Trading is an interaction based on an equal relationship, and for Yuansaka Qi, the online world is just a farmland for leeks.

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Chapter [-] Dirty routines of public opinion warfare (for a reward!)

The bustling city is as noisy as ever, and on the ravaged and interlaced highways, there are endless cars coming and going, just like the people at the bottom who work hard every day.

In this traffic jam, a red Lamborghini is particularly abrupt.

Lamborghini took a turn on the side of the road and eventually stopped in front of a new dark blue building.

Originally standing on this land were several small electronic component companies, exploited by major chaebols. These device companies were just as insignificant as the parts they produced and were manipulated at will.

The market under the monopoly of capitalism does not have much profit. The bosses of these device companies are not good business people. They should be grateful if they can keep their accounts a little profitable and not lose money.

When a strange man online offered to buy the entire company, the executives were all shocked.If it wasn't for the fact that the other party talked about the price of the acquisition company directly and didn't say some polite nonsense, the bosses would have thought that they had encountered a liar.

However, the discussion between acquisitions did not last long, and the strange man remitted the money.The straightforward attitude of giving money to this picture of "take your money and give it to me quickly" has accelerated the actions of the bosses a lot.

They weighed the amount of money they had obtained and couldn't help but chuckle.From their sad business point of view, the survival technology level of these companies is almost unable to keep up with the rhythm of the times. Although after years of operation, they have a stable trading network, but the flaws in product quality will still occur. prevent the company from continuing to grow.

It's too late to be happy to get rid of this hot potato as soon as possible.But how could they know that this strange man did not intend to continue to make electronic components from the beginning, but...

When Tohsaka Chi stepped down from the Lamborghini, a security guard trotted over and directed the car to the underground garage.A female secretary in an OL uniform has been waiting for a long time. She bowed to Tohsaka Qi and showed her salute, and then lightly moved Lianbu to lead the way.

The current company is called Argus High-Tech Manufacturing Company. Although the company was established recently, its appearance is enough to be called a feast for the electronics industry.

Looking at the whole country, and even the whole world, no one dares to assert that they can produce a product similar to that of Argus.

The main product of Argus is a new type of mobile phone chip. In this society with the rapid development of smart phones, the quality of chips has become the life of smart phones.

The chip is like the human body. If there is no good body to support the existence of the individual, then the individual cannot make a breakthrough.

Too much heat or too much power consumption has plagued chip makers for years.

The pressure brought by the combination of the increasingly thin and light design of the model and the endless needs of users is a huge black hole that cannot be satisfied by current technology.

Correspondingly, the benefits brought by the birth of the new chip are enough to make people cheer.Even a slight improvement in individual performance is enough to attract residents who have embarked on a well-off life.

And the new mobile phone chip under the name of Tohsaka Qi, the improvement brought by it is not a star and a half.When the technical level of other chip manufacturers is still taking a small step forward and developing slowly. The Argus company dashed forward and leaped all the way at the speed of the [-]-meter hurdles, reaching an astonishing level.

The private research groups of the major chaebols have secretly researched the mobile phone chips of Argus Company, and finally came to the conclusion that the technical level of these mobile phone chips is at least ten years ahead of them.

The insurmountable technological gap, even piracy cannot be done.At the moment when this explosive breakthrough mobile phone chip was just launched, Tohsaka Qi applied for a patent very presciently. Even if the chaebol sent two or five sons to Argus to steal information, he would not be able to snatch customer resources from Tohsaka Qi.

The road to becoming rich has been paved, and the only remaining obstacles are the deliberate obstruction of the chaebol bureaucrats.

Tohsaka Chi was sitting in the office, the ska black tea in his hand was smelling faintly.He clicked the mouse, and a series of pictures or video clips appeared on the computer screen.

"...So people are defeated by the problem of greed. They don't know how to go in, and they like to take things, so when they develop to the back, they only have some rubbish made by the poor, and they also With that bloated skin..."

With two taps of the finger, the files on the computer appear anonymously on major online platforms.

"With such a big scandal, the relevant departments and related chaebols should be very busy, right? It doesn't take much effort to deal with greedy people, because they are full of flaws, just move your fingers, can pierce them."

The internet is still quiet for now, but it won't be long before the documents push the chaebol-owned electronics companies to the headlines.

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Chapter [-] The moral commanding heights (for a reward!)

The calm before the storm only lasted for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

Defective products are made into smartphones, deliberately limiting the speed of chips, so that users are forced to buy products from electronic companies many times, and lithium batteries are not of adequate quality or the batteries themselves do not contain lithium components at all, thus becoming flammable.

When these scandals, which were hidden in the shadows and sucking people's blood, were all exposed, the repercussions were enough to subvert the entire electronics business circle.

After years of brewing, the resentment caused by the poor experience of mobile phones has caused many conflicts between users and electronic companies. However, due to the cumbersome appeal process or the way of pushing the ball, users have I haven't been able to get the desired feedback.

Today, the scandals about electronic companies on the Internet are not alarmist, but real hammers.The recordings and videos are all available, and there are pictures even if they are not good. Although the pixels are not high, it can be seen that this is the "conscience workshop" of a well-known company.

Standing on the highest point of morality, angry people immediately criticized the electronics companies under the chaebol and demanded compensation and apology.For a while, 420 insults and questions swept through the Internet like a tidal wave, and some people even organized to block the doors of electronic companies and demanded their due compensation.

Of the ten top search pages, nine were related to scandals in electronics companies, and the remaining one was news about celebrity derailment, which was at the bottom of the list.This shows how enthusiastic the response to this incident is and how explosive people's anger is.


In the office, Chi Tohsaka, who was sitting silently in his office chair, suddenly opened his eyes.The pale golden streamer swirled in his eyes, and soon faded away.

"When I was so busy dealing with the scandal, I didn't forget to let the researchers under my hand crack my chip. I don't know whether to describe this group of people with greed or stupidity."

Gently tapped in the air, and then the golden light released by Wilpa's core surged into the network, and climbed all the way along the network cable to the secret laboratory where the researchers were.

After about a minute, problems such as instrument failure, flickering lights, and network abnormalities occurred frequently, so that the research team that had not even figured out the progress had to give up the idea of ​​digging into Argus' mobile phone chips.

"Ignorant people always think about tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, putting on a self-righteous look, holding up that ugly posture that is not powerful, in order to gain that ridiculous sense of vanity. Crack my mobile phone chip, So they can be used in their own enterprises to eliminate the impact of the scandal, and they can also take advantage of the popularity and launch new products. These ideas look beautiful, but they can only be described as being beyond their own power.”

The mobile phone chip technology of Argus is far superior to that of chaebol electronics companies. Even if the production principle is put in front of them, with their raw material extraction capabilities and equipment problems, they may not be able to reproduce Argus' mobile phone chips. .

It's like a person who has never studied advanced numbers thinks he can solve Taylor's formula in a short time, and even give an academic speech on it.

A company that can't even plagiarize is not worthy of surpassing.Losers like this can only stay in the shadow of technological frontier companies forever (bbdc).


Two years later, and in just two years, Argus has become a household name.

In the electronic enterprise scandal, Argus did not issue any statement, and its rigorous and down-to-earth attitude in product design and development was immediately mentioned by netizens, calling it a conscientious company.

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