: Moriya Shrine

“Yu brought me back to life~”

Geng Xizi put her hands behind her back, her eyes were bent into crescents, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.


Eyes opened suddenly, and Geng Zizi made an unbelievable voice.

He walked quickly to Geng Xizi, and put his wrinkled hands on her body.

The warm and jade-like touch came, and even because of the close distance, I could still smell the faint fragrance.

“How is it? A body full of vitality, right?”

Letting her sister touch her body, Geng Xizi stretched out her arms, gesticulating the shape of her muscles, and showed an excited smile.

“It is indeed very energetic.”

Looking at Geng Xizi’s cheerful smile, Geng Zizi smiled lovingly.

This smile was finally seen again after decades.

Although it’s a bit strange to say this, but because of too much experience, now she looks at her sister as if she was looking at her granddaughter.

“Although it’s a bit late to say now, my name is Geng Zizi, and I’m her younger sister. If possible, can you explain to me.”

Without letting go of his hand, Geng Zizi looked at Natsume Yuu with his vicissitudes of eyes, and asked in a friendly tone,

Although his eyes were not sharp, An An was examining him.

My sister’s resurrection is very happy, but she still has to ask what happened.

From the conversation just now, although it has been so long, my sister’s mentality is only a little higher than before.

However, I can also understand that it is the case after all, and there is no one to communicate with, so it is normal for it to be like this.

So in order to prevent her sister from being profited or deceived, Geng Zizi asked Natsume Yu.

Even if she knew that the person in front of her had the ability to twist life and death, even if she desperately wanted to bite off a piece of flesh, she would not be the same as before.

“My name is Natsume Yuu, a student of Sakuragaoka Academy.”

He could feel the dark scrutiny, but he also understood it, so he spoke calmly.

Geng Zizi’s answer was not surprising. At this age, the only one who was with his sister was a student.

“Some time ago, when I went to sign up for my friends…”

Then Natsume Yuu told the story of Geng Xizi’s existence that he sensed when he went to school with Mai Sakurajima to enroll, until he came here.

Of course, what I’m talking about is only related to Geng Xizi.

“So that’s how it is… Was it you that the chairman was talking about that day?”

Geng Zizi nodded suddenly. When the school just started some time ago, the principal also mentioned in the council that someone paid a lot of money to enter the school.

Of course, no one took these things to heart. This kind of thing is also normal.

I didn’t expect to meet here, and in this way.

“Please forgive me for the suspicion just now, after all, this kind of thing is really unexpected.”

“andI also want to thank you for my sister’s affairs, allowing her to walk on the earth again and experience this infinite world. ”

When I heard what happened just now, Geng Zizi who sat down with his sister got up and bowed, and said gratefully.

“Your sister and I are also friends, so there’s no need to be like this. Do those people from back then have any clues?”

Gently waving his hands and talking, Natsume Yu didn’t ask any more questions.

“Friend? These are not the eyes of a friend.”

Glancing at his sister’s smile at the young man, Geng Zizi shook his head heartily.

“Leave those people to me. You are still young and not suitable for getting your hands dirty.”

Immediately, he spoke in a cold tone, with a hint of murderous intent on his body.

It’s a bit weird to say that her sister is young, but she doesn’t want her newly revived sister to be in a bad mood because of those people.

“Did you kill someone?”

Natsume Yuu squinted his eyes, looked at the red gas emerging from her body and said.

“… Well, I, who pushed my sister down, have solved a few of them over the years, and there is only one left that I just heard about.”

Sensing his changing eyes, although Geng Zizi didn’t know how he was seen, but thinking that this person could reverse life and death, he didn’t stubbornly hide it.

“I originally planned to get rid of him after a while, and then go to the old teaching house to tell my sister the news, so that she can rest in peace.”

Having said that, Geng Zizi looked at his sister who was holding her hand tightly.

But I didn’t expect my sister to be resurrected before finishing the work.

Of course, she didn’t regret it. What those people did didn’t mean they disappeared because of her sister’s resurrection.

“I’m sorry, Zizi, obviously I still resent you…”

Hearing what his sister had done, Geng Xizi burst into tears.

“I understand, so my sister is not like this, and I know what’s going on thanks to your appearance.”

Geng Zizi shook his head and said softly.

She can also understand that she might not be as good as her sister in that situation.

Although Ying Xizi was frightened at that meeting, it was because she called her own name.

It reminded her of her sister who was quarantined on the grounds of being infected with the plague.

So they secretly began to investigate, and finally discovered the truth of the matter.

But because he has no strength, he can only bury it in his heart.

There is no unparalleled road, and she has outstanding beauty. One day, she was spotted by a rich man passing by the village.

