At this moment, in a hotel under the 'Gao Tian Yuan Hui', a woman named Ye Yue Shui Wu was lying on the ground like a dead dog, looking at the rest of the hotel suite unwillingly.

"You... actually..."

"What's wrong? We are enemies, we should hurt each other." The slightly cold words came from the sofa beside.

The petite Loli with yellow hair and gray eyes was lying on the sofa carelessly, tapping her hands on the crystal screen in front of her, writing the task report to be submitted.

"You are……"

"Qianshou Xia Shi, the name given by the master..." Gently raised his head, those gray eyes revealed lifeless eyes. "I think there should be an evaluation of me in the information you got, right? How could you not know?"


"Ah, by the way, you are an 'abandoned child'. As a 'cannon fodder', you only need to use your life to cover the Mr. Xing Lei."

"Bastard!" Ye Yueshui roared angrily after hearing this. "You don't know anything! You inhuman scum!"

"Ah? Is there anything wrong with being inhuman?" Qianshou Xia Shi said softly with doubts on his face. "It is precisely because we are 'inhuman aliens' and 'cursed sons' that we can accompany the master by his side, that we can use our body as his shield and our hands as his sword to realize his... ...and also our wish."

The words contain extremely distorted feelings. For these cursed children, the only warmth they have felt since their birth was bestowed by the man named Tohsaka Qi, who was bestowed by him on these children living in purgatory. , one of the few happiness.

——Even though, all of this is for easier control and easier use of these props.

Therefore, no matter what it is for, they can sacrifice their lives for Tohsaka Qi, even if they do not understand him or agree with his ideals, they will never violate him in the slightest.

No matter Tina or Xia Shi, what he wants to get is only the gentleness of that man. He knows he is being used, but he is still willing to turn into moths dancing in the flames...

"Sad guy, it's just being used, and he has given up his heart and feelings..." Ye Yueshui sneered, and immediately, he felt a cold touch on his forehead.

The dark muzzle was against her smooth forehead. I don't know when, Tina, who was supposed to make up for sleep during the day, was holding a pistol and holding her head.

"Yeah, it was used, so what!" The tender face was a little distorted, and Tina smiled innocently. "Forget it, you are worthless anyway, can I execute it?"

As she spoke, she looked at Qianshou Xia Shi who was playing with the mission briefing, but the dolphin factor loli ignored her and didn't care about Ha Yue Shui Wu's life at all.

"don't want……"



"Oh yeah!"

With the frivolous cheers, a decadent middle-aged man with a stubble face jumped high on this verdant greenery.

In front of him is a completely shattered wild boar, and his blood tank is nearly half empty.

Opposite him, a young man with a resolute face, this young man watched helplessly as his teammates tortured wild boars, and it took seven or eight minutes to grind a wild boar to death... This is too weak...

However, out of a tender heart, this young man whose ID is 'Kirito (Kirito)' is naturally a beta tester, and even more so out of the top strength among the beta testers.

After all, most of the players in the beta test are newbies, even those who have never been in VR games, except for the names obtained by Tohsaka Chi. much less.

However, in such a cruel game, Kirito, who has mastered enough technology and information, will of course have the second spring in his life!

cough cough...

Gently sniffing the fresh breath in the air, Kiritani Kazuto showed a warm smile. There is no doubt that for a game house like him, it is a great honor to be able to see the complete listing of 'SAO'.

Even in his heart, he has long regarded Kayaba Akihiko as an idol, and he even wanted to become a researcher like Kayaba Akihiko, adding bricks to the world of VRMMORPG - but after this, it is estimated that Kayaba Akihiko's worship is also It will be gone, and it will be a deep hatred when it is brewing, right?

New book for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a reward!Every 2000 vip points will be rewarded with a new chapter.

Chapter [-] Tonggu Kazuto's sister (for a reward!)

"This world is really real, no, it's just the other world I was looking forward to!"

Tonggu Kazuo murmured, with a hint of joy in his words, but at this moment, there was a whining sound.

"Ugh! What's the matter!"

The red-haired middle-aged man named Klein moaned.

"What's the matter, why is there no logout option in the system list!"

"No?" Kirito was stunned for a moment, then his face changed, and he opened his own system list.

Undoubtedly, the logout option that has been used countless times has disappeared from the list.

"Yes, it should be a system bug, right? There must be an administrator explaining it soon..."

As he spoke, Kirito's face was pale.

Long before logging into the game, the moment he took off the game helmet, he saw a small curled note.

"Are you going to give up reality and enter this killing game completely——I'll be waiting for you in the cafeteria of the Gate of Beginning. 』

"Mr. Kirito, this is the 'Ouroboros Fantasy'. 』

"Could it be true..." Kirito looked embarrassed, looked at Klein who was jumping up and down beside him, and stopped talking.

After all, it is not known whether the note is real or not, so there is no need to expose it first.

Gritting his teeth, Tong Gu and Ren put away the long sword and looked around.

There, 180 players in twos and threes have noticed this problem, and they are talking loudly about how the 'ARGUS' company should compensate them. Although Chairman Tohsaka has stepped down, the image of 'ARGUS' has always been rich and powerful, and these people are still convinced. suspect.

But just when Kirito was about to say something, a palm was placed on his shoulder.

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