“My name is my author’s name.”

After Ying Li heard Gao Ban’s words, she was suddenly speechless.

Yes, the author name of Gaoban is nothing else, it is his own name.

It was because I didn’t think that Mr. Gaoban was his classmate for a while, Ying Li thought with some chagrin.

“Sit down, let’s get on to talking.” Gao Banchi glanced at Eiri Pear, who was still in self-doubt.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell you about being a book painter.”

“Really?” Ying Li Li looked at Gaoban with an excited expression.

Thanks to the special experience of her childhood, Yingli Li did not dare to say that she was a house girl, let alone Yingli Li outside he also had a perfect golden lady image.

If she said that she was a book painter, she would not dare to imagine the consequences.

“Don’t worry, I’m still waiting for you to illustrate me.” Gao Banchi nodded.

After hearing Gao Ban’s words, Ying Li Li immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

“No problem, leave it to me with confidence.” Ying Li Li said with a confident look.

She is confident in drawing because she is Eiri Kashiwagi!

Then Ying Li took out her own small bag, took out the illustration she drew yesterday, and handed it to Gao Ban.

After receiving news from Machida Junko yesterday, Eiri rushed to the manuscript overnight.

After reaching out and taking the drawing in Yingli’s hand and taking a look, Gao Ban’s brows suddenly frowned.

After Ying Li Li on the side saw the appearance of the high board, he suddenly chuckled in his heart.

“Didn’t you read the depiction of the hero of the novel I wrote?” Takapashi placed the illustration of Eiri on the table and pointed to the illustration and said.

I saw the illustration on the seat, and a strange beauty was standing on a throne in a very seductive posture.

If Takapaki wasn’t very familiar with his novels, he wouldn’t have noticed that Eiri painted the scene where Yakushi Shinoka first appeared in the novel scene.

“Also, the first appearance of the night sword god Juka in my novel is a strong, beautiful, sad and heroic girl, not a girl who has lost her footing!” Gao Banxi said speechlessly.

If you don’t know, you really don’t know that this is an illustration, not a drawing book.

“Ugh!” Eiri heard the depiction of the high board, and then looked at the illustration she had drawn, and suddenly she herself had a feeling that her own drawing was unbearable.

“So, I’ll take it back and change it?” Ying Li Li glanced at Gao Pan carefully and said.

“Forget it, your painting is not the Night Sword God Shixiang in my mind at all.” Gao Pan looked at the strange girl on the drawing paper and sighed depressedly.

He knew that even Yingli Li could not draw the Night Sword God Shika in his mind at all, not only because the characters were different, but even if the characters were the same, the Night Sword God Shika would not necessarily make that kind of seductive action.

After Ying Li heard Gao Ban’s words, her heart suddenly clicked, and her face was a little pale.

“It’s over, this meeting can’t go ashore again.” Ying Li thought with some sadness and indignation in her heart.

“By the way, do you have a pen?”

“Well?” After Ying Li heard Gao Ban’s words, she was immediately stunned, and although she was a little puzzled about what Gao Ban’s pen was looking for, she still handed Gao Ban’s pen.

“Look, the Night Sword God Shika in my mind is like this.” After speaking, Takabana glanced at Eiri Pear, and then took the back of the drawing paper and began to draw.

After seeing the action of the high board, Ying Li suddenly lowered her head and watched.

Ten minutes later!

A beautiful girl in a gorgeous suit stood on a high seat, but surrounded by ruins, and a beautiful girl with slightly sad but sharp eyes jumped on the paper.

At the first glance of the beautiful girl on this paper, she was firmly attracted, and she couldn’t believe that it was just an ink pen painting, and she had a feeling that the person in the painting was alive.

“This is the Night Saber God Shika in your mind?” Ying Li looked at the beautiful girl in the paper in front of her with a little disbelief.

Because she found that the night sword god Juka drawn by Takaban-drawn is the same as the one depicted in the light novel.

“How? Can you finish it? Gao Pan looked at the disbelieving Yingli pear and said lightly.

Although he had not practiced drawing before, it did not stump him who had turned on the gene lock.

“This…” Eiri suddenly fell silent after hearing Gao Ban’s words.

To be honest, with the hand of Gaoban alone, she already knows the gap between her and Gaoban.

“How? Can’t you draw? Seeing Ying Li’s silent appearance, Gao Ban’s brows suddenly frowned.

Then after looking at the illustrations drawn by Ying Li and the illustrations drawn by himself, Gao Ban’s brows suddenly relaxed.

He understood that when he opened the gene lock, he completely distanced himself from ordinary people, as if this time he just drew an ordinary illustration, but in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a grandmaster-level work.

And with the current level of Yingli pear, it is obviously far behind.

“Forget it, I don’t require you to draw so high-quality, just portrayed with the characters of the Night Sword God Shixiang to have three or four layers.” Gaoban said again.

After hearing Gao Ban’s words, Ying Li immediately came back to his senses.

“Gaoban I want to ask you, your drawing skills are so good, why do you want to find an illustrator?” Ying Li looked at the high board with some complicated eyes.

She knew that her drawing skills and high-board drawing skills were very different, so she couldn’t understand why she was asked to draw illustrations because her painter was many times better than her.

“I just don’t want to draw.” Gao Ban, after a slight silence, replied.

“Huh? What is your reason for this? After hearing Gao Ban’s words, Ying Li immediately looked at Gao Ban’s eyes with a skeptical gaze.

I don’t understand, Ying Li she really can’t think of any reason for this high board.

After Gaoban heard Yingli’s words, he was immediately speechless, could it be that I want to tell you that the reason why I found an illustrator is because I didn’t think of drawing it myself before drawing?

Of course, Gao Ban, this matter, will not tell Yingli Li her.

But he knew that even if he told the truth, Ying Li would definitely not believe it.

“Why? You draw so well, why don’t you draw it yourself? Eiri questioned again.

She felt insulted, she drew so well, but she found someone worse than herself to draw, this is not an insult to people?

Seeing Yingli’s face full of excitement, Gao Banxi suddenly realized that it was not good, he knew that if he didn’t fool Yingli Pear, Yingli Pear would definitely not give up.

“Ahem!” Suddenly, Gao Ban’s cough twice, and just now Gao Ban’s brilliant idea came up.

“It’s not that I don’t want to draw, it’s that I’m sick and don’t have so much energy to paint!” Gao Banfei said with a weak expression.

Seeing that Gao Ban’s appearance was just fine, but now he was weak, Ying Li’s eyebrows were raised, and she felt that her IQ was insulted.

“What are you pretending to be sick here!” Ying Li gritted her teeth and looked at the high board.

“Okay, I’m not pretending.” Seeing Yingli’s appearance, Gao Pan suddenly realized that he had just been too deliberate.

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that he is pretending just now.

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