It is rare to have an exam that can greatly increase the S points. The students' eyes are naturally bright with joy. They stare at their hands and constantly calculate the expenses with their fingers.As long as you can hold back for a month, then you can live happily ever after.The pros and cons, of course, can be seen clearly at a glance.

"In addition, if any student is unable to participate in this exam due to physical reasons, [-] points will be deducted from the class. That is to say, the starting point of Class A is now [-]."

He was obviously the head teacher of Class A, but he didn't show favoritism because of the students in his own class. The students couldn't help clenching their fists, and they were looking forward to this exam even more.

"In order to prevent candidates from cheating by using mobile phones, students' mobile phones will be confiscated in this exam, and students will wear a special watch made by the college instead. In addition to displaying the time, this watch can monitor physical skills such as heartbeat and blood pressure. Comes with GPS function, press the emergency button when encountering difficulties, and a teacher will come to rescue.”

"Wait...I'm in trouble?" a student said in an unbelievable tone, "Is there still animals like snakes on the island?"

"This question is related to Kojima and belongs to the special exam content. I have no comment on it." Mashima Tomoya replied with a smile.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?

After such a question, and Mashima Tomoya kept his mouth shut and didn't talk about the information of the island, the students couldn't help but worry about this trip, for fear that they would be thrown into a virgin forest, every day. To worry about survival.

Tohsaka Qi smiled contemptuously, he was not at all interested in what Mashima Tomoya said, no matter how much he said, it was just a verbal offensive to create an atmosphere.

Pretending to be mysterious, but just to make students feel a burden on their minds, so that they have the feeling of throwing the mouse away, and they don't dare to act rashly.In addition, they have lived in the academy for a long time and are used to the delicate flowers of modern civilization.Getting this group of people who may never even have seen farmland to survive in the forest is as difficult as getting a lion to jump through a ring of fire.

... ...

However, the lion is forced to jump through the fire ring, which is due to the dual elements of a whip and a food reward.And the students will go to the forest to eat and sleep, naturally it is also under the dual effect of academics and S points.This kind of training mode that pushes you behind your back and then tells you that there is a piece of candy in front of you is undoubtedly a routine that only companies have.

As expected of an academy that specializes in cultivating social talents, it subtly uses such a method to replace exams, so as to exercise students' adaptability, tap their personal abilities, and let them get used to this kind of life.

However, these are all unimportant to Yuanban Qi. Top talents like Yuanban Qi have already stood at the highest end. They do not need to serve others. They only need to be above everyone and extract their residual value. self-interest.

New book for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a reward!Every 2000 vip points will be rewarded with a new chapter.

Chapter [-] The charm of survival in the wilderness (for a reward!)

Under Mashima Tomoya's sugar-coated cannonball attack, the students put down their worries about the exam and ran to the island happily, intending to use these seven days to make a lot of money.

The landing points of students from different classes were slightly different, and soon they were divided into four groups and scattered on the beach somewhere on the island.

Beach, jungle, sun.When these things officially appeared in front of the students, a sense of novelty and fear flooded their hearts together, making people uneasy and afraid to relax their vigilance.

Accompanying the students down are the head teachers of each class. Apart from the "[-]" rules that were previously mentioned on the cruise ship, there are still some precautions to be mentioned.

The most important of which is the problem of going to the toilet.On such an uninhabited island, it is naturally impossible to expect the existence of public toilets, and the college will not allow students to solve such sloppy things on the spot in the forest.As a result, each class is given a humble toilet made of a combination of high-gauge corrugated paper and absorbent cloth.

The absorbent cloth for the humble toilet can be supplied indefinitely, but if you want a better toilet, you need to pay your own precious class points.An ordinary toilet costs [-] points, which is [-] when converted into S points.

In addition, there are several special rules for this exam.As in Class A, when students are unable to continue the next exam, [-] points will be deducted; if the environment is polluted, [-] points will be deducted; if there is a fight or even a situation of robbing materials, Then clear all S points of the perpetrator.

Under such three iron laws, this special test related to endurance and adaptability becomes difficult.Just relying on willpower to spend a week in order to save points is likely to end in failure.The use of points requires careful consideration.

And in addition to unilateral survival, there is also a special reward mechanism, occupying locations.

There are several places on the island set by the academy. As long as the captain of the class holds the key card to occupy it, the place can be used by the class.Each time you occupy a place, you can get 1 bonus point.The reward points cannot be used for consumption on the uninhabited island for the time being, but are kept until the end of the exam and counted into the final S point conversion.

Each location expires after [-] hours of occupation, and other classes can also occupy it by that time.Allows occupying a location while occupying other locations, allowing duplicate occupation of a location.The occupied location cannot be used by other classes, and [-] points will be deducted for violations.Also, there is no special reason to change the captain.

At first glance, the reward mechanism appears to have students race on uninhabited islands to see who is faster and finds more spots.But at the moment when the exam is over, there is one last activity, which is the ultimate goal of the academy.

