places.

“I didn’t expect us to live so close together! What school are you from? Can I go and play with you in the future!?”

Makoto Muban folded his palms in front of him, and looked at the girl who helped him with a happy expression.

That quiet, elegant, and friendly look made her look like a foreign noble lady on TV.

“I am a first-year student of Sakura Hill.”

Gabriel sat upright and said with a friendly smile on her face.

“We are also students of Sakura Hill.”

Alice looked at her with a surprised expression, but she didn’t expect this girl to be her next classmate.

“Ala, ala~ It’s really a destiny.”

Tilting her head slightly, Gabriel narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly.

“If it’s still in the same class, then it will be interesting.”

Huihui tapped her chin lightly, revealing a playful smile.

“I am also looking forward to it. The more friends I can meet, the closer I will be to my wish.”

“Gabriel’s wish? Is it something convenient to say?”

After hearing Gabriel’s words, Yoyo asked curiously.

“It’s not something unworthy to say. My wish is to make everyone happy.”

Holding her hands in front of her body, Gabriel smiled.

His whole body seemed to be emitting holy light, which made people dare not look directly at him.

Looking at Gabriel in this state, Natsume Yuu couldn’t imagine that she would degenerate into a house girl soon after school started.

“Take a picture of her current appearance and show her after she falls down. It must be very interesting to you.”

Natsume Yu glanced at Gabriel and thought with interest.

“What a great wish.”

Darkness, who is a crusader, immediately showed a look of shame after hearing this wish.

“Miss Gabriel is amazing!”

Makoto Muban stared blankly at Gabriel, with adoration mixed in her expression.

Her wish is to grow up to be a witch in her own right. Compared with this wish, she is really insignificant.

“Just call me Gabriel, that’s what my parents and friends call me.”

Gabriel said to several people with a slight smile between her brows.

Several people were about the same age, and they all came from other places.

I am full of strong curiosity about the upcoming school life.

Then the few people started chatting with the school in mind.

For example, what club to join, or what you want to do.

In the process of chatting, the relationship between the few people gradually became much closer.

And while chatting, Gabriel already understood that although these people have great power, fortunately, none of them are bad people.

After chatting for a while, Gabriel, who had to go back to tidy up her things, stood up and said goodbye.

“We are so close, you are welcome to come and play here anytime.”

Natsume Yuu said with a chuckle, and the people beside Makoto Muhata also showed approval.

“I will, then goodbye.”

Standing in front of the door, Gabriel smiled softly and said to several people.

“That… I want to buy some things, but I don’t know if there are any for sale here.”

After watching Gabriel leave, Makoto Kobata asked Natsume Yu embarrassedly.

“Do you need anything else?”

“Broom, a wooden broom.”

Makoto Mubata quickly responded to Yuu Natsume’s question.

It’s just that this thing made Huihui and the others look puzzled, why did they specifically emphasize the need for a wooden broom.

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