Karna possesses the skill 'The Insight of the Poor', which is the power to understand the nature of others, and can easily see through the character and attributes of others. No amount of rhetoric can deceive him.

Empress Semiramis sat gracefully by the pool with a faint smile on her lips.As if looking at this scene of swords drawn from the perspective of a bystander, she has sufficient confidence in Amakusa and thinks that he can easily deal with such a situation.

Amakusa, who felt a lot of pressure, smiled wryly. "Okay, let me tell the truth."

"As I said when I answered that Ruler, my purpose is the relief of all mankind. In order to achieve this purpose, I need to obtain the Great Holy Grail. As for your original Master, all five of them are concentrated in a room in this courtyard. immersed in the hallucinations created by Assassin's poison, at least in human form..."

When Amakusa said this, the eyes of the three Servants present focused on the red Assassin Semiramis.

The Empress still showed a charming smile as if nothing had happened, and said lightly. "Of course, if you want (bbec) to let the Masters run around, it will be troublesome. After all, they are just mere magicians. These guys who think about stealing others' limelight all day long are really in the way."

"From the point of view of only thinking about yourself, you are also a kind of person." Karna pointed out some of the characteristics of the empress, causing her to frown.

Achilles turned his attention to Amakusa again, and directly asked the question that all three were worried about. "Do you want to use us as chess pieces and discard us at the end? You will be the Master alone, I think that's how it is."

Amakusa replied calmly. "As long as it doesn't conflict with my wishes, I don't mind letting your wishes come true at all. Well, now, as the Master, I'm going to ask you the other way around. Can you let me know about your wishes on the Holy Grail?"

Achilles and Atalanta turned their gazes to Karna, and he was completely useless to justify and deceive the language. He nodded lightly to show that Amakusa was telling the truth.

All three were silent for a while.They each exchanged glances with subtle expressions, sighed slightly, and the atmosphere of fighting with swords eased.

Achilles was the first to answer. "My wish is the same as in my lifetime, 'to exist as a hero'. Even if I get a second life and live in this world, I must live on the premise of 'I exist as a hero'. To live as a hero, I must also be a hero. Heroes die."

Amakusa said cheerfully. "It doesn't conflict with my desire. You just exist as a hero and destroy my enemies one by one. And I provide the magic for that."

"Your enemy and my enemy don't necessarily coincide?"

"If you think according to your own judgment that they don't overlap, you can just let the other party go or help the other party in turn. I won't mind. But I only make one point, the opponent's side may have 'black' Archer Chiron participating in the battle. Bar."

"...Tsk." Achilles clicked his tongue, put away the lance on the floor, and temporarily recognized Amakusa.

Atalanta spoke firmly. "My wish is a 'world where all children in the world can be loved'. That is, a cycle where children grow up with the love of their parents and people, and then become parents who love their own children. No matter who gets in my way, If this wish is fulfilled, I will not show mercy."

"The Holy Grail will also fulfill your wish. Also, my wish is in the same direction as yours." Amakusa encouraged this mean wish with a smile.

"Well, I agree with you as my Master." Atalanta Beast intuitively judged that Amakusa was not lying and agreed.

Then, sensing Amakusa's gaze, Karna said humbly. "I'm just a gun, I exist to fulfill the master's wish."

"Then, may I ask you for assistance?"

"Although the Master has changed, the basic route of the enemy coming here to snatch the Holy Grail will not change. In this case, my guns only need to continue to crusade the enemy."

Karna answered Amakusa's question flatly and stated his position.

As a result, all the heroic spirits of the red side agreed to the leadership of Shiro Amakusa, and the saint of the extreme east also believed that the Holy Grail had become his possession.

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Chapter [-] The Maverick of Mavericks (for a reward!)

Seeing that Amakusa had persuaded the three servants, the female emperor Semiramis stood up from the garden and pool, and she spoke with a charming smile on her face. "Since you guys have already reached a united front, do you know the biggest obstacle now?"

Karna hit the nail on the head. "It means Tohsaka Chi."

Hearing this, Achilles' pupils flashed with anger and humiliation, his blue-veined right hand clenched his lance tightly, and the knuckles of his knuckles clucked, showing how much he resented Tohsaka Qi.

He said with murderous intent. "Betting on the reputation of my parents, best friends, and the gods of Olympus, I must kill him with my own hands!"

Amakusa smiled reassuringly. "Tohsaka Qi expressed his need for the Holy Grail, and at the same time refused my invitation, and judging from his words when he left, he will definitely come to snatch the Holy Grail. Therefore, it is not necessary that he is the enemy of all of us. Undoubtedly. Tohsaka China's "Three Seven Zeros" is extraordinarily powerful, and Achilles, you also understand that the opponent is not an enemy you can deal with alone, and you must take a long-term approach to dealing with him."

Achilles snorted in displeasure, but understood that Amakusa had a point.

"Then what can you do?"

Atalanta suddenly asked, her voice was extremely cold, her green pupils exuded the breath of a beast, and she seemed ready to bite the enemy's neck at any time.She is no weaker than Achilles in resentment towards Tohsaka Qi. As the most famous huntress and heroine in Greek mythology, she is not so easily humiliated.

Amakusa still kept a peaceful smile and responded. "I need your strength for this."

"Me?" Atalanta was slightly surprised.

Amakusa replied. "That's right. After investigation, it was found that Assassin, who originally belonged to Black, is now under the command of Tohsaka Qi, and this Assassin was responsible for the recent serial killings in Tulifas and surrounding cities. Therefore, I decided to send you. Go investigate and destroy Assassin if necessary to weaken Tohsaka Qi."

"If that's the case, then I too..." Achilles was immediately excited when he heard the words.

Amakusa dismissed it apologetically with a soft expression. "Unfortunately, you are the heroic spirit who is the worst at hiding among us."

"I understand, leave this task to me. But what will you do when you come back?" Atalanta simply accepted the task.

"At that time, I will use the Command Spell to call you back, don't worry." Amakusa rolled up his sleeves and revealed the Command Spell on his arm.

Semiramis sneered. "So, Master, everything is arranged, it's really reliable."

At this time, Amakusa's eyes became cold, and he said very firmly. "After all, I have to deal with an existence like Tohsaka Chi, and I can't be careful. For my ambition to redeem all mankind, I must remove all obstacles."


The half-destroyed Mirenia Fortress, Tohsaka Qi and the others, the remaining three magicians of the Black Thousand World Tree, and Zig are all inside.

In the hall, which was a conference room, everyone sat in their seats, Tohsaka Qi leisurely sipped the high-grade black tea brought by Ophelia, and watched the black side's battle meeting.

Qi Tohsaka was invited in as a distinguished guest, and although the black side was afraid of his power, the situation forced him to win over him with all his strength.In the Black camp, strictly speaking, there is only one Servant like Chiron. Astolfo signed a contract with Zig, and the other Servants were either destroyed or captured by the Tohsaka Pact. The position is very awkward.

Sieg was sitting on pins and needles, and Astolfo held his hand to comfort him. If it wasn't for the rescue of the surviving androids in the fortress, he might have gone away with Astolfo long ago...

Jeanne, who was sitting not far from Tohsaka Qi, frowned and said worriedly. "The only Master in the red side is Amakusa Shiro Tokisada. The other Masters have already been controlled by him. He is the Ruler of Fuyuki's Third Holy Grail War."

Master of Black Archer Chiron, Fiore took a deep breath. "Has he been alive since he was summoned more than [-] years ago? What is his origin?"

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