When the test is over, each class can guess the captains of other classes. If they guess successfully, they can get [-] points and invalidate the other party's reward points.Correspondingly, fifty points will be deducted from the guessed class.

There is such a rule, it is obviously not feasible to blatantly take the key card to run the road and brush the location. If you don't know the identity of the hidden captain, no matter how many locations are brushed, it will only be empty.

Under the combined effect of such multiple rules, a battle of wits and courage will begin like this. If you want to improve the overall level of Class D, you must get a good score in this exam.

All the materials are currently placed by Sabashira Sae's side. The boys went over to look at the tent impatiently. As a necessary tool for rest in the future, it is necessary to check it.

And some courageous people, such as Tohsaka Qi, Kouenji Rokusuke and others, went directly into the forest and surveyed the surrounding conditions.If you carry tents and other materials to walk aimlessly in the forest, it is just a simple waste of physical strength.Only by confirming the route you want to walk can you save time and physical strength and lay the groundwork for the subsequent preparations.

The girls looked at the humble toilet with displeased expressions on their faces.Boys may be able to put up with such a toilet, but for girls to use it, it is inevitably a little too forced. After all, girls usually have higher hygiene requirements, and this toilet is shared by men and women, which increases the degree of disgust among girls. .

"The exam rules with no fun in 4.1, and this barren uninhabited island, is this the so-called special exam?" Tohsaka Chi walked around the forest and walked out slowly, "Such a vulgar environment, still With such vulgar tools, this is a place where people live, and the standard of living is so low that it can be compared with the conditions of primitive people."

"But..." Tohsaka Qi changed the conversation, "Uninteresting things are not worthless. If you dig out some unknown uses of it, you can also make tricks."

New book for collection!Ask for flowers!Ask for a reward!Every 2000 vip points will be rewarded with a new chapter.

Chapter [-] Surprised to sit upright at the tea table (for a reward!)

While Tohsaka Qi was talking, the breeze happened to blow from the beach and flicked on everyone's faces, which made them have a little expectation of this bad environment, and wanted to hear what advice Tohsaka Qi would give next. Come.

In the eyes of girls, Tohsaka Qi is the embodiment of romance and the spokesperson of enjoyment.If he could find joy in such an environment and find the pleasure, the girls would surely accept it.

Sasashi Chabashira originally planned to leave, but after hearing Tohsaka Qi's words, her curiosity was also aroused, and she couldn't help but stop, wanting to hear the other party continue.

Tohsaka Qi smiled softly, "Isn't this a good place for field battles in a quiet environment and a secluded grove? Wouldn't it be beautiful if we had an intense exercise here to warm up our body and relax our feelings?"

Such a bold idea and such straightforward remarks immediately made these 11 girls who were just beginning their love blush blushing.However, although they were shy on the surface, their eyes were staring at Tohsaka Chi, as if they wanted to try.

The girls kept sighing in their hearts, it seems that Tohsaka Qi's long-running scandals are indeed true, this person is indeed suave.If you can get on the line with Tohsaka Qi and have a good relationship, isn't that just bringing a golden turtle-in-law back to the family?In this way, the standard of living and social status will definitely rise, and the business will be a steady profit.

Chabashira Sae was obviously also frightened by Tohsaka's remarks. She was also a student at a high school in the past, but she has never seen someone with such a novel idea and such a wonderful thing to get along with.She opened her mouth and was about to say something as a warning, but was interrupted by Tohsaka Qi.

"What? Do you have an opinion?" Tohsaka Chi said contemptuously, "Which of the rules says that you can't do something you love in the grass, and the only related thing is not to pollute the environment. Don't you think that doing sports is a Are these things, and your sweat, the source of pollution? Then I suggest you go to the hospital for a check, if you are sick, you need to be treated, and maybe there is help. "

This theory of strictly grasping the loopholes in the rules made Sabashira Saeko speechless. She racked her brains and planned to use the rules to compile some restrictions to prevent Tohsaka Qi from doing whatever she wanted, but Tohsaka Qi was one step ahead of her. .

"Do you think things like rules can limit me?" Tohsaka Qi said coldly, "Playing games and obeying the rules is because I am happy. If I am not happy, I will play with you, understand?"

Chabashira Sae nodded subconsciously, her legs kept shaking, and she was sweating a lot.She just said a few words directly to Tohsaka Chi, which made her feel suffocated by being bound by a python.In the face of that almost hopeless feeling of powerlessness, she could only choose to obey, and she did not dare to resist stubbornly.

The head teacher has softened, and Tohsaka Qi is naturally too lazy to say anything to her. He turned his head and showed an elegant and warm smile, "If the night is good tonight, in fact, activities such as the Uncovered Conference are also held. It’s very good! As for the classmates, it is natural to have more activities and increase the interaction.”

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