Predator Yusei once played against Tohsaka Chi in the 'Game of Life' world, and Tohsaka Chi's relevant data information at that time was recorded in the Wilpa core in the deepest part of Yuxing.According to the calculation of the galaxy-level computer, even if it took a year on the road, it is still easy to solve the Tohsaka Qi.

After all, Tohsaka Qi was once killed by Yu Xing with a single blow when he was slack in his thinking.Since it was the target of Zeng's killing, it is not difficult to kill again.

But the sky is unpredictable, and the changes between the gods cannot be defined overnight.Tohsaka Qi, who appeared in the universe at this moment, has experienced eight million years of development, and he has a sense of historical heaviness.For a moment, Predator Yuxing even thought that there was a problem with its own calculation mechanism, but it didn't realize that the other party had indeed become stronger when it fought against Tohsaka Qi.

Like a swarm of sharks smelling blood, the copycat version of the Wilpa star boat swarmed around it, showing the appearance of covetousness.

The current predatory star is like a hedgehog whose thorns have been pulled out, and it is no longer able to compete with such a large-scale starship fleet.Even if you really want to smash a way out of this airtight encirclement network, the price to be paid is very high, and it is likely to hurt the inner core of Wilpa.


"It's time for the boring performance to come to an end. Use this fierce artillery fire to send a roaring lament to the losers, and let them be reduced to ashes in blood and fire..."

On the top of a Wilpa star boat on the periphery, Tohsaka Qi stood high above it, and he was able to stand freely in the cosmic environment without relying on foreign objects, which has already declared his extraordinary strength.

Tohsaka Qi raised his arms, and his fingers naturally stretched and swayed.Countless golden threads were like silk and weaving, and they flew out one after another, entwining on many Wilpa star boats.

At this moment, these star boats all over the universe seem to be part of the extension of Tohsaka Chi's limbs, making the movement of the star boats as simple as wiggling a finger.

Making a random closing action, the star boats moved closer to the predatory star, intending to use group tactics to tear it into pieces.

At this moment, a gleam of light suddenly erupted from the periphery of the Predator Yuxing, and the Wilpa starship that remained outside the Predator Yuxing flew out like an arrow, hitting the starship fleet of Tohsaka Qi head-on.

Tens of thousands of bright rays of light lit up in the universe, bursting out into a scene that was even dazzling than the sun.What Predator Yuxing did at this moment was not to resist stubbornly, but to launch Xingzhou to carry out self-destruction recoil while taking advantage of its remaining strength, in an attempt to perish together.

The sound of Xingzhou's self-detonation was like firecrackers set off during the Spring Festival. into the sea of ​​fire.

"Would you rather die than give in? It's just a calculation mechanism composed of a mere collection of spiritual children. It's really disgusting to actually try to make a martyr's attitude."

A sneer appeared on Tohsaka Chi, as chilling as an ice pick hanging on the roof of the cave.There was a brilliant golden light in his eyes, and he immediately locked the core position of the predatory star blocked by the explosion smoke.

After obtaining the precise location, the Starship Fleet filed out and launched a series of dense barrage attacks aimed at the location of the predatory star, trying to blow the collection of spirits into pieces.

In the universe, it was like a splendid torrential rain, and the golden streamer was mixed with the breath of annihilation, bringing a hint of lore to the world.

Seeing that the light cannon shot by Xingzhou Zhan was about to blow the predatory star into pieces, suddenly, the surrounding space was distorted, and the rippling ripples undulated layer by layer, sucking all the barrage light cannon into it. ?

At this moment, the predatory star also launched the last wave of charges, and the predatory star, which was once wrapped by the Wilpa starship, showed its softest part for the first time.

Fragments kept falling from the periphery of Wilpa's core, finally revealing a golden octahedron.After being freed from the bondage, the core of Wilpa was like a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis and was reborn.

The oscillating space ripple appeared in the universe again, and the surface of Wilpa's core also vibrated with the same frequency, echoing it, and finally broke the space blockade set by Tohsaka Qi and escaped into the depths of the universe.

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Chapter [-] Pleasure beats down the water dog (for a reward!)

The Wilpa core is a huge collection of spiritual sons. As the core of the predatory star, almost every Wilpa star boat has one of its sub-individuals.

The collection of spirits composed of sub-individuals is of the same level as the moon spirit crystals, but their properties are quite different.

The main purpose of the moon spirit crystal is observation, and the calculation ability developed behind it is also realized after observing the formation of earth civilization.

