Kotomine Kirei respectfully asked Tokiomi.He is still very respectful to his master magician. As for whether he is filial to his teacher or a habit he has cultivated, only he knows.

"Go ahead, Atalanta can't be contacted either. I hope you don't let Assassin go too far, so as not to be unable to return to help."

Tohsaka Tokiomi said to Kotomine Kirei like this, his heroic spirit Archer has disappeared, and he can only hope that the other party will not make a surprise attack at this time.

Otherwise, I am afraid I can only use the Command Spell to force the summon.

Tohsaka Tokiomi couldn't help covering his head and thinking.

But how much an assassin can do, who knows.

On the other side, Einzbern Castle was buried in snow.

Emiya Kiritsugu carefully depicted the magic circle with enchanted mercury. He didn't want to lose his last life-saving straw like this.

"Then Kiritsugu is going to summon that Highness King Arthur?"

Irisviel covered her mouth and stroked the scabbard used to summon King Arthur.

A Noble Phantasm named Avalon.

"Although I don't know where the old guy Ubsta Kuhaid von Einzbern got this scabbard."

Emiya Kiritsugu saw that the magic circle he drew ended smoothly, he shook his head and smiled.

"But if the strength between masters is not enough to balance, let's compete with the strength of heroic spirits."

He laughed at himself, possessing the 'reputation' of the magician killer, he had no choice but to admit that he was not as good as the crown of a certain clock tower.

After all, there is an absolute power gap between them.Just like the gap between him and the Heroic Spirit.

"It doesn't matter, Kiritsugu will definitely win, after all"

Irisviel's eyes were filled with fascination and confidence in Emiya Kiritsugu.

"After all, you have such a great goal!"

Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't help shaking his head upon hearing this.

The battle-hardened he is not as naive as Irisviel. He knows that no matter how grand his wishes are, it is not an excuse for the other party to spare his life. What he needs is absolute strength.

He is now pursuing this level of strength, and for this reason he does not hesitate to beg the old man named Einzbern, although in his eyes, the old man who carried out the disgusting experiment is also one of his sure-kill targets. One is it.

"Then let's start summoning Heroic Spirits."

Emiya Kiritsugu paused for a while, then discarded the burned cigarette butt at the corner of his mouth, then stretched out his arm, starting with the magic circle and the flow of magic power.

The incantation spit out from his mouth, and the incantation that had been practiced several times was not missed.

But the next moment, when the heroic spirit appeared from the magic circle, he seemed to see his defeat in this war.

Because a beautiful girl stood there, taking the place where King Arthur should have stood.

Her beautiful white armor exudes brilliance, and her delicate face is endearing.

And a dumb hair swayed slightly in the wind generated by the magic circle.

Then, the beautiful and charming girl spoke up.

"ServantSaber answered the call."

"Are you my master?"

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Chapter [-] saber Lily (please collect!)

"Saber Lily, answer the call, if you are my master, then sign a contract!"

The pure white knight Ji looked at the man in front of her with vicissitudes. She rarely came to the world, but she had unusual expectations for this war.

Unfortunately, her master didn't think so.

Emiya Kiritsugu took out the cigarette case in his pocket with trembling hands, and lit another with his trembling hands. The hand holding the cigarette trembled uncontrollably.He finally suppressed the swear words from his mouth.

After all, even if it is a woman, as long as it is a heroic spirit, no matter how weak it is, it is much stronger than his unknown so-called magician killer.

In order to avoid being headed by the heroic spirit that he had just met, he slowly held back the indecent words on his lips.

"So you are King Arthur's daughter? Forgive my offense, could it be an illegitimate daughter? But a person without history cannot become a heroic spirit."

Immediately afterwards, Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly clapped his hands, as if thinking of something.

"Are you the Goddess of the Lake? Excuse my offense, I don't know what your real name is?"

Emiya Kiritsugu felt that things might turn around. Maybe this is the goddess of the lake who bestowed King Arthur's holy sword. If so, this Holy Grail War is not without a chance of winning.

"Master, you are really interesting. I am Lily, saberlily. People call me Arthur Arturia in the world. I am the king of Britain. Of course, I am still very incompetent."

The girl interrupted Emiya Kiritsugu's words, but she was not at all angry that Emiya Kiritsugu treated her as someone else.

But she also shattered Emiya Kiritsugu's last hope.

As the girl's voice fell, the cigarette in Emiya Kiritsugu's trembling hand fell to the icy ground. He couldn't believe it was true.

"Arthur Panda Ragon?"

With the last glimmer of hope, Emiya Kiritsugu asked.

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