Unexpectedly, Asuna was not annoyed at all, but replied with a smile. "It's just a bit of a bad taste, but there's nothing wrong with calling it a jerk."

Brother Gui in the blond dress was very surprised and said angrily. "Humph! Don't you have any reaction to insulting your master like this? What an unfaithful servant!"

"I don't seem to understand the close relationship between me and Qi, but it doesn't matter. Your appearance is too hurtful, and I don't want to talk to you. As a bishop, are you a remote support type? Come on horseback."

Asuna turned her face away mockingly, no longer looking at the tearful appearance of this brawny man in a dress, his eyes were too hot.

Upon seeing this, the blond brother was furious, and Asuna's reaction was like rubbing salt in his wound, and he issued an order through gritted teeth. "Damn! What your master has done to us, you will get the interest back on you first! This time, you must be ashamed! Karamir, Isabella 11! You two go together and completely defeat her!"

"But..." The brawny Karamir wearing a knight's steel armor looked hesitant. As a knight, he still hoped to duel with Asuna one-on-one.

Isabel, the brawny man in tights, persuaded with a grim look. "Now is not the time to pay attention to the spirit of chivalry. The eldest lady has ordered us to go together. Besides, the current situation is not good for us, we must fight quickly! If we lose this game, we may have this picture all our lives. Looks like it."

"Okay... In order to restore the original situation, the enemy soldiers should wake up!" Karamir nodded helplessly and declared war on Asuna.

Regarding their declaration of war, Asuna's expression was very flat, she didn't take it to heart at all, and sneered lightly. "Out of control."

As she said that, she pulled out the thin sword with a faint halo around her waist. The moment the thin sword was unsheathed, the slender sword body suddenly appeared one after another of divine power. The surface was lingering with dazzling brilliance, and its appearance seemed to be the most delicate and gorgeous. of artwork.

Asuna waved the 'Shining Starlight' in her hand, and a dazzling white light bloomed from the tip of the sword, attacking the two rushing servants.

"Does it also use a sword? Interesting! Come on, I can't hide or hide!"

The muscular knight of Wu Chi was intrigued, facing the incoming white light, and swung the knight's great sword in his hand in an attempt to break Asuna's blow head-on.

The chariot Isabel on the side was shocked and shouted loudly. "Kalamir dodge! This blow is not that easy!"

"It's too late." The corners of Asuna's mouth curved into a bright smile.

hum!There was a strange air vibration sound, and the white light with the thickness of the fingertips expanded into a huge beam of light in an instant, and the devastating power was completely released, drowning the reckless knight brother.

"Wh..." Before the knight Karamir could express his surprise, all the armor on his body was destroyed by the tyrannical pure white light beam. The fragments flew, and the internal organs were severely impacted, causing a lot of internal bleeding in the body, and the skin on the body surface was being annihilated.He couldn't even let out a scream, and it was completely fatal.

In the next second, Karamir's body flashed white light without an inch, and was forcibly teleported out by the enchantment, which saved his life.

The sword light released by Asuna turned into a bright column of pure white light, leaving a bright trail in the sky, swearing its previous existence.

"Leza's family, the knight Karamir is out!" The cold radio sounded, announcing the exit of the brother and noble knight.

"This idiot!" The remaining chariot, Isabel, had a very ugly expression, and Asuna released a random blow with her gestures to make her important knights retire.A face-to-face loss of an important combat power is simply driving him crazy.

Although Karamir underestimated the enemy and seriously misjudged the enemy's strength, the opponent's strength was indeed too terrifying. Even if he was two-on-one, he didn't have the confidence to defeat the opponent, let alone one-on-one now. The winning rate is too slim. .

"No! How can you think about losing before you even have a fight! I'm a servant of Lord Lysa Phoenix, and I won't lose to a guy like you! Die!"

The tight-fitting leather-clad brother, Isabella, roared angrily, with a powerful aura that temporarily suppressed her inner uneasiness, and charged towards Asuna.

Isabella envisages using her own strong defense and attack power to resist several non-lethal attacks from the opponent.Take this opportunity to get close to the opponent, so that you can pull the opponent into a close distance that is beneficial to you. As long as you use your fists and feet to perform close-fitting bunts so that the opponent cannot smoothly swing the sword in your hand, you can restrain the opponent and put yourself in a favorable position. situation.

Carrying a strong fist wind, the powerful steel fist slammed into Asuna's face. What surprised Isabella was that the opponent did not swing his sword to block his attack.


There was a sharp sound of breaking the air, and a powerful punch pierced through Asuna's body. Isabel's pupils shrank, her face turned blue, and she exclaimed. "Eh? Crap! I've been fooled!"

His violent fist didn't have any feeling of piercing through the human body, it completely hit the air, and what he pierced with this punch was just the phantom of Asuna left in place.


A cold female voice that made Isabelle horrified sounded behind him, and a dazzling sword light flashed past.He felt his neck go numb, and then his vision changed rapidly. In his sight, a headless body in tights slowly fell to the ground, and then a white light gradually appeared.

Asuna, who appeared, shrewdly sheathed her sword, turned and walked towards the enemy bishop in the distance, without even looking at the enemy chariot headed by his sword.

"This is my body..." Isabel's shocked voice came from his mouth, and then his body quickly turned into a white light and disappeared.

"Leza's family, the chariot Isabel is out!" The cold radio sound 203 sounded again. The protection mechanism of the enchantment saved the chariot's life, and the devil's vitality can be rescued by turning around.

"I... I'm not afraid of you! I'm also from the Phoenix family. I'm not dead. You, you can't help me!"

The elder brother in the blond dress spoke tremblingly, fearful of Asuna who killed two powerful knights and chariots in one second, and bluffed timidly.

"If you were hit with Qi's Transfiguration, you might not be able to keep your arrogant undead body. I'll check it out."

Asuna sneered and walked towards the blond brother. She had been with Tohsaka Qi for a long time. Her fighting style was subtly influenced by Tosaka Qi, such as the projection just now and the words that deliberately aroused the opponent's fear at this time.

"Wait a minute, I remember that this guy should be the sister of the turkey man. It's interesting." Tohsaka Qi's figure suddenly appeared beside Asuna. Of course, it was not Tohsaka Qi himself, just his projection.

"What bad idea are you trying to do?" Asuna looked helpless, not surprised by his appearance.

Tohsaka Qi showed a meaningful smile, and pointed his fingertips toward the blond brother, and the wonderful energy fluctuations spread.

As the 'Tan Sen Transfiguration' on the blond brother was lifted, a fiery golden flame emerged.

This is exactly the power that belongs to Phoenix!

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The first thousand two hundred and nine chapters immature loli Leibel (for a reward!)

"Eh?! I...my voice and body...? It's back to normal!?"

In the scorching flames, the brawny man in the hot-eyed dress gradually became smaller and turned into a delicate blond loli. The stench on his body returned to the fragrance of a girl, and the rough voice returned to its original softness. The pink dress on his body Make her look like a delicate doll, this is her original appearance.

"The genes of the turkey male family are not bad." Tohsaka Qi's projection commented indifferently, and then disappeared into the void.

"This is really..." Asuna held her forehead, feeling helpless, although Tohsaka Qi said before that she would intervene in the battle, it was a bit unexpected for her to play like this.

The double ponytail blond loli took out the mirror to reflect her face or body. She couldn't help crying with excitement, and murmured in disbelief, "Woo woo woo... I've changed back, I've changed back!"

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