: Changes in the Grain Depot

In addition to active body, the appearance of so many monsters also gave Natsume Yusheng the idea of ​​experimenting with extracting experience points.

If it is successful, then Hestia may be able to improve himself and Kato Megumi without Hestia.

The method of extracting experience points was recalled in my mind. The mental power touched the back, but before entering, it was blocked by a layer of things.

“This is… the [lock] under Hestia?”

Natsume Yuu was stunned, and then thought that it was the [lock] that Hestia had put on to prevent others from seeing her favor.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that I could even defend myself.

Although it was not impossible, Kato Megumi was still waiting there, so he temporarily extinguished his thoughts.

He stepped forward in front of the three people who appeared on the distant cliff in an instant.

The sudden appearance made Ai Si startled, and the long sword was ready to attack in an instant.

When the person in charge looked intently, he found that it was Natsume Yu who was still far away before.


The little head tilted and looked away. After disappearing, he looked back at the person in front of him. His mind was full of question marks.

“Recovering physical strength, being able to quickly appear hundreds of meters away, it’s magic now.”

“Is the remaining magic bar empty? Is it the same attack magic as Riveria?”

Finn’s eyes were filled with unconcealable surprise, and his heart was constantly guessing.

A support magic, plus a completely invisible movement magic.

The only two magics shown already have strong strategic significance.

It was cooperating with the last attack magic, but just imagining that scene Fenn almost shuddered.

When others were planning to attack, they suddenly appeared in the camp and cast a super powerful range magic.

That can almost establish the direction of the war.

“No! Even if you don’t know how to attack magic, it’s no less than magic when you go to a person and use the skills just now.”

Thinking of the scene just now, Finn just clenched the hand holding the spear, and looked at the young man with even more fear.

Without defense, even if he endured that blow, he wouldn’t be able to bear it.

Although the two sides are not yet in a hostile stance, as long as the other party wants to develop in Ola Li.

Then sooner or later there will be conflicts between the families of the two parties.

“Before you think of a way to deal with it, it’s not easy to have a conflict.” . . .

Biting his thumb lightly, Finn narrowed his eyes and made a decision in his heart.


While Finn was thinking, Aisi asked curiously.

“Hmm~ The rest is family secrets. If you change your clan and join my family, I can tell you~”

Responding softly, seeing the girl and still wanting to ask, Natsume Yuu nodded her forehead with a chuckle.

“Well…this won’t work, Riveria and everyone else will be angry.”

Frowning in distress, under Finn’s frightened eyes, the girl shook her head and said after thinking very seriously.

“Then there is no other way.”

Retracting her fingertips, Natsume Yuu said with a smile, and looked at the grain depot in the distance.

“Ais, magic is someone else’s secret.”

Hearing Aisi’s refusal, Finn was relieved, and spoke in a somewhat serious tone.

This is my family’s future, and it would be a big loss if I was kidnapped like this.


The calm face responded with a bit of disappointment, she naturally knew this kind of thing.

It’s just that she still has some hopes in her heart that she wants to become stronger.

“Let’s go first. I’m still a little curious about what happened over there.”

It was just a joke, and Natsume Yuu didn’t respond when he was rejected. He looked towards the food depot and said.

After hearing this, Megumi Kato walked to him and stood beside him.


Aisi turned her head to Finn and shouted softly.

“No, we still have to go on an expedition, and Riveria and the others may not be able to find us when they arrive.”

“There are three food depots on the 4th floor. They are located on the edge of each other. It takes a lot of time to walk around and encounter monsters.”

Finn shook her head resolutely. If she was allowed to hang out with that person, she might really be abducted.

“Finn, you have become stupid, as long as you head towards the goal of the monster, it will be fine.”

Looking at Finn with golden eyes, Aisi said seriously.

“…I feel very angry when you say that.”

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and it was really hard for him to be told that he was stupid by the expressionless natural stupefier.

Especially when there are two other people nearby, watching with the eyes of watching a play.

“Moreover, when an abnormal situation occurs, it is also our duty to report to the guild after observation.”

Ignoring what Finn said, Aisi continued.

“It would be great if you could speak like this at other times.”

Finn rubbed his nose helplessly.Liang, thinking in his heart.

“.`I know, first leave a trace and tell them to wait here.”

In the end, he finally compromised. In fact, he was also curious about what happened to the grain depot.

Although there were quite a few monsters just now, Finn could still see monsters gathering again from a high place looking into the distance.

After leaving traces in a conspicuous place, Finn turned his head and saw that the three of them had gone far away.

The corners of her brows twitched, trying to say something, but in the end she just chased after him with a sigh and holding a spear.

Along the way, Fenn can also have groups of monsters coming towards this side.

But it’s not as much as before.

“No wonder no one reported it to the guild before. It seems that the abnormal situation is not very serious.”

Finn hurried on the road, thinking while looking at the monster at the intersection below.

The four of them, like Megumi Kato, took a slightly weaker pace and arrived at the northern edge of the dungeon after a while.

Just like the bark zenith and wall of a big tree, (Zhao’s Zhao) starts from a certain point, and gradually produces a rock-like uneven structure.

The color also changed to light red, and the road completely looked like a cave.

The monster’s collision is completely invisible.

“As we approach the food depot, the number of monsters has increased.”

Stepping on the passage, Finn attacked like a poisonous dragon with a spear in his hand, killing the monster easily.

LV: He is facing these monsters that are no more than LV:, which can be called a dimensionality reduction blow.

Aisi and Kato Megumi were not idle, and they would help out from time to time.

“Where are you going?”

Looking at the many forked roads ahead, Finn frowned after killing the last monster.

The guild has a map of the grain depot, but he, who was originally only on an expedition, didn’t ask for a map here at all.

Therefore, he was a little hesitant when facing those fork roads.

“Let’s go.”

Natsume Yuu and Aisi suddenly spoke.

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