However, this time is clearly the exception.

The walker seemed to have noticed something, and raised the severely injured woman abruptly, while another man in black robe pressed down his raised hands like a band conductor.


The grenade shredded the woman's head. Because it was not an 'armor-piercing bullet', but a grenade with high explosives, it exploded in the woman's skull in an instant.

Fragments of tungsten carbide, carrying the woman's skull fragments, scorched flesh and blood, as well as the flames and shock waves ignited by the explosion, swept away in all directions, even an eight-ton African elephant would be instantly torn apart. of ups and downs.

This specially made grenade is several times stronger than ordinary grenades. Such a small distance is enough to kill everyone present.

However, under the control of another black-robed man, the red cloth that had already been prepared was used as a hood for the three of them, and a pale red light flashed, and the three figures suddenly disappeared in place.

Only the battered woman was left, and the only remaining body was shredded by the grenade, leaving only the broken scum.

"Boom!" The walls of the classroom were smashed by Satomi Rantaro casually. He looked at the corpses of elementary school students everywhere, with hysterical anger in his eyes.

"Damn! What the hell happened!"

"Calm down, Chief Satomi." Qianshou Xia Shi's cold words came from the communicator.

"How can I calm down! Why did Miss Tina fire on unarmed children!"

"Because they were already dead long before Miss Tina opened fire. If you need to, you can go back to the base to check Miss Tina's tactical video."

"Uh..." Upon hearing this, Satomi Rantaro was stunned for a moment, and then he showed an annoyed look. "Damn it, what is MI6 in England trying to do? Coming to an island country to carry out a terrorist attack?"

"This is a confidential matter, please return to the team, Lieutenant Satomi." Qianshou Xia Shi said indifferently, and then unilaterally cut off the communication between the two.

On the other side of the building, watching the video that Xianfeld finally captured, Tina tightly clutched the handle of the sniper howitzer, showing a somewhat collapsed look.

"It turned out to be a failure..."

"What should I do... Master won't abandon me..."

"No, no..." The blond Loli murmured as she slumped on the ground and curled up in the corner of the rooftop. She had never experienced a miss, and she was even more panicked at the moment.

"Crack!" A gentle pain came from his forehead. I don't know when, the young man in a snow-white suit was looking at her and said with a little playfulness. "Don't show such an expression, so I'm embarrassed to bully you."

New book for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a reward!Every 2000 vip points will be rewarded with a new chapter.

Chapter [-]: Miserable Sugo Nobuyuki (for a reward!)

(ps: In the first episode of this volume, is it Tina or Yuuki? The picture is of Little Tina's dress!)



Covering her forehead dumbly, Tina looked at the young man with a wicked smile, and couldn't help but curl up into a ball even more timidly~.

——Like a chick huddled in a nest, the essence of the owl- is exposed.

"Don't put on that expression, or I'll be embarrassed to bully you tonight."

"The master is really a lolicon..." Tina said softly, the panic and fear in her eyes had already dissipated at some point.

No matter what the punishment is, as long as it is not abandoned, it is enough for Tina.

It's not love, or something else, Tina's feelings for Tohsaka Qi are only a mere 'dependence'.

Just like a drug addict to a white face, Tina can't leave this man no matter what, whether it is during the 'transformation' or now, she will have a 'rejection' with Senfeld from time to time. With Ban Qi by her side bearing all the pain for her, Tina's self-consciousness will probably be swallowed up by the pain and completely collapsed.

It is precisely because of this man that Tina became so miserable, but Tina had to fight for him, Tohsaka Qi needed her strength, and Tina also needed Tohsaka Qi to bear the pain.

The two are in a symbiotic relationship that cannot be separated no matter what. Maybe Tohsaka can find enough substitutes, but for Tina, Tohsaka is an indispensable existence in life.

"I'm really mean."

Wearing a spotless white suit, the young man with broken red hair laughed at himself as if guilty.

"It's really despicable to use this kind of thing as your 'collar', tie you to my side, and cut off all the possibilities in your life."

"Hey?" Tina was stunned for a moment, then she got into the man's arms as if she didn't understand, and lazily enjoyed the long-lost warmth.

Feeling a strange feeling in her heart, an inexplicable smile appeared on Tina's mouth.

Perhaps, Jiujiushengqing already exists, right?

But for the scum who has lived for tens of thousands of years and has always only moved toward the truth, is there still such a thing as guilt?


"Ugh! I still... can't appreciate this... atmosphere, what's so good about these banquets..."

The intermittent words were full of complaints, but there was no resentment in the vague tone.

Of course, anyone who is feasting on a freshly airlifted French blue lobster will not be at all dissatisfied, right?Although the price is only tens of thousands of yen, the probability of encountering this kind of lobster is quite rare, so the freight from Brittany alone is quite expensive.

However, for Konno Yuuki, no matter what kind of lobster it is, it tastes the same...

On the long table behind her, there were only four or five lobsters left with their shells. Under the bamboo chopsticks comparable to swordsmanship, the lobsters were instantly peeled and turned into the delicious food that Konno Yuki said.

Behind her, Kanye Lanzi reluctantly persuaded her, but it was meaningless.

"Can't you be more restrained..." The brown-haired Loli murmured. Although she looked a little thinner than Yuuki, she still carried the majesty of an elder.

"Tsk! What's worth restraining? We are the honored guests here! The honored guests! Believe it or not, I'll just find someone for a meal, and no one will dare to call back?"

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