Knowing that she was incapable and had no chance of staying in the village, she agreed.

And those people also left the village early after learning about Geng Zizi’s situation.

As time went by, the rich man committed suicide by jumping off the building because of the turbulent situation, but Zizi Geng survived with his obsession with revenge.

Relying on the knowledge I learned while living with the rich and luck, I finally climbed up from the deep valley.

And here she didn’t choose to give up, and she was still secretly searching for the whereabouts of those people.

Although those people have left the village, the so-called traces of people’s passing will always leave traces as long as they survive in this world.

So relying on those clues, she found her former enemies one by one.

Until now, there is only one man named Yi Neng left.

That man also knew about Geng Zizi’s revenge, so he also started to be the lover of the rich woman.

Having socialized with many wealthy women for more than ten years, Geng Zizi, who is already in charge of the family, dare not make any moves.

Although she can disregard her own death, she has offspring after all, and she doesn’t want to drag them down.

As for Sakuragaoka, after she came back, she discovered that it had become a school, and she could only go out together and become one of the shareholders.

When something goes wrong, it can be easily resolved.

“…The one named Yineng has a son named Ze Yuezhi?”

Natsume You’s complexion was a little subtle, and she looked at Geng Zizi and asked aloud.

“Indeed, he is a playboy just like Yi Neng, and he infects women everywhere.”

After all, he is the target of revenge. Geng Zizi also investigated his situation, so he nodded and said.

“You know him?”

Then seeing that subtle expression, the old man frowned.

If they knew each other, then it would be troublesome.

“do not know!”

Natsume Yu said with certainty that if he knew him, he would be in big trouble.

The name Ze Yuezhi may not be widely spread, but it is a super powerful human-making machine.

If you know him, you might be related by blood.

Makoto Ito, who created terms such as ‘hatchet’, ‘hu ring’, ‘Traces of Brother Cheng’s battle’, is his son.

But that is the world of the Japanese* campus. Although the situation in this world is the same, it has not yet reached that point.


Looking at Natsume Yu suspiciously, he didn’t really understand why he had such a reaction.

“Ahem, give me his address, blood feuds can only be relieved by witnessing with your own eyes;,’!,”?:::!!!’;”;,;.’?,,’!?.!;? !’:;.”.”‘;!,;.’s obsession.”

Coughing a few times, Natsume Yu didn’t continue the topic, but asked about the address of Yi Neng.


Glancing at Natsume Yu, even if you don’t say it, I can find it, Geng Zizi said with a soft sigh.

She hasn’t found a suitable opportunity to make a move yet.

Since this young man has the ability of a god and a demon, maybe he has his own way.

“Okay, by the way, which shrine does that spell that seals the old school building belong to?”

After getting the answer she wanted, Natsume Yuu nodded slightly, and then thought of thatAsked curiously about a spell with similar ability to [create] myself.

“Moriya Shrine, I heard that the maiden there is a descendant of a certain god. Although she is young, she is indeed very powerful.”

As for how powerful it is, the fact that my sister didn’t show up and cause various supernatural events is the best proof.

Originally, she wanted to seal it inside the ground orifice, but she thought it would be too uncomfortable, so she set out to build a new school building by herself.

And that old school building became exclusive to my sister.

That way, I won’t worry about hurting the students, and won’t make my sister feel too uncomfortable.

“Could it be the Moriya Shrine?”

Xia Muyou’s eyebrows moved slightly, and then she looked at Geng Zizi and continued to ask.

“Green hair, a girl named Dongfenggu Sanae?”

“That’s right, it’s her!”

“It really is her. No wonder she can sense an ability similar to mine [Creation]. That talisman contains the power of Kanako Yasaka.”

Geng Zizi’s affirmative answer made Natsume Yu look stunned, thinking to himself.

Sanae Dongfengya and Kanako Yasaka are both from Touhou Fantasy Township.

And Yasaka Kanako is a god enshrined by Sanae Dongfenggu, possessing the ability of [doing].

“Qian” in the eight trigrams represents the most rigid and yang things, that is, the sky. In a broad sense, it refers to things such as the sky, strong, tall, broad, and bright.

So it can create all kinds of weather such as wind and rain, and it can also set off a storm and blow everything away.

And Natsume Yuu’s “Creation” is to create what he wants. Although they are very different, they still have similarities in essence.

“Has the Moriya Shrine not yet entered Gensokyo, or has it already entered, but has not given up on modern times?”

I thought about it curiously, but couldn’t think of anything, so I looked at Geng Zizi and said.

“Thank you, then let’s go first. As for Senior Sister Xizi, if you want to see her, you can go find her anytime.”

Then he told Zizi Geng where he was.

“I will come to the door to display it properly in the future, so be careful.”

