However, at this time, the fog gradually formed.

The Noble Phantasm named The Mist had long since been liberated by Jack, and gradually a thick fog enveloped the entire church.

Atalanta saw that Jack didn't attack while taking advantage of the fog, so she couldn't help but be careful.

She put up her cat ears to catch the sound in the air

Jack was hidden in the thick fog, and the dagger in her hand was pure pitch black without a trace of reflection.

At this moment, she is secretly gathering magic power.

Her master's magic power is not sufficient and cannot support her arbitrary consumption, so she who wants to use her strongest Noble Phantasm can only wait for her magic power to gradually recover.

However, the next moment she dismissed her thoughts.

Because a light arrow rushed towards him, Jack couldn't help but choose to dodge.

The footsteps made by Jack, who was avoiding the light arrows, were caught by Atalanta, and the next moment, several light arrows struck again.

Still unable to stand still and unable to dodge the blow, Jack used his Mother of Disintegration to cut towards Koya.

Undoubtedly, the light arrow shattered, and Jack was thrown away by an even greater force.

Even if Jack was able to cut off the incoming light arrow, he couldn't stop the huge force that was carried on the light arrow.

One hit after another.

Atalanta, who is supported by the magic power of Tohsaka Qi, is not worried about the consumption of magic power at all.

She swayed the arrows recklessly, and the arrows forced Jack back step by step.

And those missed arrows were also deeply embedded in the wall, and the cracks on the wall symbolized the enormous power of this attack.

It can be said that as long as one hits Jack thoroughly, then Jack should return to Valhalla.

But there is no accident, because of the dense fog, Atalanta can only lock on the opponent through the sound, so the attack fails again and again, even if it hits, it will be stopped by Jack.

Now, though, Jack was leaning against the wall, too, seeing that the next blow would work.

Atalanta also found that the enemy had little room to hide.

The next blow, whether the enemy evades or hits hard, will stick to the wall, so it won't be long before Jack the Ripper, who has lost the space to dodge, can only hit the light arrow with enormous power.

Atalanta used her delicate fingers to pull the bowstrings apart as if they were flicking the strings of a piano. The light arrow composed of pure magic was rapidly formed on the small short bow. Although it was not as sharp as a steel arrow, any Anyone who underestimates this blow will undoubtedly be shot through by it.

Seeing the light arrow condensed, Atalanta was not in a hurry to release the arrow as quickly as before, but urged the magic in her body to continue to flow toward the arrow.

The arrow composed of magic power (De De Zhao) released a more dazzling light. The magic power contained in this arrow was many times higher than the previous one. If the next blow hits, I am afraid that the Holy Church will be shot a few meters in size. hole.

Just when Atalanta was confidently planning to give this blow to Jack, a swift shadow came to her.

She was obscured by the thick fog and knew nothing.

That is Jack the Ripper, and her magic power has been restored, so there is no need to show weakness on purpose.

Yes, showing weakness, whether she was almost forced to the wall by Atalanta just now or was knocked flying by repeated attacks, it was just her intentional show of weakness.

She was waiting for the opportunity now.

This one-hit kill opportunity.

girl's cherry lips

"...Maria the Ripper"

The sure-kill Noble Phantasm is released!

New book for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a reward!Every 2000 vip points will be rewarded with a new chapter.

Chapter [-]: The Wild Boar of God's Punishment (reward plus more)

Killing time is night

condition is met

Murder scene in thick fog


Murder is a woman

target confirmation


Maria the Ripper, real name Liberation!

A dazzling light flashed on the pitch-black dagger, a light that symbolized certain death.

As long as this hit hits, if all three conditions are met, no matter who it is will be killed under the Mother of Disintegration.

The internal organs are thrown out, the stomach and intestines are cut off, and as long as it is a woman, there will be absolutely unavoidable damage.

Jack used the class skill of 'Breathing Mask' to silence his footsteps and even the sound of his heartbeat.

Then he walked to Atalanta's side through the cover of the thick fog.

As long as the next blow hits, the Greek heroine "[-]" will be disemboweled.

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