: Depths of Dreamland

A cultivator is a general term for human beings who cultivate spiritual or magical power systems.

Even fortune tellers are actually considered one of them.

Therefore, even though the Witch Association is the largest organization of mankind, she can’t guarantee that the person in front of her is also a witch, so she can only call it that way.

“Well~ I guess so.”

The purple eyes blinked slightly, and Eris quickly understood the meaning of her words and spoke noncommittally.

“Please come in quickly! Please save Chiya! No matter what you ask, I will promise you!”

An excited smile appeared on Kan’s face, and he suddenly bent down to beg.

“This is our goal, but can you tell me what happened?”

Eris nodded and walked inside, then asked.

“excuse me.”

Next to him, Natsume Yuu and others also followed after saying hello.

“No, I want to ask you to be the one, more than 20 minutes…”

Kan hurriedly waved his hands in response, and then spoke.

Some time ago, Chiya, who was participating in the festival, suddenly ran out excitedly, as if she was chasing something.

And vaguely, Kanan also noticed a black human-shaped rabbit in front of her, which was Xiao Hei that Qian Yaguchi had been thinking about.

Because they were worried about Chiya’s safety, Kan and the others followed quickly.

It’s just that the girl is a wild girl living in the mountains and forests. Although they have decent physical strength, they can’t catch up at all.

When Shi Divination invited the fox fairy to go up the hillside, Gan couldn’t believe her eyes.

Chiya, who was always cheerful and energetic, showed a helpless and fearful expression, crying and hugging herself.

That helpless expression made her heart ache, resentful that she couldn’t help her friend.

Immediately before she could ask any questions, Chiya passed out and couldn’t be woken up no matter how she screamed.If the fox fairy hadn’t said that Qianya was still alive, she would have almost collapsed.

After that, several people took turns to return to this small shop with Qianya on their backs.

“I see.”

After listening to Kanan’s narration, Eris nodded slightly and looked at Natsume Yu.

“That black rabbit is not a bad guy.”

Although she didn’t ask, Natsume Yu understood what she meant and shook her head as she spoke.

Not only was the black rabbit not bad, Natsume Yu even saw its essence and understood its identity.

In the depths of his soul, it was an adult male with red eyes like Chiya.

“Can, who are they?”

While several people were talking, they came to the room on the second floor, and a girl with black twintails asked suspiciously.

Just go down and open the door, why did you bring so many people up?

Holding the doll in her hand, the timid girl put the doll in front of her to cover it up, only showing a pair of eyes to look at the few people.

With two balls pierced on her head, the girl who moved her hands and feet was full of elegance. Although she didn’t speak, her eyes were full of curiosity.

And beside the three of them was Chiya lying on the quilt.

A long white bed was sprinkled under her body, her brows were wrinkled and full of sorrow, and her exquisite face was tightly closed like a sleeping beauty princess.

Natsume Yu glanced around, but didn’t notice the black rabbit and the distortion that followed them before.

“Xiaomei, this is a powerful practitioner. They saw us when we passed by just now, so they wanted to come and help.”

Seeing the eyes of the three friends, Gan quickly opened his mouth to explain.


Seeing Xiaomei look at each other, Yipichen and Xue exhaled softly.

“Oh yeah~ Then I hope this cultivator can wake up Qianya soon, this Qianya doesn’t look like her at all.”

Ms. Songzi with bobbed hair spoke when several people were silent.

Seeing this, the three of them made no further objections and moved away.

Although it is a puppet, Ms. Songzi herself is the result of divination.

Since it can say these words, it means that she has divined something.

“We will do our best.”

Eris and Natsume Yu walked up to Chiya and looked at that peaceful sleeping face.

As for Huihui and the others, they walked aside and sat with the three girls, watching their movements together.

“I’ll go into her spiritual world first.”

Natsume Yu raised her eyes and looked at Eris. Chiya’s mental body was sleeping, and she could only wake up if she went in and woke her up.

Of course, it is also possible to wait for her to recover and wake up naturally, but the time needed is hard to say.


After Eris answered, Natsume Yusho pointed at Chiya’s eyebrows, and gently closed his eyes.

The eyes suddenly went dark, and the mental body was about to start to drop.

But when he realized that there was nothing under his feet, Natsume Yu used Wukong to stabilize his body.

Looking around the pitch-black space, only some branches similar to trees glowed to light up the space.

Looking into the distance, a group of storms gathered like the rain from before.

Some wooden steps float in the air, entering the storm from the ground like stairs.

“Is this the case in the dream? It seems that what I saw just now had a big impact…I found it.”

Natsume Yu looked through the storm and saw Chiya, who was wearing Bai Wugou, lying tightly on the sky, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

“But this range is really uncomfortable.”

Then he looked around the dark and cold space, frowned, raised his head slightly, and the black object with several eyes on his head also looked over.

“You should see no evil, you should see no evil—”

“You shouldn’t, you bad kids who shouldn’t have stepped in.”

“Exploring taboos is a felony!”

“If it’s a delusion to spy again, we will mark all of you.”

Whispering whispers sounded in Natsume Yuu’s ears through the space.


Natsume Yuu let out a cold snort as the black eyes met the chilling ones.

The sound was obviously not loud, but ripples visible to the naked eye appeared in the air, and it suddenly twisted towards those black ones.

The original noisy voice quietly stopped, and the black human figure continued to twist its shape.

The eyes all over his face showed a look of horror.

A black rabbit looked at Natsume Yu with its red crystal eyes.

However, all the [future] and [route] that could be seen in the past have disappeared.

This is the third time this has happened since having the clairvoyance that can see into the future.

The first time was Yami, who also had clairvoyance.

The second time was Chiya who also had clairvoyance.

As for the boy in front of him, it was the third time, but it was completely different from the previous two.

He didn’t feel the same aura from that boy.

Then there is only one possibility, the strength and personality far surpasses his own existence.

But no matter what it is, he can only hope that this person has no malicious intentions.

Seeing those things quiet down, Natsume Yu glanced at the black rabbit who had no hidden intentions, and nodded slightly.

Then he stepped forward, and his body crossed the storm to arrive in front of Qianya.

The black rabbit and the twisted ones who recovered from the snort suddenly opened their eyes.

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