Geng Zizi wrote down the address on a piece of paper, and even brought it over to Natsume Yu for confirmation before he felt relieved.

“Well, goodbye then.”

“Goodbye Zizi~”

After the two said goodbye, the bodies of Natsume You and Geng Xizi floated up, and then flew out directly from the window.

“Is this the extraordinary person… He obviously has the door but doesn’t leave.”

Looking at the disappearing figures of the two, Geng Zizi said softly.

Then he pinched the address and put it in the folder of the book, and then walked downstairs with a faint smile on his face.

“Grandma, where are those two?”

Geng Wujiang saw that only his grandmother came down, with one hand across his waist, his five fingers covering his face, and his waist twisted at an exaggerated angle and asked.

“. `They are gone, and Wujiang, why do you always pose like this?”

Looking at his granddaughter, Geng Zizi said with a helpless sigh.

This granddaughter is good at everything, but she always poses in weird poses. I heard that she is jojo standing upright.

“You obviously didn’t see anyone coming down, how did you leave?”

Geng Wujiang changed into an even more strange posture and asked strangely.

“You didn’t notice it yourself.”

Geng Zizi thought about the situation of those two people, but he didn’t say anything, so he could only throw the pot out.


Looking at grandma’s indifferent expression, Geng Wujiang narrowed his eyes. If she hadn’t been paying attention to the top, she might really wonder if she missed it.

But since she didn’t say anything, Geng Wujiang didn’t ask, but just took it to heart.

And the figures of Natsume Yuu and Geng Xizi quickly shuttled across the sky until they stopped above a villa area.

“Is this where that guy lives?”

Geng Xizi looked at the lights below, and there were many people walking around in the courtyard, as if they were attending a party.

“It’s really old-hearted.”

The two stood above in the air, Natsume Yuu’s eyes pierced the darkness, and the people below found their target this time.

An old man with a white head and a big back, with wrinkles all over his body, but his body looks like he used to be very strong.

The other has orange slanted bangs, a mustache, and a bare upper body showing eight-pack abs, which is very attractive to many women.

At this time, the two father and son were holding a beautiful woman in a bikini with one hand, and they were talking casually with smiles on their faces.


Natsume Yu raised five fingers, and the people below who were talking and laughing fell asleep directly.

The expressions of Ze Yuezhi and Yi Neng instantly became terrified, and their bodies kept shaking, as if they were being chased by something.

“How is this going?”

Geng Xizi, who appeared in the yard, looked at the two people who only showed their faces, and the rest was covered in black mist, and asked strangely.

The first time she saw her enemy, perhaps because she had been reborn, she seemed very calm on the contrary.

The enemy is old, but I am still the same.

In a sense, can it be regarded as revenge?

“Afterwards, these two people will not (Wang Qianzhao) get up, and will be chased by evil spirits in their dreams.”

Natsume Yuu said lightly, with a calm expression on his face.

Death is sometimes a kind of relief. When you have a lot of wealth, but you can’t make it, you are the most desperate.

“Then this person…”

Hearing Natsume Yu’s words, Geng Xizi’s heart suddenly became relaxed, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, looking at Ze Yuezhi.

She originally wanted revengeIt’s just Yi Neng, innocent people don’t intend to get involved, but since Natsume Yu attacked him, maybe he has his reasons.

“This man is a disgusting fellow.”

Natsume Yu looked at Ze Yuezhi and frowned. Under his sight, black smoke was rising from Ze Yuezhi’s body, and the black smoke turned into different female faces, howling.

Even if the upgraded eyes don’t use all their strength, they can see the resentment and other emotions attached to him at will.

Originally thought it wasn’t a Japanese campus, his situation was not that exaggerated.

Now it seems that this is true, but copper smelting and other things still appear.

Immediately, Natsume Yu pierced through the villa, and saw a boy in the villa, who was doing handicrafts while looking at indescribable things.

The finger popped out lightly, directly changing the hormones in his body.

Although there is no change for a while, the behavior will gradually become more feminine.

And the male characteristics will gradually converge, and the female characteristics will become prominent.

“You should stay with your good friends.”

Looking at the photo of him and Huang Mao in the room, Natsume Youxin thought softly.

“how do you feel?”

Then she looked back at Geng Xizi and asked.

“There is a feeling of relaxation… and a feeling of exhilaration.”

Closing his eyes, Geng Xizi replied, his face was a little rosy afterward, apparently feeling that he was not good at being like this.

“Oh, let’s go then.”

With a chuckle, the figures of Natsume You and Geng Xizi disappeared immediately.

The people who were originally in the yard also gradually woke up, and then there was a burst of screaming.

Of course, those things have nothing to do with Natsume Yu and Geng Xizi.

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