On the other hand, the Spirit Collector focuses on calculation and destruction. It can observe, analyze, and even calculate the follow-up development of an unknown object, so as to decide whether to destroy this civilization or let it go.Comprehensive analysis, the spirit child collection body is equivalent to the moon spirit crystal with the ability to move.

Since the moon spirit crystal can evolve the ability to surpass the observation authority in the ancient times, then the predatory star that swallows a large number of civilizations is naturally better, and has already obtained similar artificial intelligence but stronger than this artificial intelligence. mode of thinking.

After strategizing for a long time, Wilpa's core calculated several seemingly feasible escape plans in a short period of time.The reason why it seems feasible is that the current Tohsaka Pact is beyond the comprehension of Wilpa's core. If it does not engage the opponent head-on, it will not be able to update the database and obtain a clear calculation result.

Tohsaka Qi has long seen that Predator Yuxing is accustomed to relying on the calculation mechanism. In this cosmic war, Tohsaka Qi was using technological power from beginning to end to mobilize the starship fleet and the floating city to launch attacks.Based on the principle that a group of people can beat you and never beat you alone, the Predator Yuxing is tightly controlled in the universe and cannot be escaped.

This almost rogue style of play and the unknown information greatly interfered with the operation of the predatory star, causing it to slowly change from an active attack at the beginning to a passive beating.

Down for a while, down for a lifetime.Since Predator Yuxing has been restricted by the layout of the Tohsaka Deed at the beginning, with its almost old-fashioned way of operation, it is naturally impossible to adapt later to achieve the situation reversal.

By the time of the last battle, Yu Xing of Predator basically had no chance of winning.There are chasing troops in front, and Yuanbanqi's space blockade in the back. In this critical situation, Wilpa's core intends to break the routine and make a dangerous move to change his life against the sky.

Even in this extreme situation, the core of Wilpa did not give up hope of survival.The self-destruction behavior on the surface is actually to conceal the true purpose of the heart. What it really wants to do is to analyze the space blockade of the Tohsaka Deed, and create a wormhole that can make a space transition, so as to get rid of the Tohsaka Deed's pursuit. kill.

In order to achieve the goal of "keep the green hills and not worry about burning wood", the core of Wilpa did not hesitate to use the body as a sacrifice, to attract the attention of Tohsaka Qi, and wait until the moment when the rules of space are revealed, and then drop the package. The composite starship armor used to play a defensive role on the outside breaks the space limitation (bbbc) and rushes to the sea of ​​stars.

After preparing for so long, the escape speed of Wilpa's core is naturally approaching the limit. Almost at the moment when Tohsaka Qi just reacted, it completed the three combos of space synchronization, space destruction, and space transition, and disappeared in the out of sight.

"Fleeing mice always think that they have multiple abilities and can escape from people's pursuit, but they don't know that their escape like this is just futile. In the face of absolute power, even if they play these clever tricks, they can't change their final outcome. "

Looking at the light that was gradually fading in the center of the universe, Tohsaka Chi's mouth curled into a sneer.He looked playfully at the direction of the spatial fluctuations, as if watching a fish trying to escape from a fish tank.

"Forget it, it's also a good choice to occasionally move your hands and feet. After all, I have prepared for today for eight million years. If you don't enjoy the excitement brought by the hunting game, it will be a waste of time. It's a waste of time, Wasting time is what fools do, and as the supreme god, I do everything right."

The gate of the kingdom of God opened again in the void, and millions of starship fleets rushed out, wandering around Yuanbanqi.As long as he gives an order, these spaceships with alien scientific research technology will follow him to fight in all directions.

"Then... let's see where the little mouse is running. Hunting is a matter of time, so you can get more pleasure!"

Standing in the holy light, Tohsaka Qi opened his arms calmly and released the power of 'mystery and unknown'.

The mystery that exists in the universe is like a vast ocean. As long as there is any disturbance on it, subtle ripples that cannot be detected by the naked eye will oscillate, and it will be sensed by Tohsaka Qi.

"Escape quickly, it's okay, I'm chasing you, if I catch you, you let me hehe."

After imagining the appearance of the Reiki Collection after being anthropomorphized, Tohsaka Qi raised his hand and rushed into the depths of the universe.

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Chapter [-] The core of the custom girl (for a reward!)

The strength of the Wilpa starship lies not only in the high integration of the body's attack and defense performance, but also in its affinity for the cosmic environment.

The predatory wandering star is an existence that is forever wandering in the universe. Except for throwing the Wilpa starship, it almost never stops.Such a unique way of traveling around, naturally, has high requirements on the overall quality of the predatory star and the Wilpa star boat that follows it.

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